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San Pedro Technological Institute: MS.


Tongue Twisters

Tongue Twisters:
Tongue Twisters:
A tutor who tooted the flute
tried to tutor two tooters to toot.
Said the two to their tutor:
"Is it harder to toot,
Or to tutor two tooters to toot?"
What noise annoys an oyster?
The noise that annoys an oyster
is a noise that knows no oyster.
Esau Wood sawed wood.
Esau Wood would saw wood with a wood saw.
Esau's wood saw would saw wood!
One day, Wood's wood saw would saw no wood,
so Wood sought a wood saw that would.
Then, Wood saw a wood saw saw wood as no
wood saw Wood ever saw wood sawed wood.
So Wood sought the wood saw that sawed wood
as no wood saw Wood ever saw ever sawed.
Now Wood saws wood with the wood saw Wood
saw saw wood as no wood saw
Wood ever saw would wood saw wood.

Mr. See owned a saw.

And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw.
Now, See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw
Before Soar saw See,
Which made Soar sore.
Had Soar seen See's saw
Before See sawed Soar's seesaw,
See's saw would not have sawed
Soar's seesaw.
So See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw.
But it was sad to see Soar so sore
just because See's saw sawed
Soar's seesaw.

She sells seashells by the seashore.

The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

A tree toad loved a she-toad

Who lived up in a tree.
He was a two-toed tree toad
But a three-toed toad was she.
The two-toed tree toad tried to win
The three-toed she-toad's heart,
For the two-toed tree toad loved the ground
That the three-toed tree toad trod.
But the two-toed tree toad tried in vain.
He couldn't please her whim.
From her tree toad bower
With her three-toed power
The she-toad vetoed him.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
And chuck as much as a woodchuck would
If a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep.

The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed
shilly-shallied south.
These sheep shouldn't sleep in a shack;
sheep should sleep in a shed.

Betty Boughter bought some butter

But she said the butter's bitter
If I put it in my batter, It will make my batter bitter
But a bit of better butter will make it better
than the bitter butter
So she bought a bit of better butter
And put it in her batter
And her batter was not bitter
So t'was Betty Boughter bought a bit if better butter and
put it in her batter and her batter was not bitter.

You've no need to light a night-light

On a light night like tonight,
For a night-light's light's a slight light,
And tonight's a night that's light.
When a night's light, like tonight's light,
It is really not quite right
To light night-lights with their slight lights
On a light night like tonight.

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San Pedro Technological Institute: MS. CELESTIAL

One day, Petes niece went to the mountain peak, picked

a deep pit, dipped herself under thick mud then jumped
unto the pitch of darkness where hill and hell meet. Her
death sounded wicked for the weak-hearted people like
Pete. Investigation revealed that Petes niece went mad
because she mills all day and skips meals. People will
surely miss her specially her feet fit for running
Out in the pasture the nature watcher watches the
catcher. While the catcher watches the pitcher who
pitches the balls. Whether the temperatures up or
whether the temperatures down, the nature watcher, the
catcher and the pitcher are always around. The pitcher
pitches, the catcher catches and the watcher watches.
Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorns and
thistles thumped and thundered threatening the three-D
thoughts of Matthew the thug although, theatrically, it
was only the thirteen-thousand thistles and thorns
through the underneath of his thigh that the thirty year
old thug thought of that morning.
Very Berry and Bubbly Ver
Berry is called Very Berry because he is considered
the best bet for a vet and brightest baseball veteran in the
big country of Belgium. Aside from spending time with
bunnies, very Berry is also fond of baseball bats and
balls. His villa has a basement with a vault full of
balls. Very Berry is fond of collecting bats in a vat. He
and his best buddy bubbly Ver bowed their vow never to
vie to buy baseball bats and balls
anymore. Very Berry and bubbly Ver did try to ban the
van selling bats and balls to boys. They shifted their
attention from buying baseball bats to bingeing on beer
so every time the banned van visits their vicinity, very
Berry and his best buddy bubbly Ver would veer away
and buy beer instead. However, very Berry and bubbly
Ver realized that beer is vile for the bodys bile
production. So, they decided to run after the banned van
and by baseball bats instead of binge on beer. Very
Berry and bubbly Ver were never happier.
Berries vary very much. said the very berry
fairy. Beware of where you pick your berries, as you
must be wary of every berry.
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Tongue Twisters

The Vile File

I put some vile bile in a file and labeled it the vile bile
I asked the secretary to work on the vile file for a while.
The Vest Fest
One should wear ones best vest for the fest. In other
words, one should wear ones best fest vest.
There was a fisherman named Fisher who fished for
some fish in a fissure. Till a fish with a grin, pulled the
fisherman in. Now theyre fishing the fissure for Fisher.
Im not a fig plucker nor a fig pluckers son, but Ill
pluck your figs till the fig plucker comes.
A proper cup of coffee is a proper coffee cup.
Petes niece love to eat seed coated with thick cheese
while she sits on a heated bench and sings with her little
string. This kid who once bit the cheek of a hot chick
because she thought she was seeing a roasted chicken
also licked the leaking faucet because she thought she
had a beak and was drinking from a river. Pete has even
seen his niece peel sleeping pills because she wanted to
use the powder.
Pippy was incorrigible. She shrieked as she stitched
sheets. Her days at the academy were full of mischief
and folly. Her speeches in the refectory made us feel
like having deep sighs or weeping or screaming or
heaping weird and eerie contortions and immediately
pleading: Pippy, please repeat, when we heard open
es so meanly treated. One day, she stood up and
declared, it grieves me so dearly to sweep the piece of
green-cheese; to greet so queerly and to sweep the street
with such unseemly zeal. Overcoming your long es
is definitely easier than reinventing the wheel.
People who pick seeds weekly seem to need to appear
deep in order to be distinguished from mere pea
pickers. Peter, a champion peak, picker though hed be
even neater if he was the deepest peak picker in Peoria,
Phoenix and New Zealand. On his peak peak-picking
week, though, Peter, a peak pickers best peak picker,
realized that he was not deep. This is not easy for a peak
picker to admit and it pitched Peter into a pit of peak
picking despair. He was pitiful for six weeks and then
lifted himself to hitherto unrevealed personal peaks.

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San Pedro Technological Institute: MS. CELESTIAL

Tongue Twisters

A fashionably tan man sat casually at the bat stand,

lashing a handful of practice bats. The manager, a
crabby old bag of bones, passed by and laughed, Youre
about average, Jack. Cant you lash faster than that?
Jack had enough, so he clambered to his feet and lashed
bats faster than the any man had ever lashed bats. As a
matter of fact, he lashed bats so fast than he seemed to
dance. The manager was aghast. Jack, youre a master
bat lasher! he gasped. Satisfied at last, Jack sat back
and never lashed another bat.


Some pundits proposed that the sun wonders
unnecessarily about sundry and assorted
conundrums. One cannot but speculate what can come
of their proposal. It wasnt enough to trouble us, but it
was done so underhandedly that hundreds of sun lovers
rushed to the defense of their beloved sun. None of
these was relevant on Monday, however, when the sun
burned up the entire country.

The throng of thermometers from the Thuringian
Thermometer folks arrived Thursday. There were a
thousand thirty-three thick thermometers, though,
instead of a thousand thirty-six thin thermometers, which
was three thermometers fewer than the thousand thirtysix we were expecting, not to mention that they were
thick ones rather than thin ones. We thoroughly thought
that we had ordered a thousand thirty-six, not a thousand
thirty-three thermometers and asked the Thuringian
Thermometer folks to reship the thermometers; thin, not
thick. They apologized for sending only a thousand
thirty-three thermometers rather than a thousand thirtysix and promised to replace the thick thermometers with
thin thermometers.

John was not sorry when the boss called off the walks in
the gardens. Obviously, to him, it was awfully hot, and
the walks were far too long. He had not thought that
walking would have caught on the way it did, and he
fought the policy from the onset. At first, he thought he
could talk it over at the law office and have it quashed,
but a small obstacle halted that thought. The top lawyers
always bought coffee at the shop across the lawn and
they didnt want to shop on Johns account. Johns
problem was not office politics, but office policy. He
resolved the problem by bombing the garden.

Stan, a sturdy surly sergeant from Cisco, Texas, who

graduated from Stanford University saw a stocky sailor
sit silently on a small seat reserved for youngsters. He
stayed for several minutes, while tots swarmed
around. Stan asked the stocky sailor to cease and desist
but he sneered in his face. Stan who was so incensed
that he considered it sufficient incentive to sock the
stocky sailor. The sailor stood there for a second,
astonished, and then strode away. Stan was perplexed,
but satisfied, and tots scampered like ants over to the
seesaw and played his favorite sports, swimming.
Sam, a surly sergeant from Cisco, Texas, saw a sailor sit
silently on a small seat reserved for youngsters. He
stayed for several minutes, while tots swarmed
around. Sam asked the sailor to cease and desist but he
sneered in his face. Sam was so incensed that he
considered it sufficient incentive to sock the sailor. The
sailor stood there for a second, astonished, and then
strolled away. Sam was satisfied and the silly tots
scampered like ants to the seesaw.

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When revising his visitors plan for a very well-paved
avenue, the VIP was advised to reveal none of his
motives. Eventually, however, the hapless visitor
discovered his knavish views and confided that it was
vital to review the plans to get there to avoid a
conflict. The VIP was not convinced and averred that he
would have it vetoed by the vice-president. This quite
vexed the visitor who then vowed to invent an
indestructible paving compound in order to avenge his
good name. The VIP found himself on the verge of a
civil war with the visitor with whom he had previously
conversed easily. It was only due to his insufferable
vanity that the inevitable division arrived as soon as it
did. Never again did the visitor converse with the vain
VIP and remained divided forever.
Perry and his Pet Paul
Perry, a fat pink fairy who lives in Fantasyland, and his
pet Paul, a pig that is frighteningly full of fur, went to
visit Perrys paternal grandfather fairy. The grandfather
fairy was praying when fat pink Perry and furry Paul
arrived. Fat pink Perry noticed a pail on a plank parallel
to grandfather fairys favorite praying position. He
pulled the pail that was full of paint but the pail fell on
grandfather fairys frayed feathery pants. Fat pink Perry
and furry Paul were full of fright when grandfather fairy

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San Pedro Technological Institute: MS. CELESTIAL

stood and pushed the pail away. Grandfather fairys face

frowned and pointed his finger towards the pale pink
pantry. The frightened fat pink Perry proceeded only to
find out that grandfather fairy was pretending to be
praying. Fat pink Perrys family were all there. Papa
Frey, fat pink Perrys father, hugged fat pink Perry and
greeted him Happy Fourth Birthday. Fat pink Perry
was no longer frightened. Fat pink Perry was so pleased
to find out that his family were there to party with him
on his fun-filled fourth birthday!
The Zen Zebra
One lazy Thursday at the zoo, I found zebras grazing on
zinnias, posing for pictures, and teasing the zookeeper,
whose nose was bronzed by the sun. The most zealous
zebras name was Zachary, but his friends call him
Zack. Zack was a confused zebra, whose zeal for reason
caused his cousins, who were naturally unreasonable, to
pause in their conversations. While they browsed, he
philosophized. As they grazed, he practiced
Zen. Because they were Zacks cousins, the zebras said
nothing, but they wished he would muzzle himself at
On a hot spot, one sunny Sunday afternoon, Ben bikes
between two big black buildings with a big blue box
behind his back. Ben stops at Starbucks, buying two
cups for his bald bad brother named Jack and saw her
sister Suzie sitting in a shoe shine shop where she sits,
she shines, where she shines, she sits.
Those three thin teenagers are wearing tiny thongs. They
took turns doing their thing in the toilet. A funny thing
happened, because four fat friends followed those three
thin teenagers. And they watched them do their thing as
they play with their things as well.
There are thousand words in a book, just look. You can
name one and have some fun. Teach me a few and Ill
thank you. Teach me none and Ill have a bad time. Im
sorry but the words just wont rhyme.
The Top Stocks
As a broad policy regarding commerce, shoppers
confidence is the start of the market. The top stocks lost
a lot of polish in the commodities market. The economy
dropped, as jobs were lost to layoffs. As we all know,
the cost of a product is a small part of its overall
cost. Although shoppers bought a lot in March, they
also borrowed a lot in August and October. Its not a
long shot; the top stocks are here to stay.
Bilbos Hope to Elope
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Tongue Twisters

Bilbo Oboe, a former hobo but now broke owner of an

ochre oak boat, sought to elope with Lolita, the daughter
of Mrs. Soho, who owns the most coats on the Gold
Coast. Lola, the older Soho, has been known to loathe
the lowly boat owner, and so upon knowing of their hope
to elope, wrote: Dear Mr. Oboe, You must know and
take note that you will never get my vote. Frankly, Id
rather that Lolita marry a cloaked goat than forever soak
in you joke of a boat of ochre oak. Loathingly yours,
Groovy Lous Good Food
Groovy Lous good food has long been the envy of fools
in a school near a zoo. Its actually soup cooked with
mashed bamboo wood. Yesterday, Groovy Lou put his
hood on a stool. He then shook the loose cookie inside
his boot and wore his cool and smooth woolen
coat. Then, he ate his food and read a book about how a
balloon could reach the moon sooner than a poor witch
on a flying broom.
The fools planned to take Groovy Lous good
food. That same afternoon, the fools mooed like cows in
the zoo. They also let a goose loose on the roof of the
school. Groove Lou took his book, stood from his nook,
left his good food and went out of the room to check out
what was happening.
The fools grabbed the chance to go in and devour groovy
Lous good food. To their surprise, it tasted like a
bloody root taken from a brook. The school laughed at
the foolish group. As punishment, the principal made
them dip their feet into a pool of goo for a good two
Peter Piper
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of
pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked
a peck of pickled peppers, where's the peck of pickled
peppers Peter Piper picked?
To sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock,
In a pestilential prison, with a life-long lock,
Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock,
From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block!
To sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock,
In a pestilential prison, with a life-long lock,
Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock,
From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block!
A dull, dark dock, a life-long lock,
A short, sharp shock, a big black block!
To sit in solemn silence in a pestilential prison,
And awaiting the sensation
From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block!

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