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| Go I d Stars ue Bat Re Ready ye. 0 0 ie a S56 Pa ae (aA ran) All about me Labels Middle vowel sounds Odd one out Yes or no? Writing labels The alphabet Consonant blends Quick quiz Read and draw The Enormous Turnip How does it end? Alphabetical order Little words Find the right word Making sentences 8 | Alphabetical order Days of the week Find your way Telephone numbers Animal dictionary Reading an index Making word banks Words and sentences Find the rhymes Answers Write in the missing words. MU names BaGoe Ee Fo lam years old. I live at My school is called My favourite animal is F My favourite sport is AO ® Draw yourself in the box. Read the words and draw a line to the right part. Use the vowels a, e, i, © or U to complete the words below. Cross out the picture in each row that does not belong. Yes or no¢ Look at the picture. Read the sentences and write yes or no next to each one. The teacher is under the table. The girl is reading a book. The boy is painting the door. The teacher is looking at the girl. The cat is reading a book. The boy has got a brush. The hamster is on its cage. oie for poreni: This ecivty haps your child Begin to understand simple comprehension, looking fer picture and word clues to help them find their answers 11 Writing labels 3 Read these words: car tree man ball boy girl Now choose a word to write in each box, to label the picture. with reading words ond als This aclvly gives practice ci f Note placing them inthe corect context Write in the missing letters. Some are capital letters and some are lower-case ones. Draw your own pictures in the empty squares. c Silas. “eo 4a Fill in the missing letters. Look at the first picture in each row. Tick the other pictures in the same row that start in the same way. Join each sound to a picture. Say the picture names out loud to help you. Read and draw Read the sentences and finish the picture. Draw a tree by the river. Draw a boat going under the bridge. Draw a duck on the river. Draw a car going over the bridge. Draw a sun up in the sky. Note for parent This ecivily helps childn fo learn postional word such as by, under, on, over and up. 17 The Enormous Turnip : Look at the pictures. Read the sentences. Match each sentence to the correct picture. Everyone fell over and the turnip came out. __ The farmer saw an enormous turnip. a. Everyone tried to pull up the turnip. Fi The farmer tried to pull up the turnip. es Nie f6r parent This activity gives your child’ practice in sequencing end making sense of o simole story. Look at each row of pictures. Tell the story but choose the ending that you like the best. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Write the beginning sound of each picture. Then put the three letters in each row in alphabetical order. Little wae: : Find each little word in one of the big words and then join them with a line. OO®OOO®O® © How many of the little words can you read? Note for parent: Your child will use these smoller words regularly so it's good to practise reading them, ' sun bed boy ball girl tree Choose one of these words to write in each sentence. aS i >” A little girl put on her dress. was hot. to go to sleep. od can see a bird's nest in the i Ay A little put on his football boots. Dad kicked the These sentences are all muddled. Write them in the right order and then finish each one with a full stop . or a question mark ? is time What the fruit | to like eat do go school When | to car going The was fast up Who the with went Jill hill on lap The likes sit to my cat How many capital letters can you count? Look at the names and then write them in the register in the correct order. Remember to use capital letters. Class Register Days of the week Look at the pictures. Read the questions and then write the correct day. Remember the capital letters. When does Clare go trampolining? When does Clare watch television? When does Jack go to the library? When does Clare go shopping? When does Jack wash the car? When does Clare take the dog out? When does Jack play football? Nols for pave This aclvly helps your child use her comprehension skis os wall as learn o wl the days of he week Find your way Read these instructions. Draw the correct way from the house to the school. Start at x. Walk down the path and turn out of the gate. Turn right after the trees. Walk along the path to the traffic lights. Go over the zebra crossing. Turn right and then turn left into School Road. Go past the fence and turn left through the school gate. Note for parent: This activity helps your child fo understand ond follow instructions Use this telephone directory to answer the questions at the bottom of the page. Mr Anderson 9802 | Mr Mead 9980 Mr Caswell 9146 | Miss Palmer 9544 Mrs Depster 9829 | Mr Shah 9827 Miss Heelan 9026 | Mrs Todd 9412 Ms Kamara 9530 | Ms Walker 9361 What is Mr Shah's number? What is Miss Heelan’s number? What is Mr Caswell’s number? What is Miss Palmer's number? Whose number is 9361? Whose number is 9802? Whose number is 9412? Whose number is 9829? Do you know your own telephone number at home? atch each word to the correct meaning. aw a line to join them. >hant A large animal that can jump very well. It carries its young in a pouch. It comes from Australia. igaroo A small animal with long arms and feet that it uses like hands. It lives in inkeu jungles. A large animal with a long trunk and ivory tusks. It lives in Africa and Asia. An animal like a horse with black and white stripes. It lives in Africa. A black and white animal like a bear. It lives in China. Use the index below to answer the questions at the bottom of the page. Apes Kangaroos Bears Monkeys Chimpanzees Penguins Crocodiles Sharks Dolphins Turtles Giraffes Whales Page 18 is about Page 28 is about Page 16 is about Page 8 is about Page 12 is about Apes are on page Sharks are on page Kangaroos are on page Giraffes are on page Chimpanzees are on page Which page would you like to read? Why? rite the words in the correct lists. Things | see on wheels ings | eat sandwich bicycle ] : | i> e train — Write the words in the correct lists. Things | use in | Things | use in the kitchen the garden Co pon sy Ul watering can —U a food processor Note for parent: Word banks ore usefillfor Your child’to keep and use for independent wring. ake two more words by adding one letter. ball all all Write a sentence with each of the two words you have made. Now do the same again with these words. Colour in blue the words that rhyme with take. A Colour in green the words that rhyme with ball. A Colour in red the words that rhyme with shell. AB Colour in yellow the words that rhyme with pin. A Phonics Helping your child ‘YW The activities in this book will help your child to learn about Phonics, Pictures provide hints and clues to support their reading. ‘Y Your child will gain the confidence to: hear and identify letter sounds at the start, the middle and the end of words, choose and write letter sounds, write words independently, read instructions and write answers. W Your child will learn about: punctuation, questions, alphabetical order and capital letters. W Set aside time to do the activities together. Do a little at a time so that your child enjoys learning. W Give lots of encouragement and praise. Use the gold stars as rewards and incentives. W The answers are on page 125. letter soundsatoz 36 Hidden words 52 Missing letters a to z 38 Describing 53 Word endings 40 Last sounds in words 54 Consonant blends 41 Read and spot 55 Middle sounds 42 Find the animal 56 Bedroom words 43 More than one 57 Searching for words 44 Sorting 58 Quick quiz 45 Quick quiz 59 Making new words = 46 Make a word 60 Little words 47 Word pairs 61 | Match the words A8 Adding the letter e 62 Completing words 49 Groups of words 63 Alphabetical order 50 Crossword puzzle 51. Answers 125 /rite in the missing letters of the alphabet. raw in the missing pictures. ‘actise saying each word and letter sound. af) [+] || is for apple. B is for ball. C is for cat. is for duck. E is for elephant. _ F is for fish. > is for gate. H is for hat. lis for igloo. J J is for jar. Lis for ladybird. Pis for pig. | Q goes with U. Queen! R is for rocket. S is for sun. T is for tent. U is for umbrella. V is for violin. W is for watch. —-X is for xray. ' [ |m) (2 _| Y is for yellow. Z is for zebra. the rollercoa letters on Write in the missin Word endings Draw lines to join the words that have the same endings. “0 ©. ‘4 snail balloon nail A AO ‘Note for parent: Encourage your child to say each word and underline the maiching word endings. Consonant blends Write over the beginning sound in each word. Now choose a sound to write at the ca of these words. OQ ah & ao 0 O _ower TT. "Note for parent: Tis cctivity helps children to begin to recognize consonant blends ond how to use them draw a circle around the correct middle sounds. Can you spot these things in the big picture? Draw a line to join each word to the right object. br — brush fl - flowers sc—scarf bl-blankets cr- crayons tr — triangle dr - drum gl - glove cl - clock ‘ead the words in the boxes. Then find them in he big words. Draw a circle around each one rou find. The first one has been done for you. Sf sheet cup spoon yy telephone \ fork shed a QQ Quick quiz Fill in the missing letters and pictures. You can choose your own pictures. al@ b a d eee > Choose one of these beginning sounds to complete the words in the boxes. Note for parent: This is a revision of some of the lecrning covered so far. rite the new words you make. ange the b in bat ” to make c_ _ ange the f in fox Uae. to make b_ _ ange the j in jar to make c_ _ ange the d in dog oe to make l_ _ low draw a picture of each new word and write 1em in the boxes below. ook at the pictures and say the words. draw lines to join two pictures that begin in he same way. Choose one of these double sounds to complete the words below. fr sl sp cl tr tw | Look at the pictures and write the words. | The words in the box will help you. globe bread frog flag grapes blue plug | Look through your book and find other words that begin in the same way. Hidden words tind a word inside each scarf. Write the words in the spaces. The first one has been done for you. Note for parent: Focus on the first letter sound when looking for each hidden word, What are these sentences describing? Choose a word to write at the end of each one. shorts sheep shark shoes ship shell 1. This sails across the sea. ss 2. You find this on a farm. 3. You wear these on your feet. 4. This fish has very sharp teeth. 5. You find this on the beach. 6. You wear these in the summer. Last sounds in words Say the name of each picture. Write the last letter iound at the end of each word. = god tc) Note for parent: Children need to listen carefully to identify last letters. Read and spot Tick each box as you spot these things in the picture. Find two things that begin with ch. el Find two things that begin with tr. | Find two things that begin with str. [_| Find two things that begin with sw. [_] Find two things that begin with dr. [_] Find two things that begin with cr. O Note for parent: As well as reading, your child is learning about consonant blends | ch, tr, st, sw, de and er, 55 Zolour in brown all the words beginning with br. Zolour in red all the words beginning with dr. Zolour in yellow all the words beginning with st. Colour in green all the words beginning with gl. Colour in blue all the words beginning with sk. Colour in purple all the words beginning with tr. sticks Which animal can you see? You add the letter s when there is more than one. Write the whole words in the spaces. Draw each picture in the correct box. crocodile spoon What are these sentences describing? Choose a word to write at the end of each one. sheep shell s 1, This sails across the sea. _ _ 2. You find this on a farm. 3. You find this on the beach. Add the letter s when there is more than one. Write the whole words in the spaces. Choose a beginning to write at the start of each word. Say each picture name out loud before you start. Write the last sound in each word. Choose from this list. Draw a line to join the words that have the same ending. Add the letter e to the end of each word to make a new word. Write the new word and draw a picture of it. cub ~ Some words belong together. Write these words into the correct group. animals Maths Helping your child ‘The activities in this book will help your child to learn about maths. Pictures provide hints and clues to support your child’s understanding. ‘Your child will gain the confidence to: count to 20, add and take away, identify a range of 2D and 3D shapes, begin to tell the time and order, group and measure objects. “Your child will learn about: numbers, shapes, halves, sets and pairs. “Set aside time to do the activities together. Do a little at a time so that your child enjoys learning. * Give lots of encouragement and praise. Use the gold stars as rewards and incentives. ‘The answers are on page 126. Numbers and counting 66 Counting 68 Starting to add 70 Starting to take away Flat shapes Sets and pairs Looking at shapes Matching shapes Solid shapes Quick quiz All about halves Adding Taking away Time Measuring Quick quiz Counting to 20 Join the dots Counting on and back 92 Answers 126 Write the numbers. Join each picture to the right number. Join each number fo the right word. ‘Note for parent: Help skin six your child fo work with Humber by saying a number and less. them what number is one more/es: 67 Counting Count the spots on each dog. Write the number in the box. Join the frogs that have the same number of spots. gat a®* ee Bi Note for parent: This activity gives practice in using counting skills in different ways. Each frog needs 10 spots. Draw in the missing spots. Join the pairs of dogs. Each pair must have a total of 10 spots. Note for parent: Help your child to write down all the pairs of numbers that add up to 10. 69 Write in the missing numbers. re and make LE] altogether nde. uh BS en faa Write the missing numbers. ager oe CG)-@] LGB) Ee Bla el*ts)= 0 Dino the dinosaur eats 2 of everything he sees. ., Cross out how many pieces of food Dino eats. * Write how many are left after Dino has eaten. [__|take away 2 leaves BA How many fish has Charlie the cat eaten from each bowl? Join each START bow! to the correct FINISH bowl. ake away 2 -*) =)... away | @ == take away 2 ~~) take away 6 | j Cross the odd one out in each ring. ama 56 Tick all the shapes that are the same in each row. ( squares Draw a line to join the shapes that match. ., le yo e 6 | P| 7 ‘" E e J e | i Some of these foods are whole and some have been cut up into pieces. Join each whole to a cutup piece. colour green Oo oO Da ge 2 ° © 5 3 °° 3 3 Sp) o 2 = > 2 3° vo Me 2 a a = 3 °° U , a 3S ao S = a D = == 2 3G € © = 5 2 ° oO Solid shapes Join each set of shapes to its name. as Y Go & spheres & Ga GS cubes © © @ @ cuboids Join the shapes that match. Note foc parent Ask your il io find examples of those soil shapes around the home, Ask them to recall the shope names as they become familiar fo your child. a3) add on 3 (Hae) on 6 ——. Join each START group to the | START correct FINISH grou g ei take away 3 ) take away 2 Colour half of each shape. Draw the missing half of each shape. Join the complete shape to its name. Colour half of the items in | each container. Some marbles are put into two bags. Put a tick (W) if the sharing is fair. Put a cross (X) if the sharing is not fair. [> for parent) Encourage your chidlio predise sharing realife objec eval. Suse ‘and coins ofthe same value are good examples to use, Draw in the extra crayons. Write the total number of crayons. fi lege ladd 4 Perec A 6. |e There should be 10 cherries on each plate. Draw the missing cherries. Lire ae Cah aanadaa— Use the number track to help you. Write how many beads are on each necklace. | Taking away Cross off the animals to be taken away. Write how many are left. OR To. 4 take away 2 8 take away 5 Only 3 rockets are needed. Cross off the ones that have to be taken away. Write the answer. 'Note for parents Your child may need to use the number track on page 85 to complete ese subtractions. Use the number track fo help you answer the subtractions. @s ¢ Join the stars that have the same answer. A Write in the missing numbers on the clock. o'clock Look at the times. Draw in the missing hands. half-past 3 half-past 12 half-past 8 Write the times under each clock. half-past —__ N p half-past half-past Draw a bigger flower. Draw a longer worm. Draw a taller rocket. Draw a shorter lamp post loin up the pictures in order of size. Start with the smallest. Z )) rite in the missing numbers. gin each word to a number. 2) eleven | twenty (as) "eee sixteen twelve | thirteen (17) (14) fifteen Ere) ) Join the dots in order. Can you name the mystery animals? 3 wy v7 S& i a a ee Counting on and back Jse the number track to help you count on. oin each monster to its correct answer on the track. 123456784910 Il 12 13 14 15 16 I7 18 19 20 OG CBE Note a aa a EE ER] parent: This activity will help your child to use o number track lo aunt on and back Encourage your child fo count on in wos and fives along the number tra Use the number track to help you / count back. Join each spaceship to \ its correct answer on the track. Adding and taking away Helping your child The activities in this book will help your child to learn about adding and taking away. Pictures provide hints and clues to support your child's calculations. Your child will gain the confidence to: read, write and identify numbers to 20, use a number line to count on and. back, add and take away one-digit numbers to and from each other, understand the +, — and = symbols and calculate the value of an unknown number within a number sentence. Your child will learn about: numbers to 20, adding and subtracting bonds, counting, comparing and differences. Set aside time to do the activities together. Do a litle at a time so that your child enjoys learning. Give lots of encouragement and praise. a Use the gold stars as rewards and incentives. The answers are on page 127. Numbers to 10 Counting Comparing Putting together How many are left? Finding differences Number machines Quick quiz Numbers to 20 Adding Taking away Counting on Counting back Addition bonds Subtraction bonds Quick quiz Addition practice Subtraction practice Answers 114 116 118 119 120 122 = ‘race the numbers. Join each kite to the right number. oin each number to the right group of pictures at the »ottom of each page. Ieewy TAGEE 2 ta, = @ ab ahs rB Counting Zount the objects in the big picture. Nrite the correct number in each box. Note for parent: To help find the totels, your child con mark each object as they count. Colour most spaceships red. Colour the rest of the spaceships blue. Write the numbers in the boxes. | red spaceships = |__| blue spaceships red spaceships blue spaceships spaceships altogether red spaceships |_| blue spaceships g sane red spaceships ~ blue spaceships spaceships altogether Note fr parent: Your child ean choose the number Gf spaceships fo colour red, bul there most be ee blue ones eal ee S29 (0s. Sa Din 7999 VO) Osea (og eo... Count the spots on each monster. How many spots are there altogether? fe and coe make [altogether and A make [__|altogether and Pl make [ | altogether How many are left? cross out two in each set. js how many are left. ie || Re 5 |take away | 2 [6 |take away [2] | | leaves aacaves s|_| soacitne ee 8 | take away | 2 (& take away | 2 | away [2| leaves ome birds are flying away. low many are left on the branch? qQ | take away | 3 | leaves ‘Note for parent: This activity will help your child begin to understand the idea of taking away {subtracting}. a es Finding differences 4 How many more children are there than chairs? difference >| | [_| children ica] chairs difference>|_ | Note for parent: Finding he diferenee is he same os counting up from the smaller number fo the larger one, | Number machines veets go into these adding machines. ‘rite how many come out of each machine. (7 No fo poten Etbtrage your cid fo cont on hears NS ea © for ding, and fo count bock for aking away. — Drinks go into these take-away machines. Write how many come out of each machine. (ey cme _¢ take away 4 Jouy ie ‘Bue in ount each set. Write how many there are altogether. 100000 |= altogether 2 @ ] cakes altogether count the spots on ach monster. low many are rere altogether? il and rg make |_| altogether ‘ross out two in each set. Write how many are left. ee take away | 2 leaves lead Numbers to 20 Join each word to a number. @® eleven 15 fourteen twelve @ nineteen (4) fifteen Complete the number table. twenty sixteen @ Group the numbers by their colour circles above. eighteen seventeen thirteen 'Note for parent: Solving problems using tables and soring numbers using diferent criteria for grouping them ore impertant maths skis for your child a his age ‘aw the extra balloons in each row. rite the correct totals. Oe 2add 3 Jaea= GO ..... peel \o#?..... ees Vrite how many there are altogether. Write how many coloured pencils there are altogether. Taking away wo children get out of each of these trains. Stake away 2is | | Br=2 Sale cross out some flags. Write how many are left. V Vv VW Draw how many balls come out of the machines. Write the totals in the red boxes. ea () Je Counting on Use the number track to count on. Show the jumps and write the answer. The first one has been done for you. Note for parent! This activity iniroduces adding to Iwe-digit numbers! Eneourage your child to count on’ in twos and fiyes along each number track Join each rocket to the correct answer on the number track. 3 eee i Jse the number track to count back. Show the jumps ind write the answer. rn Ee COSHRPS® ber Ee S c Go o & 9 o o = 4 = 2 ° OC S o = a c S < o 5 o 3 ° = = << g 5 E 2 & 9 2 o a E 5 2 o = < \ake these totals in different ways. Draw a line from each flower to the pot with What can you see if you colour all the shapes with a total of 10? a N nd different ways of making 1 and - Posh eee 5 « N N XX 5} ad different ways to make the answer of | | Join the sums to the correct totals, Vrite the answers in the boxes. Use the number ack to help you. 44+3=[_] 6+2=[] s+s-[ ] a+i=[_] 7+2=L] 3+s-[ ] 2+4=[ ] «4+4=] o6+3-[] e top can is the total of the two cans below. ‘rite the missing numbers. The first one has been one for you. Write the missing 3. Follow these trails to reach 10. Write the missing totals. +2 +1 ‘rite the answers in the boxes. Use the imber track to help you. 6-4 = 7-3 = 5-15 gs] sal'] 9o-< bal w-5=[_] 7-4=_] s-3[ | slour the uares that ve an swer of 4. hat can u see? Write the missing numbers. @.:-: Av @-:-: s- @®-? »-@- o- BB om. Draw a line to join each pair of stars with the same answer. 4, pig, sock, jet, duck, 1g ih, igh, men. 1 log ns my, ji "bus lips. o 200k; row: : tree; row 3: ‘4: house; row 5: bicycle. 1 cher is under the at the girl - yes: i 1g a book ~ no: has got a brush — yes: aster is on its cage — no. 4 ‘idge, crown, black; 3t, spoon, spanner; slamp, star; Sears, oncuaen: 1, switch, swing. 6 yn, dr = drum, sn = snail; >, gf — grapes; ler, st = star, sw ~ swan, 8 2 fell over and the turnip iD ler saw an enormous v Page 27 9827, 9026, 9146, 9544. Ms Walker, Mr Anderson, Mrs Todd, Mrs Dopster. Everyane ried ay pall op the turnip. © {he farmer tried to pull up the umnip. B Page 20 all, dog, cat; b, ¢, jouse, fish, girl; f, 9, h. Tadybird, moon, key: k, |, m. rabbit, queen, parachute; p,q, r. umbrella, seesaw, television; §, |, u Page 28 ‘elephant: A large animal with Tong trunk and ivory tusks. It lives in Africa and Asia. kangaroo: A large animal that can jump very well. It carries its young in a pouch. it comes from Australia. monkey: A small animal with long ‘arms ond feet that it uses like hands. It lives in jungles. xanda: A black and white animal like a bear. It lives in China. zebra: An animal like a horse with black and white stripes. It lives in Africa! Page 21 or — fork, us - bus, an ~ man; all — ball, am — lamb, in - twins; ot — bat. Page 22 A litle giel put on her dress. The sun was hot. \like getting into my bed to go to sloop. I can see a bird’s nest in the tree. Dad kicked the ball. A little boy put on his football boots. Page 29 giraffes, penguins, whales, bears, turtles. 10, 4, 20, 18, 14. Page 30 Page 23 What is the time? Things | eat: apple, banana, egg, [ike to eat fruit. grapes, sandwich. When do I go fo school? Things | see on wheels: bicycle, The car was going fast. bus, car, train, van. Who went up the hill with Jlle The cat likes to sit on my lap. Page 31 Things | use in the kitchen: food processor, frying pan, knife, pan, spoon. Things | use in the garden: fork, lawnmower, spade, watering can, wheelbarrow. There are 8 capital letters. Page 24 Alison, Imran, Isabella, Jamilla, ‘Meena, Oscar, Samuel, William. Page 25 Wednesday, Saturday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Tu I, ‘Monday. Pages 36-37 The missing leters are: ohalaru xy. Page 38 The missing letters are: b,c, @, g,h, j,k, m. Page 39 The missing laters are: 0, TS, U, X,Y Page 40 boll/wall, balloon/moon, bee/ tree, nail/snail, carot/parrot. Page 41 flog, clown, dragon, ss00n. clock, grapes, flower, drum. Page 42 The correct middle sounds are: hat, sun, mop, nel, pig, cup, van, OK, sik Page 44 toothbrush, shed, telephone, fork, cup, spoon, sheet, man. Page 45 The missing laters are: ¢ and f dragon, clown, spoon. Page 46 bat - cat, fox - box, jar - car, dog ~ log, Page 47 butterfly ~ but, butter, fy, utr; heart - art, ecr, he, hear; window ~ do, in, win, wind: snail ~ cil, nail; hand ~ an, and; coterpillar ot, ate, cat, cater, il, pil, pir. Page 48 bridge/brick,skeleton/sker, dragon/dress, grass/grapes, clown/cloud. Page 49 clock, slide, train, spider, twins, Page 50 fish, egg, duck ~ d, e, f; igloo, horse, goat - 9, h, i; key, lemon, jellyfish - j,k, |; ‘utse, orange, moon m,n, 0. Page 51 i EI (led = Teste Page 52 bus, pig, bee, cup, sun, cop. Page 53 1. ship, 2. sheep, 3. shoes, 4. shark, 5. shel, 6. shorts. Page 54 bus, dog, bel, drum, crab, fork, cup, ten. Page 55 Possible answers are: cherries/ chocolate, irain/tractor, straws/ strawberries, swan/switch, drum/_ drawing, crocodile/erayons, The onimal is a dinosaur. Page 57 ducks, pigs, cows, farmers, col, Page 58 sn: snail/snow/snake;