Review On Italo Svevo's Zeno Conscience

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Zenos Conscience is a novel published in 1923, written by Italo Svevo. The book is the fictional
autobiography of Zeno Cosini, the main character. Zeno is a rich Italian salesman who relates
his life with a therapeutic aimhe is following a psychoanalytic therapy. The book is divided in
long chapters, each one of them has a different topic (Zenos marriage, Zenos cigarettes
addiction, etc.). It includes a brief introduction, in which Zenos doctor introduces the diary
that the reader is going to read, and a final entry, where Zeno exposes his conclusions about
The book was written in 1923, and takes place mainly at the end of XIX century. But his current
value is huge. A contemporary reader can enjoy this amazing novel and identify with the
different characters. Its almost a treatise about human nature: how Zeno deals with life, with
his relationship with his father, how he deals with love or death. Even today we can
understand Zeno, his decisions and his thought. Zeno copies his mind on a piece of paper and
we are able to see what and how he thinks. This novel accomplishes one of the main objectives
of literature: to have sympathy for the Other.
This masterpiece has also an unattended and masterful end. All the previous writing acquires a
new shine, new nuances when we achieve the end of the novel. Thats always an advantage
when we read a book: a new perspective when we think the story is over. The end of this book
is not only a very mature reflection made by Zeno, but also a prophetic one.
To conclude, Zenos Conscience collects all the characteristics that a classic should have.
Reading it is like entering in the mind of an unknown and very intelligent man, who will give us
his own original vision of life. Everyone can enjoy this wonderful experience, which will not
disappoint any attentive and sensitive reader.

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