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Week Twenty-Five

February 26th, 2016


a weekly look into the lives of the students of B116

Important Dates
3-2 TNReady ELA Part 1
3-3 TNReady ELA Part 2
3-4 TNReady Math
3-7 Social Studies

Weekly Objectives
Vocabulary - Figurative
Reading - Multiple Accounts
Grammar - Conjunctions,
Prepositions, and Interjections
Writing - Informative

Important Message
No School on Tuesday!

Weekly Reminders
Reading Logs due on Thursday
Agenda Books signed Nightly
Friday Folders due Monday
Reading Homework - Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday Night

We finally had a full week of school for week 26, and

it was much needed. The students started the week
reviewing figurative language such as similes,
metaphors, and idioms. In grammar, they started
their review with conjunctions, prepositions, and
interjections. The week wasnt just review with an
in-depth look at multiple accounts to a viewpoint in
reading. The students also got new topics for our
song writing grant. Check them out on their blogs!
Speaking of the grant, we got a special visit from
Dr. Odom who had nothing but great things to say
about our grant work. That wasnt the only visitor
as our school was flooded by dads due to our annual
Dads and Donuts event on Thursday. To end the
week, we got a tropical presentation from the
University of Tennessee steel drum band.

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