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Energy project: Ms.

Stubers class

Background info: The US depends on nonrenewable energy but because the

human population is growing so rapidly and therefore demanding more
energy, we face the eventual depletion of this resource. But when? It all
depends on how quickly and on how much we use energy. If all energy was
renewable, we wouldnt have a problem.there would always be energy.

Your assignment: You are to research both nonrenewable and renewable

energy sources. What are they? What are their forms? Are new types of
renewable energy being developed? Is there a predicted date when
nonrenewable energy will run out? What types of things can we do to stop
this from happening? These are a sample of the types of questions I want
you to research.
For this part of the assignment you may make a power point presentation,
write a 5 paragraph paper, a fold out board, or make a movie. You must
cover nonrenewable and renewable energy sources. You must have at least 2
sources and they must be listed on your project.

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