Love On The Pine

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a journey to loves land on the pine

Adelere Adesina

Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

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Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

CONTENTS .............................................................. iv
DEDICATION ......................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................... vii
PREFACE ................................................................. ix
Part One ............................................................... 11
Love on the Pine ............................................... 12
The Beginning ................................................. 14
Sight................................................................... 16
Awareness .......................................................... 17
A New Bud ......................................................... 19
Spheres ............................................................... 20
You Did .............................................................. 22
Thou Enchantress............................................. 24
Part Two ............................................................... 25
Mirage ............................................................... 26
Northy Southy ................................................... 27
Extinction ......................................................... 28
The Loner .......................................................... 30
The Wailing Night ........................................... 32
The Unseen ........................................................ 34

Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
Love's Gony ........................................................ 36

Secret Tears ....................................................... 38

Part Three ............................................................ 39
Spring ................................................................ 40
Clouds Disornamented ................................... 41
Love in Them .................................................... 43
What about? ..................................................... 45
TO THE READER WHO HAS READ ....................... 46

Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

To the only sun that lights my life, the only
moon that beautifies my night; the only fruit
on my tree, the only flower on my plant, the
to my Adedotun Adewuni.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

My ultimate gratitude goes to God, the Most
High. What am I but the wind He blew: to
appear today and vanish tomorrow? I cannot
thank Him enough for His mercy and grace. I
must then thank all brothers and sisters in
the church of God here in Nigeria and in
every part of the world for their generosity,
candour, care and love.
I thank my family for their support. They are
wonderful: my parents, Adesola and Abigail,
for sending me to school when they could
have abandoned me, and giving me their
best: time, money, care, love, etc.; my sisters,
Adejoke, Adeola, Adeseun and Kemi, for their
love and care; my brother, Lautaro, for his
irreplaceable love; and, my mum, sweetest
Elida, for her undying love, too. Without you
all, I do not know where I would be today, in
the grave, on a sickbed or even worse. I love
you all.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
I have not words big enough to appreciate
poet friends and writers who have taught me
one or two things. Many thanks especially to
Mr Eze OStar, who assisted me in publishing
and is helpful in many other things, Ms
Morgan Irena, Mr Idowu Joshua, Mr
Ogunniyi Abayomi and the rest, such
wonderful poets whose writing is deep,
passionate and tremendously influencing.
My appreciation will be incomplete if I fail to
mention my good teacher, Mr Ojewole
Olumide (aka Okonta), for his relentlessness
and resourcefulness. He is most appreciated,
who slaked my thirst for books.
Infinite thanks to my Faith. She is the clay
used to mould my heart, the song of my wind,
the passion of my piano, the value of my
existence, Gods blessing for my life on earth.
My appreciation for you goes beyond words
into a service eternity cannot repay.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Love on the Pine is a poetry book that centres
on love. It consists of twenty poems that vary
in immediate message, but attempt to put
forward the meaning of love. These twenty
poems are divided into three major parts
according to the order by which they are
written and are delivered. Love on the Pine is
heavily written in a simple style.
We are all thrilled by that word, love. Some of
us are dying to hear it time and again. Yet,
some of us do not know how we fall in love.
Nor can we say when we do. We just realize
that on the morning of a day, we are in love
with someone somewhere. That is the
language of love, unspoken but loudly heard.
Many writers have tried their best to express
what love is. We have all filled the cups of all
virtues, but are not ever going to fill that of
love, though the smallest of all cups. In the
course of describing, we are swayed away by


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
the tides of emotions. Love remains true, but
as crude as undefined. What heart has not
known love? What mind has not seen love? We
lose, at times, the excitement in tragedy, too
much or too less. We lose, at other times, the
tragedy in rapture, too much or too less. For
the poet, love is too heavy a word to define,
but too light a word not to say.
Love on the Pine is rather a book that
discloses my love life to the reader only. The
order of the poems are just exactly as love
turned my life, and each stage of
metamorphosis is documented in poetry. I
hope the details are understood and the
lessons comprehended. I know this of love:
Its home is the pine
and on decaying pulps
is its eternal life,
that which never dies.
Adelere Adesina

Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Part One


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Love on the Pine

Honesty is on the billboard;
justice is the judge in the court;
loyalty is the banner of stewardship:
virtues are ascribed their lifestyles.
In truth is stark bitterness;
in joy is potential unhappiness;
in endurance is immense pains,
as the light and fire from the sun march.
Their tales live and die and regenerate;
faithfulness in friendship,
fidelity in marriage,
transparency in business.
This is the only different,
the carrier of them all,
tho' they grow in the light,
it emerges from the darkest.
Its home is the pine
and on decaying pulps
is its eternal life,
that which never dies.
The writers have written


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
volumes of overflows
on the virtues of comfort;
but none has filled this cup.
Nor could my pouring fill
for so little that I am,
I could tame truth and justice,
but not love, the untamed.
Love is the life of all beings
and the source of life,
eternal than the sun
brighter than all stars.
Who could scribe its sweetness in a breath
and not pen its bitterness in the same?
For that is love:
a life coin of all faces.
Love is on the pine,
and I will engrave more
for you to know the dance of moonlit
travellers in imperfectly obscure perfection.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

The Beginning
The dew of morning has dewed
but not as the solemn days of rapture,
when not one could take notice
of the seasons and time,
save how to wake early for trade
and rest at night as tho' restless.
The sunlight set on the earth its light
as it rose on the east of our affection:
the east, the beginning of all passions,
the origin of daylight and day love.
The rays of love hit us,
enter'd the bare souls and unity...
Then came perfection
as much of affection;
it was to them affectation,
us the immaculate admiration.
love usurped our sedimentation
and there was only perfection.
The beginning was this:
love a single eye to two souls
gave that they see bliss
all in one and sole togetherness
and two worlds fused being helpless


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
to create a new Milky Way of gladsomeness.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

On the day we met,
with roses that fet'
and rain that wet
the land of heart,
we became set
heat'd, iron me't
and we are let
to be a dart
of bliss and yet
blind as net
to see a set
o' ourselves' heart.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

The first drop of love,
as noticeable as a drop
of water sought in the ocean,
was the last drop of the dew
on the morn of our meet.
In the blood of two doveys,
who were lovey,
the exceptional fog arouse
clouding was that blood,
made us unable
to know ourselves,
we knew each other.
Your love used all her softness
to bind my very rocky heart,
o, so rocky that it crushed
the mountains of infatuations
of lasses of darkly nights.
Your heart visited my heart
and feasted and dined on my soul
till the least of me was in your heart;
I knew overnight where my heart was
and you knew in the day
what your heart had eaten
that made her so robust and alluring.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
This time
we walked
a path
of life,
sweet love,
we left
our selves
and found
each other
and that
was love.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

A New Bud
On the solemn bliss
of an illusory kiss,
was the emergence
of a new bud
on life's thud.
'Tis my first time
to so love, to mime
and did to learn
of the love's path
and heart's wreath.
On this life's tree
was the bud free,
the bud of love
of a self's less
and a pain's less.
The bud did flower?
The tree did cower,
for love quaked earth.
To heaven ask tell,
it was a bell.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

I was away from the lithosphere
even in the heart's core
till your endearment the biosphere
led me, made me be to the fore,
even the very attention of love's lore.
The gases entangled in the atmosphere
of the biosphere, I saw
are absolute embracement o' no fear,
life bore the shaw'
that my infant heart rear'.
In the breathable troposphere,
I used your heart, tore,
to beat and breath, the seer
told me to live in the core
till of only stratosphere.
You were still up in the solar-sphere,
I reached for the jaw
of the infinite light, but ionosphere
stopped me, yet love's radiated more
into the most cranny of the earthosphere.
Till now is you up there, o, solarsphere;
that I am down to look the door


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
of the most blessings in man's sphere,
the fairest of all, like I saw
love glittery than gold in your heartisphere.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

You Did
When my thoughts
're in my tongue,
you did hear.
When my sight
's in my ears,
you did see.
When my speech
's in my touch,
you did hear.
When my feelings
's in my heart,
you did know.
You did take no mask,
did dive into the deep,
my heart's the deep.
The deepest I've reached,
learnt on earth is,
is your heart.
You did love me;
did everything,


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
did hope we stay eternal.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Thou Enchantress
Thou oracle o' eternal love
and palmist o' unending 'dearment,
into thy court brought I was,
to see what thou seer
seeth o' the cloudy love.
Thou clairvoyant o' ethere'l bliss,
o, tellest the seeker thy sought,
for I be lost as the dead in hades,
need I for another despairing moment
be to see the hell o' tartarus?
Thou enchantress o' affection
in thine oracular attendance
be cloven to my soul;
seek I again thy service?
For at your service am I.
Thou enchantress o' love
cast on my penniless, weak spirit
the spell that spell my fate;
Wast thou much desperate
that thy charm leave me not?


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Part Two


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Now my love,
we're led into the desert,
hot a desert
where we'd learn to be radiant a sun,
selfless moons.
Desert's chills o' heat
running in my eyes 'n' simple heart
caused mirage,
for what cause I saw the untrue,
even fears bound me.
Here left I you,
there where all was peaceful,
but no knowledge had me
that the ocean frowned without the sun;
and you without me.
Mirage inclined thee away,
nearly doth me;
here I remain, waiting for the never-gone:
for thou loveth still, but miraged,
which I cannot remove from thine eyes.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Northy Southy
In the twinkle of twilight,
hearts missed sole light,
'tis the start of right,
end o' adjoin'n' might
o' our very a heart.
Not like in iodostone,
as it're true of cone,
spheres, the Earth's tone
'n' poles; now apart known,
's tho' North 'n' South's zone.
We're now Northy Southy,
'mazement is your apathy;
I'm at fault, not that mighty,
that yer air o' affectio' 'n' hearty
love reach me not happ'ly.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Like the mammoth of the ice age,
it has all vanished in her mind;
the eyes that pierced her heart,
the head that mathematiced
her very smiles and laughs
addictively and multiplicatively,
the heart that thought heaven,
earth and breath mere matter,
but her soul more than the universe;
they have all ceased to be,
Ceased, verily very!
If it was love that could stop,
or time or tide or trickling torrents,
I was puzzled that I was never meant to be;
a kind meant to be denied earth's and maths.
Those creepy words are not so linear,
they fit not a poet's understanding;
they must have come from the jealous sun,
or the envious moon, who envied her beauty,
but not from her mouth and soul.
Love is not ever extinct,
for I know a fairy in a tale
and I am the tale and she is the fairy


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
and a fairy that dies not and a tale ever
and a die that exists not
and a spoken that is nought:
she is realer than the sun,
or morn or night, and so is her love,
a fervency that is denied thought,
out of fear suppressed, digressed and
Love is not created, nor can die,
for this pine must tell the truth,
that it extincts not,
even though our flesh does.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

The Loner
The loner is a love,
so a lonelove,
or a lovelorn,
so the love is the lorn;
he doesn't
the playful lang'age,
or the twist
of letters.
The burden
of loneliness
is as sweet
as honey,
that makes
his soul see
the truth's see,
that without love,
life is nought,
and love is not
when he is given,
but when he gives;
for what is made,
that must not be made;
what wants a man,


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
that makes a man not?
Lone is truer
a companion,
love is truest
a companion,
not the breath,
is more true;
and a loner,
a day a night,
has a tale,
more than
a lover,
to tell of love,
out of lone.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

The Wailing Night

It is not on the streets,
for there is the life so cold.
It is not in the house,
for roofs are defenceless.
It is the night itself,
and all seems to tear tears.
It is tonight a wailing night,
for your lover's 'sence.
The passion of warm days
torment the night o' slept desires.
You admire the kiss of silence
that sends your heart beating,
blushing and aching so piously;
the kiss so tenderly on your lips,
o dear night, your love wanders
in the day only;
has he forgotten you?
She knows the world is a wilderness,
she must not have forgotten;
for whose heart love's touched
that can take the scars away,
scars of selflessness 'n' tenderness,
scars of joy and acoy.
The wailing night is on the streets,


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
in the house and on the heart,
in the book and on the pine,
for her lover is faraway
and his lover is daylight;
what must come when she's gone,
and must go when she's come.
Tell her they'll meet,
one day, very soon,
maybe in eclipse;
but this must be,
for his love to be strong
and her love to melt tundra a second.
Wail o night, let your tears on the pine;
the time is right, you will love flight.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

The Unseen
Her sobs and wails,
the unknown, the unseen:
hidden from souls' mind
and no heart can beat
enough to tell
the tale of sadness.
In her silence
of velvety depress,
she is a sing of sorrow,
a ring of anguish;
the melody of her soul,
hidden from souls' mind,
no drum can beat
fast to express
the tale of sadness.
That is ink for a pen:
a cry in the mire,
a laugh of ecstatic grief.
What more is life
without light of love?
A rag in happy distress,
merry cherry in weary,
brightly bland beauty,
and an unwritten sorrow


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
in the depths
of her heart.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Love's Gony
In thy looming impediment,
on thine estranged heart,
thy swift destruction from within
causeth thy walls o' tears to break.
A day today again may lay gay
on your subtly unhappy soul hidden from thee;
who would comfort thy walls of broken tears,
when they could not against thy weep hold?
The shatter of thine hopes in dismayed hope
be as a star falleth to the earth;
(what earth containeth a star
that burneth not into harshes)
mine heart melteth in thought athinking.
Love hath chosen thee to strike,
to please, to grieve to trick:
there is no trick in love;
there is grieve untold;
for who holdeth a coin,
without its head and tail?
In thy night of thine agony,
I watch thy lose of hope,
thy pain so fatal thine heart dieth.
Who shalt tell thee
not to lament thy untrue loss?


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
None lose in love,
only shadows disappear
when one becometh light.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Secret Tears
He who has tasted the truth
knows there is a sole secret
that love's pain as joy burns
and she knows very well
that tears are hidden,
but always there.
When you dreamt of Las Vegas
and live-happily-ever-after,
when darkness veiled the cold earth
and your heart shrouded in its innermost,
then she saw the curtailment of loving love
and a shard of words that wailed on paper.
Her secret tears swept away the oceans;
they carried sun into a torment of torments;
they clouded stars and sunk the moon;
they are tears that tore through her walls,
o walls as strong as Jericho's, nay,
ten times Jupiter wide; down and weary.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Part Three


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Forced by rocks, the footing made
precious stones like sapphire and argent
and trust and passion and hope and faith,
to the surface of life, observable for all,
is our pure love.
As spring does dry not, the spring of the Pacific,
so does our lurve not wither away in winter:
love has many senses, not those to perceive
fear, pain, hunger, race, age,
if there is anything that lays ethics and rules.
It is now spring, my love.
Come me into your arms,
let me rest on your chest,
hide me away in your ample bosom,
away from the weary sky and man.
It is now spring, my love.
Come you into my arms,
let you take shield in my hands,
caresses and kisses and fortress to be,
for our spring speaks newer love daily.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Clouds Disornamented
Hearts are clouded
lights off in wilderness,
and fears and hells unleash:
our love is shaken
from the depths
of longings, loneliness, love.
Who knows the future?
Who knows not the past?
To tell the future by past,
you will come;
I will come;
we will be.
There is no sign in the sky,
that there will be sunlight a day now,
for there are clouds, shards of hope.
However, without signs and symbols
started a love unkindled, undying.
Love knows no birth nor death,
no breath nor vacuum,
no fresh nor stale;
it is away from laws and principles,
and the gods of virtues bow to it.
It knows not the grave,


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
and lovebirds die not.
This is clouds disornamented.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

Love in Them
Love has wings of the angel;
love, mind of the good fairy;
skin of an elfin beauty;
kind than all goddesses,
heart of God;
All of you!
Don't say! Your eyes are gold,
and in them shines love;
your heart beats in my hears,
something none's heard before:
what love really is:
your soul in me that makes me breath!

Now I know love, that I did not:
my instructor, spouse and sister,
above my breath precious,
as a dove from Mercury,
a dove strong enough to carry me
farther in ecstasy than the eagle.
Now I know love, that I did not:


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina
you are love and love is you;
my crown and jewel, joy unending.
Love is that gaiety that descends
and your air of passion, endlessness.

Now that we are turned an atom,
the only in a space so vast and void,
love touched us with light and creation:
a desire for infinite delight,
that only in each other's arms.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina

What about?
What about a family?
My daughter is your son;
my son is your daughter.
A home, perhaps on the farm:
we cultivate hearts,
we rear souls,
we harvest love
and affection's seeds.
We grow ecstasy
and bliss is water,
we harvest fruits
of heart and womb,
lurvy and childy.
What about eternity?
It is a second together
on our bed of roses,
an age of grey and frail,
ever glowing desire 'n' affection.
It is now that eternity ceases,
when on a night we cease,
but our love doesn't,
we outrun eternity in love,
and flesh decays and hearts remain
and on the undecaying pine
is poetried our love.


Love on the Pine

Adelere Adesina


There is nothing more interesting but awful in
itself as love. It, however, has the ability to give
faith, and in faith grows hope. There is,
although, the inability to fully express all
about love; but, I hope for you I have but
filled to an extent
the cup of love
which is never filled,
being so infinite
Thank you for reading.
Adelere Adesina


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