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Fe d e ra l

G o v e rn m e n t

Money allocated to provinces:

services, clean drinking water,
Access to health care,
Education, Affordable food
Money allocated to
municipalties/ cities. Clean
drinking water water, access
to doctors, quality education,
affordable food
Native reservations: are at the
bottom of the list and are not
provided with any of the
essential services all other
Canadians enjoy and take for

Synopsis: This chart shows that the Canadian government is using a system where they
provide funding towards the more important parts of Canada. They start off by leaving
reservations at the bottom of the list so they can spend more on Provinces/Cities to
promote structuralism. Reservations are not only in need of money but they also need a
set out plan for where the money will go towards. Water treatment plants are being
funded in Cities because of the population count. Canada has yet to create a plan for
the people in need of the sustainable lifestyle most Canadians are provided.

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