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werkgroup “Govemnars Roe Toi__[ "Gena _Toat soot | iam —saoe00 —sec00 .resre0 13205500] ‘tind —13305.500] ‘200 sogan0 18.000 2705700 13.0500 50 oo] oo B00 o T800 $80 = ‘ao] 000 ‘<0 ° ° 00 12000 zom] de s2000 © t6000 ar 1400, i240] _o00 sro a Ji 2017 Program Wainer ‘9,100 asrea0| 72.0 “p00 —Faass00 ara ‘Sage Grows Conservation eas aancoo] 000 ‘weno 7 om ‘Gorsinaon & Ousech Travel Cort ° ‘| 000 ° ° a ‘Comer Temp to Poranent © o| oss 8 0 Q | [ey 2017 Tor! Taso ——_taxez00| Tanazoo rea} 00 siamo [atarnce ram FY 207 TER 3100 co “eal a so 72S a ae | 39% ime | sae —— ream) ase a Es ‘Motion, Starting with the JFAC base, include $13,100 for benefit costs, $400 for statewide cost allocation, $27,000 for CEC, and $32,400 forthe 27th payroll. Include line-item #1, $500,000 one-time for sage grouse conservation, from the Economic Recovery Reserve Fund. Include line item #3 for 63 fulltime equivalent positions to convert a temporary position to permanent. I move $638,100 from the General Fund, $515,000 from dedicated funds, and $12,825,300 from federal funds for a total of {$13,878,400 to the Office of Species Conservation for fiscal year 2017. FTPs are capped at 12.63, . No money was requested for replacement items or inflationary increases. This motion includes funding to support the Governor's Greater Sage Grouse Conservation Initiative. The Governor's recommendation includes $250,000 for ‘conservation projects on state and private land, $110,000 for continued support of the Rangeland Fire Protection Associations, ‘$100,000 for lek monitoring through the Department of Fish and Game, $25,000 for infrastructure mitigation, and $18,000 for coordination costs of the Office of Species Conservation. The total motion is a 0.5% increase in all funds. Proposed Lecislative Intent: The Governor is recommending intent language that recognizes thet although the greater sage ‘grouse Is not an endanged species and not warranted for protection under the ESA, the Office of Species Conservation is to Continue working on the Sage Grouse Conservation Initiative. | request unanimous consent to include the attached legislative intent. Paget 2pasjanas 1159.86 Legislative Intent Proposed Legislative Intent Language: SECTION 3. LEGISLATIVE INTENT. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, it is the intent of the Legislature that the Office of Species Conservation (OSC) shall be tasked with administering state appropriated funds not to exceed $500,000 for the period July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017, for sage-grouse conservation actions, including fire prevention, fire suppression, habitat restoration on non- federal lands and additional sage-grouse lek monitoring Page2 2/25/2018 samant of Fah ana Game {iG Original Appropriation “Motion, Starting with the JFAG base, include the maintenance and ine item as recommended by the Governor. Acjust lina item 3 from $200,000 to $100,000 for he Wildife Program. Acjust line tem #5 dowm trom $75, 000 in dedicated funds to $25,000. Adjust line item 8 down from $200,000 to '$50,000 forthe Dingell-Johnson Decline. | move $57,571,500 in dedicated funds and $48,486,800 in federal funds for a total of $106,070,200 0 the Idaho Department of Fish and Game for fiscal year 2017. ‘The motion includes an FTP cap of S58. Discussion: The motion is identical to the Governor's Recommendation with three exceptions. First, i reduces the increase inline item #3 by ‘$100,000 for game management, Access Yes! and Pheasant stocking. Theres sufficient room in the Widife budget for fexblty. Second, it takes ‘oul the $50,000 for trapper education until H376 passes the Senate, We can look ate rallerif that bill passes. Third, treduoes the increase in ine ifem #8 to maintain fish stocking, research and access programs. These programs were bolstered with federal funds. if we have a reduction in ‘adercl funds, we may not be able te make it up with state funds. This isa reduction inthe increase “The motion is @ 10.7% increase in dedicated appropriation compared to last year's orginal appropriation and a 10.8% increase in all funds. However, ver $13.2 milion of the budgets one-time. The ongoing license budget isa 4.8% increase and the ongoing overall increase Is 3.7% iaa4.13 [Dopamine o Fak ana Gone Tot [Fr a01e Original Appropriation 357250 [rv 2017 Bese aan Coat oa sarsnert tm ° st ° [soins Sst aeston 3 eto ° Jeng in Emenee Compenston o a2300 ° [rem Pare 8 sar 8 [ry 2017 Program namienance a. [-morow Shoo Rane e000 7 ram screrng & Paning Bac © besoo0 ° Gone tanaguonacseeSocng © anon ° Raa cho ren 8 xBsno09| 8 Js: esr extn & Cureaeh 8 area : ste ntoring Hata Mont ee) 4 ft taking & Toga Tale © np00 3 J: ngs sonnen Ravn Decne ©2000 ° mm 000 oes Lares, cqusiion& Dispos! © frea00 9 frwam| ose Seaoo 10800 [ts cagutone conserwaton Eamon © -zom000 2 aucaom| a0 ° ° "Snake River Sockeye alan Tap 8 Xgmno00 ° — tzpom| ose 1200000 ° |= Soimowstotnos ropa rect 9“ araoo0 ¢ — “zom| oe roa ‘ 3 Rasncrise Pn Sts ° < ° 3] ote ‘ego sano Sage Grouse Lok Monona a « 8 oom] 00 ‘eonto ° iaconmuniston Ste Lets 6 08 3300] 000 300 17 Toul oreo o—oasao0 | sto sano a Rom FY 28 Fa oe 3 ——rasnaon| a0 358i a 39% vise tos Tore 38 ‘Motion:_ Starting with the JFAC base, include the maintenance and start with the line items as recommended by the Governor. Adjust ne item 3 from '$200,000 to $100,000 for he Wife Program. Adjust line tem 6 for unter education down to $25,000 in dedicated funds and leave the federal funds at $86,100 fora total of $121,100. Adjust ine item 8 dawn from $200,000 to $50,000 forthe Dingell-Johnsen Decline. Remove ine item #10 for ‘$2 millon. | move $57,571,500 in dedicate funds and $48,498,800 in federal funds fora total of $104,070,200 to the Idaho Department of Fish end ‘Game for fscal year 2617. The motion includes an FTP cap of 558. Discussion: The motion reduces the increase in line item #3 by $100,000 for game management, Access Yes! and Pheasant stocking. There is sufficient room in te Widifa budget to maka up the difference. Second, it takes cut the $50,000 in icense funding for mandnatory trapping ‘education, +378 would authorize @ trapper education program and has passed the House but has not passed the Senate, Third Wtreduces the increase in ine item #8 to maintain fic stocking, esearch and access programs. Again, this fs an effrtto hold back the increase Inthe budget Last, this motion does not provide funding for the Clagstone Meadows Conservation Easement. ‘The motions a 10.7% increase in dedicated appropriation compared toast year's orginal appropriation and an 8:7% increase in all funds. e643 Pages 2pa5prore 30% Department of Fish and Game Fevand Fimant Fanon den Govemors Rec by Fund Dt Ganefuré Gapefuré GaneFurd Sehence _Stase DigGome Egercable Eger i ft (Ste Fs bee_Funds ter Depwdston Trust Tat af i Ua rr ot esha oos.erad “oeaeas—nis685 Toa 7 xO imo : iso 7 7700 Sareea foo (taea7eo) ts8eo00 e700 ° ° ° oD Teo sayeonee sazanaco 9974700 ooeeeael Sees ee eerie = a Se nue 3 ee 2 esr circ Sloe ees eee Se ee ces 3 Ceara net 3 huney stares ees Prepared by Lepsave Sevices 02900 0 "ano sonsea ‘200500 3% ° ° ° «8 0 4A00 ° ° szs001asn700 ° 8 6 8 ° 6 2 # a z snosley Thy ss caaaa penta te Ie tots ocaent baa wenn ag

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