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Senior Project Action plan Contract

will be volunteering with sanger's
Animal control. r will vorunteer for
four hours every weekend
which will result me to 25 hours in
5 weeks. I choose this project because
1m an animarfanatic.

$ection Two: lmpact

By this experience I hope to gain
some type of further information
on animafs and their well
being and hope to bring them
a better care.

ection Three: Back Uo plan

lf all erse fairs, r pran to spend
my vorunteer hours in a restaurant.

Section Four: Obstacles

obstacles that may interfere with
my project would be that I work on
the weekends.
My mentor would be Mario lrazoqui,
he is head of the Animal control

Section Six: Contract Signature

By creating this action plan, I am
agreeing to complete my senior project
hours by May. lf I do
not abide b,* this contract, r realize ir,"r
t *i[ not gr.aduate from sanger

Student Signature:
Teacher Signature:
Mentor Signature:

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