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Kayla Allen

Mrs. Jennings

21 November 2015

Senior Project Action Plan Gontract

Section One: Service Plan
I will be volunteering at the Sanger high and Fresno county office of education. I will volunteer
twice a month for three hours each time, and an event in February, to give me an additional I
hours. which will get me 26 hours in 12 weeks. I picked this project because lwould love to
share my knowledge in the African American communities in the valley.
Section Two: lmpact
I hope that this project will impact me by helping me unite with the my African heritage. I plan on
attending Howard university, which is the top historically black college in the United States. This
will help me to educate children on being successful in our society.
Section Three: Back up plan
lf I find that I cannot volunteer at Sanger Black student union, I will volunteer for Fresno county

Section Four: Obstacles

The difficult part of this project will be gathering students. Sanger High has an extremely low
diversity rate when it comes to African American children in the school system, which is why
will extend my project to African American events in Fresno.

Section F ive: ContacUMentors

My mentor will be Lisa Nichola. She is the leader of the African events in Fresno. I will interview
her over winter break.
Section Six: Contract Signature
By creating this action plan, I am agreeing to complete my senior project hours by May. Mrs.
Holidae and I are in agreement on how I will complete them. lf I do not abide by this contract, I

Student Signature:
Teacher Signature:
Mentor Signature:

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