Concerned Leadership

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Concerned Leadership

Every citizenry empowered with the franchise to vote or be voted for has a
significant stake in national governance. However, resentment and discontentment
are seen when there is a drift from the roles and goals of the stakeholders.

More than often, erring leaders are put in the spotlight. Little wonder John
Maxwell said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” Leadership error could be
experienced in national polity, corporate governance and homes when purpose,
vision and original design is misconstrued. That is when leaders are no longer
genuinely concerned about the people they represent; resource utilization for
meeting citizenry aspiration is expunged from their responsibilities.

Whoever desires to provide leadership must have a servant heart enveloped

within the cloak of his flesh. Jesus’ teaching illuminated this when He said, “If I
then, your Lord have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.
He went a little further,”…But whoever desires to become great among you, let
him be your servant.

Servant Leadership is the ultimate leadership style-the perfect backdrop- to

showcase the New Nigeria we carry in the inside. Pardon me, I am a proud
Nigerian. Robert Greenleaf who coined and defined Servant Leadership
emphasized the leader’s role as steward of the resources provided by the
organization. As leaders we should be ready to serve others while staying focused
on achieving results positive and powerful enough to equip others to shape their
lives. By this, as leaders, the people will not be caused to err.

Isaiah 9: 16 +234.806.978.7827

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