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Children with Incarcerated Parents and the Effect it has on American Community
Victoria D Neal
California Baptist University

Many jails house inmates with children. The amount of children with parents in
incarceration is estimated at about one million and seven hundred thousand (Bureau of Justice,
2010, p. 1). There are not many programs that help children with parents in prison. Children are
affected negatively when their parent or parents are incarcerated. It can affect a child if anyone


close to them becomes incarcerated. Children who have parents that are incarcerated often times
have attachment issues which leads to developmental delays and psychological problems. Some
psychological problems a child with a parent in prison might have are depression, anxiety, bipolar or anger management issues. Children that have parents in prison are more likely to
become a prisoner themselves. Children of incarcerated parents need a secure attachment, care,
their basic needs met and more educational opportunities to prevent them from becoming
prisoners; more money should be put into the education system instead of the incarceration.
A child under the age of eighteen with a parent in prison is a child of an incarcerated
parent. Many mothers who are in prison are in prison for substance abuse and are non-violent.
Fathers who are in prison makes up about 70% of the amount of parents in prison (Bureau of
Justice Statistics 2008). Many children with a parent in prison are subjected to living in poverty.
According to Children with incarcerated parents are more likely to face other
hardships other than psychological disorders and developmental delays. They are more likely to
face financial troubles at a young age. Some children are no longer allowed to see their parent
due to being in the foster care system too long. According to Gottschalk, Marie, an increase in
funds for incarceration will lead to an increase in prisoners (2009, p. 97). When people put more
money into a budget like incarceration is will get spent. Prisoners receive healthcare and
opportunities to get an education. They have a place to live and food is provided for them. The
amount of money spent on incarcerating an inmate is forty two thousand dollars yearly
(Legislative Analyst's Office, 2008). In 2012 the government spent estimately twelve thousand
dollars towards each student in public education (National Center For Education Statistics,
2012). That is three times less than what America spends on inmates.


When a child has an incarcerated parent they are more likely to not receive a secure
attachment and become a prisoner themself. According to Cassidy Jude, et al, mothers who are in
prison are putting their children at risk of having an insecure attachment (2010, p. 333). A secure
attachment is when the child feels comforted by their parent and can depend on their parent. A
child without a secure attachment develops a disorganized and mistrustful attachment. A
disorganized attachment is when a child is fearful or unsure of the parent and their actions.
Mistrustful attachment means that the child will learn to feel helpless. According to OConnor
Erin, et al, children who have insecure attachment show signs when they are three to five years
of age. This author looked at children at the age of three with disorganized attachment. He saw
that children with disorganized attachments knew less vocabulary words and were more
disruptive in class (2011, p. 450). Children who are behind set the classroom behind making
teaching to all childrens abilities difficult in a typically developing classroom. Special needs
teachers are at high needs throughout the country. Having more children with special needs but
no teachers willing to help them can be hard on American society. In this study done by Cassidy
Jude, et al, women were provided with parenting classes while they were pregnant and in
incarceration. They were allowed to keep their infants until the infant was six months of age.
Most infants grew a secure attachment to their mother in that time period. fourteen out of twenty
infants had a secure attachment to their mother when the study ended (2010, p. 334). An infant
who receives a secure and trusting attachment is less likely to end up in prison. By caring for
infants of prisoners and letting them receive a secure attachment America can reduce the
incarceration rate.
Children with incarcerated parents are often overlooked in the school system. Leeson
Caroline, and Julia Morgan discuss how to help children with incarcerated parents by providing


extra care. Children with parents or a parent in prison experience educational difficulties and
need more attention. These children struggle more in academics and social behaviors. Children
with parents in prison are more likely perform worse academically. Children struggle socially
because they do not understand social norms and customs. Some children with incarcerated
parents grew up with an abuse dad and may not understand that hitting is unacceptable. Another
thing that can help is making sure the childs basic needs are being met (2014, p. 148). A child
could have a hard time focusing because their parent is struggling financially and can not afford
to feed the family. The child could be emotional because they feel empty without that missing
parent. It is incredibly important for children to keep in contact with their incarcerated parent.
Staying in contact with the parent has been proven to help both the parent and child (Bell, Linda
G, and Connie S. Cornwell, 2015, p. 45). The child may have grown up only knowing their
parent; so, when that person that they have an attachment with is taken away it is traumatizing
for the child. Osborne Association says, each child is different and one specific program will not
be able to help all children with an incarcerated parent. Children might be better off without an
abusive parent or alcoholic parent. Not all incarcerated parents are abusive and addicts.
According to Leeson Caroline, Julia Morgan and Rebecca Carter Dillon it talks about ways a
teacher can help a child with incarcerated parents. Teachers can help these children by
understanding the child comes from a diverse background and may need more care. The article
also mentions the school needs to be flexible so the child can see their incarcerated parent (2013,
p. 200).
Zagar, Robert John, William M. Grove, and Kenneth G. Busch, say, by providing more
opportunities for teenagers and children America is keeping them out of trouble (2013, p. 384).
Children and teenagers who are busy in woodshop, theater, band, art, and many other


extracurricular activities do not have time to get in trouble. When a child is focused on learning
something they enjoy they think less about doing bad things. Children when they are or without
friends can easily get involved in the wrong crowd. Gangs are looking for middle school and
high school age boys to become a part of them. Teenagers are getting involved in gangs at a
young age and ending up in prison because of it. Sometimes a teenager may fall into the wrong
crowd because the wrong crowds can be the most welcoming. Instead of allowing prisons to be
so full America needs to stop allowing children to become prisoners. According to Zagar, Robert
John, William M. Grove, and Kenneth G. Busch, the prison rates for teenagers and minors are
increasing (2013, p. 381). Children who are underage should not be going to jail. Children who
are underage should be getting their license, hanging out with friends, playing sports, or in extra
curricular activities. Children who are underage should not be getting into drugs or gangs.
Children under age need to stay children under age. If children are to stay that way they need a
caring adult looking after them.
Children need a secure attachment to develop properly. Some may say that the child can
receive a secure attachment through a love interest or a foster parent. Children can receive a
secure attachment from anyone who shows they are dependable. A child could have a secure
attachment to their teacher. When the end of the year comes the child might feel lost not having
that same teacher again. Osborne Association says, each child is different and one specific
program will not help all children with incarcerated parents. They are right each childs
circumstance is different, so, each child needs help in different ways. One child may need to see
their parent while other child may struggle when they see their incarcerated parent. A child could
need help with basic needs such as food while another child did not receive the proper love they
needed from a parent. Some children could use opportunities like extra curricular activities and


other teenagers may need job opportunities to keep them out of trouble. Each childs
circumstance is different and needs to evaluated and addressed differently. Many problems
children with incarcerated parents have is a lack of basic needs. When the parents are present
they are able to help their child get those needs met. Parents are also able to encourage their child
to continue their education which will teach them many skills needed for the work environment.
Reducing the amount of time an incarcerated parent spends in jail will also reduce the amount of
money that needs to be spent on incarceration. Theres an estimate of 810,000 prisoners are
parents. If each incarcerated inmate costs estimately $42,000 yearly that is $34,020,000,000
America spends yearly on incarcerating parents. If only half of the parents who are incarcerated
were to be released early that is still tens of billions of dollars that America would not have to
pay each year. Americans pay too much for incarceration and not enough towards education. By
decreasing the funds towards incarceration and increasing funds towards education America can
prevent incarceration from happening. When children and teenagers and provided with support
and opportunities to thrive they achieve those goals and continue further. If a child is given the
opportunity to do good they will most likely choose good over bad. If America defunds
incarceration and begins funding education systems America will be setting up a better future for
the generations to come. If a person has a high school diploma they are more likely to receive a
job or go to college. Someone with a high school diploma has purpose. A person may be
considered for a raise, or may not struggle financially because of a job. School can also provide
patience (Lance Lochner, Enrico Moretti, 2004, p. 3). A child that is able to make it through and
receive a high school diploma is more likely to receive a job. Children who receive a better
education and make it through the educational system are more likely to become working and
well functioning citizens in this society.


The Bible says in Matthew 25:31-46 that when people feed the hungry, give them drink,
see them strange, or clothe them when they are naked they are doing the same to Jesus. When the
hungry are fed God is fed. When people take care of those who are in need they are taking care
of Gods people. Children are weak and incapable of providing for themselves. They need
someone to care for them. Children with parents in incarceration may not have anyone to care for
them. They may be fed or they may have shelter but without love children can not form an
attachment and do not develop typically. By caring for those in need Christians can make an
impact on the lives of children. By changing the amount of time parents spend in jail the
government can help children as well. With so many different factors affecting children with
incarcerated parents Christians need to make their hearts and homes open to these children.
Children of incarcerated parents struggle with psychological illnesses because of the traumatic
events they have been through. Children should not be too stressed to learn, they should be well
cared for and happy to see a new day. Christians need to realize there is a problem and it has to
do with Gods children.

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