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The No Good Tree

Luke 13:1 - 9

Do you like the stories Jesus told people? Do you know why Jesus told stories?
This weeks story is about a tree. See if you can figure out why Jesus told this
A man had a fig tree in his garden. When he saw that the tree didnt have any
figs growing on it, he told the gardener to cut it down because it was just a waste
of space.
The gardener was very surprised. He told the landowner, Just wait another year.
Ill take care of the soil. Ill feed the tree. Come back next year and well see if the
tree has fruit on it. Then you can decide if it should be cut down.
Have you ever known a person who seemed like a waste of space? Maybe that
person was boring or rude or mean or silly or just someone you didnt like very
What do you think Jesus would say about that person?
If you are a gardener for Gods people, how do you think you can help them
grow better in Gods garden?
How do you think you can grow better in Gods garden?
Have fun feeding your dirt!
Click here for a full size coloring page of the fig tree.
Single use permission granted in homes and churches
2013 Tamalyn L. Kralman
Please contact for all other uses.

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