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what 6e yea kaeW aheat 1haaksg|v|ag
|a the Ua|te6 States!
1haaksg|v|ag Castems & 1ra6|t|eas
1ra6|t|eaa| 0|aaer
Macy's Para6e
|eetha|| 6ame
Pres|6eat|a| 1arkey
V|0|0 (0:21|
1arkey Par6ea (4:40|
B|ack |r|6ay & Cyher Mea6ay
what |s B|ack |r|6ay aa6 Whea 6ees |t happea!
|aa |act: J|e c+]'s r+ae criçir+tec ir ||i|+ce|p|i+, W|ere it criçir+||] W+s
asec tc cescri|e t|e |e+º] +rc cisraptiºe pecestri+r +rc ºe|ic|e tr+llic t|+t
Wca|c cccar cr t|e c+] +lter J|+r|sçiºirç.Use cl t|e tera st+rtec |elcre 19c1
+rc |eç+r tc see |rc+cer ase catsice ||i|+ce|p|i+ +rcarc 19/'.
Be Carefa| cr B|+c| |ric+]. / pecp|e |+ºe ciec, 98 irjarec cr B|+c| |ric+]
sirce 200c ¦||+c|lric+]ce+t|ccart.cca)
B|ack |r|6ay & Cyher Mea6ay
what |s Cyher Mea6ay!
|aa |act: B|+c| |ric+] çerer+||] cllers |etter ce+|s cr tec|rc|cç], Wit| re+r|] 8'º
acre c+t+ stcr+çe ce+|s t|+r C]|er Mcrc+]. C]|er Mcrc+] is |+rçer lcr l+s|icr
ret+i|. 0r t|e p+st tWc C]|er Mcrc+]s, t|ere Were +r +ºer+çe cl +'º acre c|ct|irç
ce+|s t|+r cr B|+c| |ric+]. J|ere Were +|sc '0º acre s|ce ce+|s cr C]|er Mcrc+]
t|+r cr B|+c| |ric+].
w+tc| cat lcr Scammers! Sc+aaers a+] cre+te l+|e ea+i| ccapcrs t|+t +ppe+r tc
|e lrca |eçitia+te ret+i|ers |at +re +cta+||] cesiçrec tc ste+| ]car crecit c+rc irlc.
1he 0|6 Ster|es ef 1haaksg|v|ag
Vers|ea 1: what Amer|caa k|6s |eara aheat 1haaksg|v|ag (2:45|
Vers|ea 2: 1h|ags yea 6|6a't kaeW aheat 1haaksg|v|ag (2:40|
1he MeW Ster|es ef 1haaksg|v|ag
- 0ar 6|ffereat ca|tares have |afase6 eWa ca|tara| fee6s
- we aee6 te pay respect te the Mat|ve Amer|caas
- we are a|| |mm|graats |a th|s ceaatry
- we are a h|g fam||y frem a|| ever the Wer|6
- |et's he 1haakfa| that We caa a|| he here |a th|s ceaatry & at Peaa
After 0|aaer Act|v|t|es
* 1arkey Maa6s
* 1haak yea car6s
* 6rat|ta6e trees
||l´' |/l'

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