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TO: Mrs. Kent

From: Miranda Tubbs
Date: 25 February 2016
It has been a while since I have made a resume and this was a good refresher course. Years ago I
made my resume much different than todays. My resume was short, choppy, and uninformative.
I was unsure how to list my jobs or accomplishments, and left several things out that actually
could have been useful in my teen years. Now that I am older, and have more experience, I knew
my resume would be more attractive, if it was presented correctly. The problem I was having
was that I have only worked for one company. Within this one company I have held many jobs,
and was unsure how to list them on my resume. After reading Chapter 15 in Technical
Communications, viewing your resume, and speaking with you about it, I was able to create an
informative resume.
In this assignment I learn the correct way to lay out my resume. I learned that you necessarily
dont have to list your jobs in order (except for the current job, that needs to be first), but in
relevance to the job you are applying for. For instance, for an accounting position I would not list
my vision center experience first. I also learned how to format my resume and the correct font
I actually enjoyed doing this assignment because I was in desperate need of a new resume.
Learning how to do my resume in class was a lot better than trying to research the internet and
learn it on my own. I was able to get a clearer picture of what I needed to do in order to achieve a
presentable resume.
Thank you,
Miranda Tubbs

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