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Assignment 2B


M.Grummet 31674579

Reflection on the Effective Teacher

Teaching is a profession learnt through practice: no amount of theory can impart
the tacit knowledge gained and refined by doing. My chosen image displays the
considerations the effective teacher must take in their practice: relationships,
classroom management, the role of schooling, learner diversity, lesson planning
and communication. Teachers need to reflect upon and refine their practice to
account for these considerations.

Our readings reminded us that teaching is first and foremost about
relationships (Groundwater-Smith et al., 2015), relationships developed with
students form the foundation of effective teaching practice. Positive
relationships with colleagues, families and the broader community strengthen
teacher-student relations. Seeking the advice and opinions of the teaching staff
helped me to build positive relations. I briefly introduced myself to students at
the beginning and was well received by students this facilitated reciprocation
by students. I developed connections with a few students who I felt respected me
because I treated them fairly and showed an interest in them.

Fairness informs effective classroom management with its goals of consistency
and clear boundaries. Classroom management reinforces student-teacher
relations by facilitating trust in the teacher (Kosnick & Beck, 2011). Classroom
management issues observed at my school included: students using mobile
phones in classrooms, speaking out of turn, speaking off topic and not engaging
in the tasks. I found proximity and eye contact to be the most useful methods for
re-engaging students. I also utilised clear instructions and spoke individually to
any students not on-task. My mentor teacher emphasised the importance of
classroom management through his use of seating plans and a consistent, calm
signal to garner students attention. Having all students attention reinforces
consistent behaviour expectations and also ensures communications are
received by all.

Expectations extend beyond behaviour to standards of work. Studies show that
expectations are linked to motivation and cognitive engagement in learning

Edn550 Assignment 2B


M.Grummet 31674579

(Churchill, 2013). The role of schooling, is to prepare students to enter the

broader community as productive contributors, as critical adaptable thinkers.
High expectations and opportunities for success facilitate this outcome. My
professional experience school has implemented the Advancement Via
Individual Determination (AVID) program to explicitly communicate
expectations. The AVID goal is an independent, critical thinking learner. AVID
gives an explicit curriculum to students with students aware of what skills they
are utilising and why. Whilst AVID was created in America as a college readiness
program, its adoption in Australia has also embraced vocational educational
readiness. This recognises the utility of the skills gained in AVID for all student

Recognition of the diversity of pathways to become a contributor to society
should be remembered when considering the diversity of learners. Exceptional,
gifted, physically and intellectually disabled, and culturally diverse students
must be catered for by teachers who must strive to have a firm understanding of
the academic, emotional and cultural differences of the students (Clarke &
Pittaway, 2014). At my school, streaming of students from Year 9 is aims to
facilitate the learning of exceptional students. In Year 7 and 8 classrooms
teachers placed students of differing learning abilities together enabling
collaborative learning. I observed an AVID teacher discussing vocational
pathways for students and the high standards students should strive for. Learner
diversity presents challenges to teachers who must accommodate the different
approaches to learning with careful planning.

Considered planning, accommodating diversity, enables the success of all
students to achieve learning outcomes. Each lesson should give students a new
understanding or skill to achieve the lesson outcome and ultimately unit and
curriculum outcomes (Killen, 2013). Reflecting on my lessons, I realise my
instructions were at times not explicit enough to facilitate student learning.
Modelling of skills and teacher scaffolding are important considerations in lesson
planning. Reflection of my initial lesson prompted me to better plan questions
for students to facilitate their input and inform me of their understandings.

Edn550 Assignment 2B


M.Grummet 31674579

Student input promotes confidence and engagement in learning. Lesson planning

considers how the learning outcome will be achieved and measured, by planning
communications and providing a framework for review.

The teaching-learning process is essentially a communication event
(Groundwater-Smith et al., 2015). Communication also determines the types of
relations we develop with colleagues, parents and students (Ibid). I facilitated
relations with colleagues and students through calm, respectful and inquisitive
communication. I provided opportunities for student input through questioning,
reading and discussions: whole class, small group and individual students. Our
communications led me to understand what their understanding of the content
was, to have informal conversations and sparked the beginnings of relationship

I have learnt in my practicum that each learning experience is an opportunity to
reflect upon and refine my teaching practice. These considerations will improve
my future teaching effectiveness.

Edn550 Assignment 2B


M.Grummet 31674579


Churchill, R., Ferguson, P., Godinho, S., Johnson, N. F., Keddie, A., Letts, W. et al.
(2013). Chapter 4: Understanding and Motivating Students in Teaching: Making
a difference (2nd Ed.). John Wiley & Sons: Queensland. pp. 106-132.
IBSN 9781742164748

Clarke, M. & Pittaway, S. (2014). Chapter 14: Meeting the Diverse Needs of
Students in Marshs Becoming a Teacher. Pearson: Australia. pp. 245-267.
ISBN: 9781442561861

Groundwater-Smith, S., Ewing, R. & Le Cornu, R. (2015). Chapter 9:
Communication in the Educational Environment in Teaching: Challenges and
dilemmas. Cengage: South Melbourne. pp. 232-267.
IBSN: 9780170246620

Killen, R. (2013). Chapter 4 in Effective Teaching Strategies: Lessons from
research and practice (6th Ed). Cengage Learning: Australia. pp. 86-110.
IBSN: 9780170223881

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