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Name: Rachel Faught ______________________ Date: February 16, 2016 ___

T.P.R. (Total Physical Response) Lesson Plan

Content Area: Third Grade Mathematics
WIDA ELP Standard(s): English language learners communicate information, ideas and
concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics
State standard, grade-level expectation & evidence outcomes:
Third Grade Mathematics
3. Time and attributes of objects can be measured with appropriate tools
a. Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of
time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. (CCSS: 3.MD)
i. Tell and write time to the nearest minute. (CCSS: 3.MD.1)
ESL Level: Level 1 (This lesson plan is designed for beginners only, they are NOT expected to
talk. They show what they know through gestures.)

Objectives: After the lesson, students will be able to tell time on an analog clock to the
nearest hour or half hour.

Target Vocabulary:
-Point to
-Show Me
-Digital Clock
-Analog Clock
-Numbers 1-12
- oclock
- thirty
Materials AND Realia Needed: (What pictures AND realia items do you need to teach
each word and command?)
-Analog Clock
-Digital Clock

-Flash cards of digital clock times

-Clock Spinning Wheel
(If one is not available I have provided a cutout that will work just fine)

Anticipatory Set: (What will you do to get them excited about the activity? Will you
sing or use a puppet or show pictures or show objects?)
I will bring in a digital clock and set it to 1:00. Explain that we see time very often. It will
start like this.
Hello class! Today we are going to be talking about time. (Holding up the digital
clock). This is an example of time! (Pointing to another clock) This is also an example
of time. We have seen these before but we must know how to tell time. I have brought
two different ways to tell time.
Direct Instruction/Modeling/Demonstration: (Look at my example and outline step-by
step what you will say and do to teach them the words and commands.)

Include how you will remove support (for scaffolding) as they acquire the vocabulary.

1. Point to a digital clock. Repeat digital clock and flash fingers. Point to an
analog clock. Draw a circle with your finger and say analog clock. Go back and
forth between the two. Have students repeat as you go between the two.
Eventually stop saying it and have the students recognize the two on their own.
2. Take a spinner clock and point to the hour hand. Recognize its the hour hand.
Point from own elbow to hand while repeating hour hand. State the hour hand
points to a number 1 through 12 on the analog clock. This is the hour. This is one
oclock and so on. Go through the different hours in order, then pick some
numbers at random. When the majority of the students are talking/repeating words
with ease, move on.
3. Point to the minute hand. Recognize its the minute hand. Point from own
shoulder to hand while repeating minute hand. State when the minute hand
points at 12, it is oclock Have students repeat oclock then have them
practice times like 6:00 or 10:00 first with the teacher, then start showing them
times on the spinner clock and having them show/say the time on their own. Then
start stating times and having students show the time on an analog clock. When
stating times, show students on a digital clock while saying the time.
4. State When the minute hand points at 6, it means thirty. Have students repeat
thirty. Have them then practice saying times like 3:30 and 7:30 first with the
teacher and then on their own. Show the time on the digital clock while saying the
time verbally.
5. Once students understand both, start showing them times on the analog clock and
having the students state what time it is. Differentiate between hours, oclock, and
thirty. Then start calling out times and holding up the analog clock, having
students use their analog clock to show the time.
6. Before they go, hand each student a digital clock and have them make the time on
the analog clock on their own.

Checking for Understanding: (What will you watch for to make sure they understand?)

Write down three physical ways students will demonstrate their understanding of
commands and vocabulary being practiced:
1. Have students shout out a time or show a time physically in response to an
analog clock.
2. Have students show a time on an analog clock spinner based on what time
teacher says
3. Have students show a time on an analog clock based on a digital clock time.

Evaluation: The teacher is looking for what times the students are holding up and if
these times are correct. The teacher is also listening to students as they shout out times or
show times to see if they have the correct time and if they are saying it the way it was

Closure: Give each student a digital clock and have them convert it on an analog clock.
If they get it right they can put the clock away and if they need try hinting and working
with them further.

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