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Project name:

How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Title Screen

Screen 1 of 16

Date: :


Graphics info
Lil Form- possible
graphic/course guide.

Welcome to Google Forms!

Introduction, how to navigate.

Sans Serif font like Arial or

Very light blue background
or white. White Lil Formfacial expression and
arms change.

Audio information
Voice over narrationenable mute option.

Transcript ofWelcome to Google forms, Im your tour guide . Ill be helping you through the course. Here to answers questions, etc.
Explain how to navigate- hover over icons, what icons mean, menu, etc
Description:Show icons, hover over icons. Hover over navigation buttons with description.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Benefits of


Screen 2 of

Date: :


Graphics info
Lil Form- possible
graphic/course guide.

Benefits of forms

Audio information
Voice over narration

Transcript ofList benefits of forms- offer hover over icon to show detail, larger font.
Description:Bullet list form benefits, hover over for larger font/ descriptions

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Title Choose


Locate navigation button:

Using Chrome?
Different browser?

Screen 3 of

Date: :


Graphics info
Lil Form- possible
graphic/course guide.
Icons: Chrome, Firefox,

Audio information
Voice over narration.

Transcript ofClick on browser option- chrome or other.

Description: Two options, one for chrome one for other browser. Hover over icon- one general button for other, list web
browser options like firefox, safari, explorer, etc.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Chrome

Screen 4 of

Date: :


Graphics info

Locate navigation button:

OK, you indicated you are using Chrome. Not using
Chrome? [insert button to move to other browser
Locate navigation button in Chrome.

Lil Form- possible

graphic/course guide.
Icon: Chrome

Audio information
Voice over narration.

Transcript ofOK, you indicated you are using chrome, etc. Locate navigation button. Navigate to drive.
Description: Return button to switch to other browser. Simulate navigation.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Other Browser

Screen 5 of

Date: :


Graphics info

Locate navigation button:

OK, you indicated you are using another browser. Using
Chrome? [insert button to move to chrome option]
Go to gmail
Locate navigation button in gmail.

Lil Form- possible

graphic/course guide.
Icon: chrome, gmail

Audio information
Voice over narration.

Transcript ofOK, you indicated you are using another browser, etc. Locate navigation button. Navigate to gmail then to drive.
Description: Return button to switch to other browser. Simulate navigation.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Dropdown Menu

Screen 6 of

Date: :


Graphics info

Locate Dropdown Menu:

Review dropdown.
Open new form

Lil Form- possible

graphic/course guide.
Icon: dropdown, form

Audio information
Voice over narration.

Transcript ofOpen new form instructions.

Description: Simulate dropdown menu. Select form to move on to next slide.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Questions

Screen 7 of

Date: :


Graphics info

Description of types of questions

Hover over for description with audio
Printable user guide at the end with question
descriptions (possible)

Lil Form- possible

graphic/course guide.
Icon: types of questions

Audio information
Voice over narration.

Transcript ofDescription of types of questions and how they may be used.

Description: Hover over for descriptions and larger font. Learner advances when ready.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Multiple Choice


Screen 8 of

Scenario is neighborhood garage sale. Learner will drag

and drop the question and answers into the form.

Date: :


Graphics info
Lil Form- possible
graphic/course guide.

Audio information
Voice over narration.

Transcript ofGuide user through dragging and dropping the question and the multiple choice answers into the form.
Description: Hover over for descriptions and larger font. Learner advances when question is correct.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Fill in the blank


Screen 9 of

Scenario is neighborhood garage sale. Learner will drag

and drop the question and answer space into the form.

Date: :


Graphics info
Lil Form- possible
graphic/course guide.

Audio information
Voice over narration.

Transcript ofGuide user through dragging and dropping a fill in the blank question into the form.
Description: Hover over for descriptions and larger font. Learner advances when question is correct.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Sort

Aswer/paragraph Question

Screen 10 of

Scenario is neighborhood garage sale. Learner will drag

and drop the question and answer space into the form.

Date: :


Graphics info
Lil Form- possible
graphic/course guide.

Audio information
Voice over narration.

Transcript ofGuide user through dragging and dropping a short answer or paragraph question into the form.
Description: Hover over for descriptions and larger font. Learner advances when question is correct.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: customize form

Screen 11 of

Date: :


Graphics info

Learner will choose a theme for their form and show

how to change colors.

Lil Form- possible

graphic/course guide.
Simulate Google theme
Lil Form can change
outfits to match

Audio information
Voice over narration.

Transcript ofGuide will choose theme and demonstrate how to assign theme to form.
Description: Hover over for descriptions and larger font. Learner advances when ready.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Upload demo

Screen 13 of

Date: :


Graphics info

Learner will watch Guide demo how to upload an


Lil Form- possible

graphic/course guide.
Simulate image uploadmay use screen shots or

Audio information
Voice over narration.

Transcript ofGuide will upload an image.

Description: Hover over for descriptions and larger font. Learner advances when ready.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Send/Share

Screen 13 of

Date: :


Graphics info

Learner will watch Guide demo how to send the form in

an email.
Learner will share the form.
Remember to collect email/timestamp when form is

Lil Form- possible

graphic/course guide.
Simulate linking the form in
an email- may use video.
Dropdown for learner to
share with Guide.

Audio information
Voice over narration.

Transcript ofGuide will demonstrate linking the form in an email and guide the learner to share the form.
Description: Hover over for descriptions and larger font. Learner advances when ready. This may need two slides.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Form Complete

Screen 14 of

Date: :


Graphics info

Guide has completed the form! Time to see what the

response is! Click here to see the responses.

Lil Form- possible

graphic/course guide.
Fun slide- Lil Form sits at
computer to fill out form.

Audio information
Voice over narration.

Transcript ofGuide fills out form.

Description: No action needed here.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Access Data

Screen 15 of

Date: :


Graphics info

Access data in spreadsheet. Show how to share

the data. May show how to set alert to know if
response has been recorded.

Lil Form- possible

graphic/course guide.
Simulate opening
spreadsheet, sharing

Audio information
Voice over narration.

Transcript ofGuide learner through simulation of opening spreadsheet, sharing.

Description: Hover over for description, larger font, advances after learner shares the spreadsheet. May require two slides.

Project name:
How to: Use Google Forms

Screen ID: Conclusion

Screen 16 of 16



Graphics info

Congratulations, you have completed the course.

Link to downloadable user guide/question chart
Links to sample forms

Lil Form- possible

graphic/course guide.
Link icons

Audio information

Voice over narration.

Transcript ofCongratulations! You have successfully created, sent, and shared a form! Here are some helpful links.
Description: Hover over for description, larger font.

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