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Dear _____________,

I've read your work. It is _____________. It deserves an A / a B / a C / a D / an E / an F

(circle the grade).

The thing I think you did the best was:



I wonder what you think about paragraph _____________. Perhaps you could do
something to make it better or more interesting to read. For example, you could:



I've provided some analysis of your grammar items and content (tick or circle where

Poor Pass Excellent

Content 1 2 3 4 5
Paragraphing 1 2 3 4 5
Language 1 2 3 4 5
Clear and not 1 2 3 4 5

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Poor Chinglish

I spotted it.
It was used

Furthermore, you were asked to use at least _____________(number) _____________

(grammar item); you could / could not do this successfully. We have just learned this
grammar item. I have put ticks next to the perfect ones and have underlined ones that are
used incorrectly. I hope this helps you.

Keep writing. There's always room for improvement!

All the best,

_____________ (your name).

_____________ (the date)

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