From Affirmations For Self-Healing by Swami Kriyananda Crystal Clarity Publishers

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We often hear the expression, sadder but wiser. This is the mark of
worldly wisdom, which people equate with disillusionment. Indeed,
worldly hopes, sooner or later, all end in disappointment, and
sometimes in great sorrow. Worldly wisdom often wears the garb of
Not so, divine wisdom! On the spiritual path, the expression should be,
happier and wiser! For true human wisdom means recognizing at last
the pathway out of delusion, and toward the light of truth.
Divine wisdom is Omniscience itself. In such wisdom there is no
shadow of sorrow, only bliss absolute, bliss infinite, bliss eternal!
As I learn the lessons that life teaches me, I grow toward ever-greater
joy and freedom.
I am grateful, Lord, for every test You send me. Each time I stumble,
help me to learn. Each time my human weakness makes me fall, help
me to grow stronger. May I realize behind every pain Thy calm,
reassuring wisdom.

From Affirmations for Self-Healing by Swami Kriyananda

Crystal Clarity Publishers

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