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Forgiveness is the sword of victory! When we forgive those who seek

to hurt us, we rob them of their very power to do us harm. Better still,
if they respond with love, they will unite their strength to ours, and so
our strength becomes doubled.
But forgiveness should not be given primarily for its effect on others,
but rather for the freedom it affirms in our own hearts. Let no outward
circumstance condition your inner happiness. Be not pleased merely
when man is pleased. Be pleased, rather, when you feel Gods
pleasure in your heart.
All that befalls me is for my good. I welcome any hurts that I receive
as opportunities to grow in understanding.
Lord, how often the hurts that Ive sustained in life have grieved me!
Strengthen my power of love, that I surrender all things to Thee, my
eternal Friend.

From Affirmations for Self-Healing by Swami Kriyananda

Crystal Clarity Publishers

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