3 Persuasive Essay

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Persuasive Essay- Which is better: large-scale

farming or small-scale farming?

Assigned on: November 26th
Due on: November 29th
Length: 2 - 3 pages (double spaced, times new roman, font
size 12)
In this essay, you will have to answer the following question:
Which is better: large-scale farming or small-scale farming?
There is no right answer. You will be marked on your
reasoning and the quality of your answer, not the answer its
self. You must clearly answer one-way or the other. You may
not "sit on the fence." You should back up your opinion with
some research. Use a minimum of 3 websites and remember
to make a bibliography. Remember that this is an essay. It
must have an intro, body and conclusion. I will use the
following rubric when marking these essays:
Quality of information
Strength of opinion
Structure and mechanics


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