Ca Cda Evaluation 2015-2016 Sam

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Community Advisor &

Community Development Assistant Evaluation Tool

Residential Communities

Name: Sam Test CA

Term: Fall 2015
Complex/Hall: Grant D
Floor community: 14th floor
Semesters in position: 4th
Year in school: Senior
Supervisor: Myriah Wiltrout
Supervision and performance evaluation should be a continual conversation and process geared towards learning, development, and
career success. This tool has been designed to supplement the supervisor/supervisee relationship. Supervision check-ins throughout
the academic year have been established and should occur at specified times, with formal evaluations occurring at the end of each
semester. This evaluation remains in the Community Advisor/Community Development Assistants (CA/CDA) employment file for
the duration of their tenure and for five years thereafter. Final employment files are maintained in the Director of Residential
Communities office in Neptune Hall.

Rating Scale
This evaluation tool is designed around a standard academic year, with emphasis on the five learning outcomes of the Residential
Curriculum: Managing Personal Relationships, Creating an Inclusive Climate, Contributing Responsibly to the Community, Making
Healthy Life Choices, and Academic & Career Success.
Each learning outcome has three criteria in which the CA/CDA will be evaluated.
This evaluation tool uses the moving in, moving through, and moving on framework as a means of evaluating staff performance.
Observations of and feedback provided to the employee should be recorded in this document throughout the entire year and used in
the final evaluation at the end of each semester.

CA/CDA Evaluation 2015-2016

Notes on feedback and performance
Notes between Fall opening and Fall Check-In (September 14th):
Sams floor decorations are amazing. She worked very hard to make her floor feel like a home. Sam always
makes sure to ask clarifying questions so that she knows she has the information correct. Sam is definitely a fun
personality to have on the team and I think the new CAs look up to her. As a knowledgeable returner, I feel as
though Sam could take the lead more often than she does.
Notes between Fall Check-In (September 14th) and Fall Mid-Semester Evaluation (October 16th):
Sam had a very complicated and difficult situation to handle on her floor that she handled very well and
followed proper protocol on.
Notes between Fall Mid-Semester Evaluation (October 16th) and Fall End of Semester Evaluation
(December 4th):

Notes between Spring opening and Spring Check In:

Notes between Spring Check In and Spring End of Semester Evaluation:

Managing Personal Relationships

Fall Mid-Semester Evaluation: Moving Through
Sam stated in her self evaluation that she feels she knows a majority of her residents on a one on one basis, but that some
of them are hard to get to because they are not on the floor as often. I would challenge Sam to try to incorporate some
of her more elusive residents by planning strategies around their interests or even asking them to help you co-host
a strategy. Sam has done team builders and meets up with her residents in the lounge to better get to know them. Sam
spends time with her residents in the lounge and goes to dinner with them.
Sam has a good understanding of roommate mediation. Although she has not had one this year, she has had to mediate a
disagreement between one of her residents and several other residents on the floor. It was a difficult situation and Sam did
a great job of not taking sides and committed herself to helping all of her students.
Sam keeps her residents aware of policies and potential consequences by talking to them about it during one on ones and
being quick to follow up when things do occur.

I believe that Sam does a good job of upholding policy, while also being friendly with her students and keeping a positive
relationship going.
Sam works well with the CA team during staff meetings and while on duty. I would challenge Sam to spend some
bonding time with the staff, or possibly collaborate with another CA to do a strategy. Sam did a nice job of working
through a conflict with a fellow CA, while also keeping her supervisor in the loop. I feel that Sam is very tactful and
developmental in her communication style. I would challenge Sam to put on a program.
Fall End of Semester Evaluation:

Please rank this CA/CDA: Moving In, Moving Through, Moving On

Spring Check In:

Spring End of Semester Evaluation:

Please rank this CA/CDA: Moving In, Moving Through, Moving On

Creating an Inclusive Climate

Fall Mid-Semester Evaluation: Moving On
I feel that Sam has a great understanding of inclusivity. Sam worked really hard this semester to resolve an issue that her
floor was having. One resident was making others on the floor feel uncomfortable via some of his statements. Sam
followed up with all of the students involved including the student who was making others upset. Sam worked with both
sides to try and be understanding of one another, while still upholding housings zero tolerance for bias. Sam also went
above and beyond to try to work with the one student continuously to help him develop a better vision of diversity.
Sam stated that she feels a need of her floor is stronger personal relationships. I feel that Sam is good at building strong
one on one relationships, but I would challenge Sam to work on building a community on her floor (she can start
this goal by writing down a definition of what she thinks community is and some measurable ways to see if she has
accomplished this goal or not. This way she can work towards doing those tangible things).
Sam stated that she and her floor talk about their identities and cultures regularly and created a floor vision through this. I
would challenge Sam to create something physical display of her floors common vision (do this with your floor).
This will help the residents who are already a part of this vision to feel it is very real, as well as show the residents who
are not as involved that things like this are occurring on the floor because they can physically see it. These types of things
help create floor pride.
Sam has a good understanding of bystander intervention and has actively intervened as a bystander.
Fall End of Semester Evaluation:

Please rank this CA/CDA: Moving In, Moving Through, Moving On

Spring Check In:

Spring End of Semester Evaluation:

Please rank this CA/CDA: Moving In, Moving Through, Moving On

Contributing Responsibly to the Community

Fall Mid-Semester Evaluation: Moving Through
Sam helped her fellow CAs decorate their floors at the beginning of the year as this is one of her strengths. Sam is always
on time to her one on ones and office hours if not early. If Sam needs to miss an office hour she makes sure to make it up
or let her supervisor know. Sam has volunteered for a committee for the signature program and she actively supports and
promotes hall council and her fellow CAs programs. I would challenge Sam to get more of her students to attend the
hall council GA with her.
Being a third year CA I feel that Sam knows the policies, procedures and sanctions well. Sam did have an alcohol
situation that she could have handled better as far as procedure goes, but it was an honest mistake that she informed her
supervisor of right away and everything was sorted out in the end.
Sam is knowledgable about campus partners and took her residents to campus events during welcome week. I would
challenge Sam to try either bringing in a campus partner as a strategy or taking residents to a campus partner as a

I would challenge Sam to interact more with her staff members during the week.
Fall End of Semester Evaluation:

Please rank this CA/CDA: Moving In, Moving Through, Moving On

Spring Check In:

Spring End of Semester Evaluation:

Please rank this CA/CDA: Moving In, Moving Through, Moving On

Making Healthy Life Choices

Fall Mid-Semester Evaluation: Moving On
I believe that Sam is a great role model for her residents! Sam is always professional, approachable and appropriate. Sam
works hard a student and studies often. Sam is trying to get involved with women in business. Sam worked with one of
her residents to help them with financial concerns and refered them to appropriate resources.
Sam is holding pizza with the po po event soon to encourage her residents to make good choices. Sam makes sure to keep
her supervisor in the loop with student needs.
Fall End of Semester Evaluation:
Please rank this CA/CDA: Moving In, Moving Through, Moving On
Spring Check In:

Spring End of Semester Evaluation:

Please rank this CA/CDA: Moving In, Moving Through, Moving On

Academic Success
Fall Mid-Semester Evaluation: Moving On
Sam is a great student and works hard towards her studies. She also utilizes a lot of campus resources and has refered
students to these resources. I feel that utilizing academic resources such as her professors, career services, and other
workshops is a strength of Sams. I would challenge Sam to use this knowledge and strength of hers and share it with
her residents via a strategy (bulletin board, program, etc). Or even to share this knowledge with her fellow CAs
during a staff meeting.
Another strength of Sams is time management and organization. I feel Sam has developed a system that works for her
utilizing excel and planners and outlook. I feel this is something else she could help her colleagues with.
Fall End of Semester Evaluation:

Please rank this CA/CDA: Moving In, Moving Through, Moving On

Spring Check In:

Spring End of Semester Evaluation:

Please rank this CA/CDA: Moving In, Moving Through, Moving On

Overall Comments and Action Plan Fall Mid-Semester Evaluation
Fall Mid-Semester Evaluation Strengths
Sam is a well-organized CA and utilizes campus resources very well. She has also impressed me this
semester with her dedication to developing and educating her residents, rather than just fixing a problem.

Fall Mid-Semester Evaluation Areas for Improvement &Growth

Area for improvement
Specific actions CA/CDA will perform to address that
Spend more time with fellow staff members.
Collaborate on a program, plan a social event for the
Community building
Brainstorm ways to create community and build floor
pride. Ask for best practices from a fellow CA who
has a strong community on their floor.

Fall Mid-Semester Evaluation Overall Comments

(Supervisor provides overall comments for fall semester)

Overall Comments and Action Plan Fall End of Semester Evaluations

Fall End of Semester Evaluation- Strengths
(Supervisor lists strengths)

Fall End of Semester Evaluation- Areas for Improvement & Growth

Area for improvement
Specific actions CA/CDA will perform to address that

Fall End of Semester Overall Comments

(Supervisor provides overall comments for fall semester)



Community Advisor/CDA Signature




Supervisor Signature



Overall Comments and Action Plan Spring End of Semester Evaluations

Spring End of Semester Evaluation- Strengths
(Supervisor lists strengths)

Spring End of Semester Evaluation- Areas for Improvement & Growth

Area for improvement
Specific actions CA/CDA will perform to address that

Spring End of Semester Overall Comments

(Supervisor provides overall comments for spring semester)


Community Advisor/CDA Signature




Supervisor Signature


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