Carmichael Chronicle February 2016

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eetorces ta nding Church Agency February 2016 Dear Praying Friends and Family Language School “Quem néo tem cdo, caga com gato.” ‘Casa de ferreiro, espeto de pau. ‘These are just a couple of the Portuguese proverbs we leamed in the final chapter of our textbook. (Yes, you read that right - we finished the last chapter of our textbook. Woohoo!) We were excited to complete our Portuguese book early ~ especially after spending 2 month on the final lesson, which was long and full of new and complicated verb constructions. But just because our textbook is completed doesnt mean we can take it easy through the remaining two months of language school. Our professor has assignments and ma- terial planned of, including a review through another Portugese fexthook to make sire we didn't mise any- thing! We've mentioned itin every prayer letter since we began language school, but we are so thankful to God forivng us such a wonderful profesor Degen lengvags ‘The Coming Year ‘As the end ot language school draws closer, so does the next step in our frst couple years of acclimation and learning. (We are going to spend our lives learning the language and culture — that is one thing we learned tis past year!) The next step after language school is spending a year working under a veteran missionary ‘to.continue learning the culture and how to minister effectively in the culture. Although we have some ideas of where we might serve this next year, nothing is set in stone. Please pray that God would direct and we ‘would clearly see His leading in this. The Family Front Chloe, now 15 months. s an adorable whirtwind, Walking (practically running — she'll be out running with Brandon soon) and curious about everything, she enters a room and within minutes has itn complete disar ray. We are living the YouTube video featuring the mom who goes around the house straightening every- thing, only to be followed seconds later by a toddler undoing everything, This letter has been interrupted by at least four board books.) But we wouldn't trade the mess and distractions for anything. We love our happy litte girl and so does everyone else. Whether we'te at church or the store, its Chloe that everyone ‘wants to see and if she's not there, they always ask about her. ‘AYear Completed ‘This month marks a year that we have been in Brazil, which is incredible. Without a doubt ithas been the most dificult year we have faced, but we are thankful forthe lessons we have leamed and for the ministry pportunities God has given through them. We are thank fr all of yout who have prayed and partnered with us and sent us notes of encouragement and birthday cards. We are also thankful for visits from some of the folks from our sending church and both sets of parents Pray for: ’ - For direction for the coming year ‘Continued acquistion of Portuguese For Brandon’s ongoing study with a youth in the area Praise The Lord for: ‘Completion of our primary textbook ~ Continued safety in Sao Paulo Continued ministry opportunities In Christ, Poe 4 Sn loam

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