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(28th Feb.,2016) :

Translate the following passage,

commenting on:
1- The problems you faced translating the
underlined words
2- The strategy you used to solve the problems
Good networking is making the most of the
people you meet to your mutual advantage. It
really is as simple as that. For me, nothing can
replace the impact of a face-to-face meeting:
the tiny gestures, the unexpected phrases that
arise when people talk together; the germ of
an idea, the hint of a worry - things you may
miss online.
But the internet has opened up a different
sort of networking that is also of great value.
You can have private one-to-one conversations
or publish your wisdom for an entire
The most important thing if you want to
network - whether that's in person or online is to take an interest in the people you meet. It

encourages people to respond, to open up, and

to like you.
Once it was your family background and
education that decided whom you met. These
days we're defined by the company we keep
rather than our parents' profession or where
we went to school, and we can keep what
company we like, in person or online.

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