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On the 24th of November, a Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter jet shot down a Russian

Sukhoi Su-24M bomber aircraft near the SyriaTurkey border, as the aircraft was
returning to Khmeimim Air Base. According to Turkey, the aircraft was fired upon
while in Turkish airspace because it violated the border up to a depth of 2.19
kilometres (1.36 miles) for about 17 seconds after being warned to change its
heading 10 times over a period of five minutes. The Russia Defence Ministry denied
the aircraft ever left Syrian airspace, counter-claiming that their satellite data showed
that the Sukhoi was about 1,000 metres inside Syrian airspace when it was shot
down. The U.S. State Department said that the U.S. independently confirmed that
the aircrafts flight path violated Turkish territory, and that the Turks gave multiple
warnings to the pilot, to which they received no response. The Turkish government
also said that it did not know the nationality of the aircraft at the time of the incident.
Russian president Vladimir Putin said that the U.S. knew the flight path of the
Russian jet and should have informed Turkey; two U.S. officials said that Russia did
not inform the U.S. military of its jets flight plan.
The Russian pilot and weapon systems officer both ejected from the aircraft. The
weapon systems officer was rescued; the pilot was shot and killed while parachuting
in mid-air by Syrian Turkmen rebels. A Russian naval infantryman from the searchand-rescue team launched to retrieve the two airmen was also killed when a rescue
helicopter was shot down by the rebels. The shootdown was the first destruction of a
Russian or Soviet Air Forces warplane by a NATO member state since the Korean
War. Reactions to the incident included harsh denunciation from Russia and an
attempt to defuse the situation by NATO afterwards. Few hours after the incident,
Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke from Sochi, where he was meeting with King
Abdullah II of Jordan, saying that it was a stab in the back by terrorist accomplices,
and that Russia would not put up with attacks like this one, hence resulting in
RussiaTurkey relations would be affected. Russia deployed the guided missile
cruiser Moskva armed with S-300F (SA-N-6 Grumble) long-range SAM missiles off
the Syrian coast near Latakia and S-400 mobile SAM systems to Khmeimim Air
Some interesting contexts include:

After the 2012 shooting of a Turkish F-4 reconnaissance jet, Turkey altered
the Rule of Engagement. The engagement rules for the Turkish armed forces have
been changed from Syria if there are any military instruments or troops approach to
the Turkish borders from the Syrian side in the form of a threat they will be perceived

as military threats and will be acted accordingly from now on, Erdogan said. While
no official reports or details are publicly announced (which is respected by NATO), it
is evident that the Rules of Engagement swiftly enacted on little relaxation and buffer
time, along with less flexibility for international military-capable aircraft to enter
Turkish airspace. Discussions between top officials to alter the Rules of Engagement
was made from 3-15th of October, with little to no results or conclusive moves.

Syrias direct involvement in combatting ISIS, along with other rebel groups
(as allies with Bashar Al Assad). Russias air campaign began on the 30 thSeptember
2015, while bases within Syria were established for logistical purposes for further
involvement (ground troops potentially, but of course mere speculation as of now).

Russia exports volumes of goods valued total of $25,203,172,978 in 2015

(and growing rapidly), while Turkey clocked more than $5,900,000,000 to Russia.
Turkey imports 55% of its natural gas from Russia, and 30% of its oil, with previous
talks and discussion over hydro-energy and nuclear energy sustainability projects.
Trade mostly under minerals, precious stones, industrial machinery, manpower,
financial services, chemical manufacturing, banking, avionics/aviation-services, parts
and vegetables.

Turkey is one of most popular tourism destinations for Russian leisure

travelers (while business accounts much of the share too), directly and indirectly
generating $96,000,000,000 into Turkeys GDP and 2.1 million jobs. Most seems to
be at stake thanks to tension-induced sanctions. Punitive measures include
embargoing Russian businesses from hiring any new Turkish nationals as well as
import restrictions on certain Turkish goods (and vice versa in a more limited

Russia is to ban air charters between Russia and Turkey, expect for special
flights for the return of tourists remaining in the country, as well as to take additional
measures aimed at ensuring transport (aviation) safety when conducting regular
flights with the Turkish republic, according to government statements on economic
sanctions. The government plans to axe visa-free travel facilitations. Russias
Aeroflot (and operator groups Donavia and Rossiya) and I-fly plans to cut
frequencies and some destinations from the announcement. The Kremlin is also
considering banning Turkish operators such as Turkish Airlines (TK, Istanbul Atatrk)
from transiting Russian airspace. Turkish carriers serving Russia will also be subject
to increased checks and controls for security reasons. The new measures come
into effect from January 1, 2016. Turkeys biggest airline is offering Russian

customers alternate flight dates or destinations for free after the Kremlin raised the
possibility of a flight ban between the two countries. This involves tickets from
November 25 to February 28 next year if they were purchased after November 25,
Interfax reports, quoting the company. The Russian travellers can swap tickets by
December 1. Turkish airlines spokesman Serhan Yucel said the company would
continue to fly to Russia as usual, despite deteriorating relations after Turkey shot
down a Russian jet in Syria. Pegasus and Borajet also plans to reconsider their
Russian services.

Points raised by both sides are (and undertakings):

What are the freedoms and tolerance levels of any border crossing before
sovereignty is infringed, and states have the right to protect themselves? Were the
defined internationally recognized parameters complied with? What would make this
an exception? Why and how could this be altered? Can parameters of sovereignty
be dictated (Le Domaine Arien et le Rgime Juridique des Arostats (1901) /
Johanna Nijeholts Air Sovereignty (1910) / Harold Hazeltines The law of the Air

Russia argues that the Paris Convention of 1919 dictated that international
airspace (article 1) gave authority to each individual operating an aircraft to act in
accordance with the law of the state of registration. Turkey counters that the
convention also respects absolute sovereignty over borders, in which Rules of
Engagements must be respected.

Whether Turkey has the right to exercise its sovereignty by crossing into
foreign airspace (let alone engage and shoot down a plane granted rights within

Legitimacy of data presented by respective governments namely radar

images and shown below

Russia argues, mostly under ICAOs definitions of sovereignty, that State

sovereignty is closely connected to the definition of States obligations under Article
28 of the Chicago Convention. The text and spirit of Article 28 do not oblige States to
provide air navigation services and border protection over their territory themselves.
Rather, Article 28 prescribes that when and where. This allows Russia to be a

legitimate force. Furthermore; States elect to provide facilities and services to

support international air navigation and enforcement of sovereignty, and these
facilities and services must comply with ICAO Standards and Recommended
Practices. This allows Russias military to be an ANSP and legitimate military force
to uphold borders based in the Latakia region thanks to approved placement and ties
with the sovereign and recognized government. Russia continues to argue that the
violation of airspace went both ways.

Turkey argues here, that unlike the examples of cross-border ANSP, the
separate geography doesnt apply (unlike what New Zealand, Australia and the US
does). Turkey also touches on Bashar Al Assads popularity (classifying the state in
civil limbo), and also stating that if Russia stays true to the accusations, Syrias
current government is also responsible for the airspace infringement. Both countries
urge for the UN and NATO to assemble upon and discuss accusations.

Whether Russia in turn, abides by the above specifics mentioned, especially

with dealings and positioning on the MH17 (with evidence pointing towards Russian
Separatists within Ukraine).^

Reports Turkey may have been at the receiving end: Russian ARAAMs
targeted (manned proximate to Jisr-Al-Shughur) at Turkish fighters upholding the
border-intrusion shoot-down. Moscow also reacting by bringing the notorious S-400
to Latakia. This allows Turkeys right to defend itself (beyond the shooting down of
the Russian fighter, further legitimizing the move).

Whether the flight was considered as an ally/neutral armed attack status

(which gives Moscow greater freedom in Turkish Airspace, and where Ankara is
expected to relax the scramble).

Whether Russian pilots received or enacted their training to constantly tune

into 121.5/243.0 mhz, follow orders, observe warnings beacons/flares/shots, and
stay 10 nautical miles from any border. All fighter pilots are trained under
International Law for recognition of aircraft emergency guard frequencies, observe
the International Air/Military Distress signals, and respect borders and distancing
facilitative of all forms of Rules of Engagement and its natural classification being of
ratification-capable domestic law (and associated relaxations independent of each

Bad weather was a factor, according to Russia.

Relationships between Russia, Assad and the development with the Kurds for
strategic and definitive diplomatic divides. -Turkeys violation of Greek airspace
tallied at 2244 last year (a gain of 400%).

Turkeys excessive enforced power on civilian/friendly aircraft (independent of

Rules of Engagement and under civil and public international aviation law ,
especially over the Bosphorus International waterways mentioned under the
Montreaux Convention allowed full power contingent for freedom during peace time,
being breached (as argued by Russia)

Russia set to bring citizens home from Turkey, and findings from
investigations will uncover Turkeys intentions, dealings, polices, and legaladherence (with all to uncover whether Russia has the right by international
standards to exercise self-defense)

In conclusion, it is certainly a very interesting case and sequence of events between

Moscow and Ankara following the downing of a Russian SU-24 by a Turkish F-16.
Seems both nations are avoiding war, yet are taking their own cases into their own
hands, avoiding international oversight over bias claims, and feeding a tit for tat
policies while questioning the other nations (and affiliates) commitment and
placement in the eradication of ISIL, and civil unrest in Syria Both parties will need to
be treating this like an accident, with Daesh being the only greatest threat hindering
the investigation. Differences must be set aside and common grounding must be
observed to keep the peace.

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