Inforation Literacy Assignment

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Information Literacy. Asongwe J.

Article 1
a) Key words The key words I used for this article were Mobile Technology
b) Database The database was an education source
c) Reason for using Database This database is an educational source which
gives me the assurance that this information is legit.
Citation (MLA) Works Cited. Anderson, Carrie L.1,, et al. "Exploring Techniques For Integrating
Mobile Technology Into Field-Based Environmental Education." Electronic
Journal of Science Education 19.6 (2015): 1-19. Education Source. Web. 13
Feb. 2016.
Article 2
a) Key words The key words I used were Emerging Technology
b) Database The database for this article was a CINAHL Complete
c) Reason for using Database This is the largest and most in depth nursing
research database. Using this, I know for sure that is a reliable source
since its the largest and most in depth in the medical field.
d) Citation (APA) References. Vowden, P. (2015). Emerging targeted
technology to address unmet clinical needs - Implementing a development
and adoption strategy. EWMA Journal, 15(1), 35-38 4p.
Screen prints

Information Literacy. Asongwe J. McCho-Nji

Screen Print of Article


Screen Print of Article #2

Information Literacy. Asongwe J. McCho-Nji

Internet Article #1
Earthquake app may one day warn you tremors are coming.
Scientist at the university of California in Berkeley released an app that
eventually will be able to inform you when an earthquake is about to occur. Using
the phones accelerometer, the app gives the phone the ability to record shaking. If
this shaking has the same characteristics as an earthquake, the app sends this data
to the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory. The main goal is to get people all over the
world to download the app. Allen, who is the developer of the app said they will
need three hundred users in a one hundred square kilometer area to get good data
from that quake. This app will be useful for countries like Nepal and Peru.
Citation (MLA) Almasy, Steve, and Kieth Allen. "Earthquake App Uses
Smartphones as Seismic Recorders -" CNN. Cable News Network, 2016.
Web. 13 Feb. 2016.

Internet Article #2

Information Literacy. Asongwe J. McCho-Nji

a) Key Words The key word I used was security
b) Citation (MLA) Davenport, Mark. "Theresa Villiers Warns of UK Security Fears
over NI Troubles Cases Disclosure - BBC News." BBC News. N.p., 11 Feb. 2016.
Web. 13 Feb. 2016
Search Engine
Which is better?


Google was a better

search engine in my
opinion. Google gave
me the option for
choosing credible
scholarly articles. It
also gave me credible
sources where I just
had to click on the
search result and it
took me to the article.
In addition, google gave
me three thousand four
hundred and sixty
search results.
Compared to Bing, this
was just a fraction of
what Bing offered.

Bing gave me six
million seven hundred
thousand results. In
addition the results
they gave were not
credible sources and
when I clicked on one
result, it took me to
another page which
had a link to other

Internet Article #1
Earthquake app may one day warn you tremors are coming.

a) Time This was written on February 12, 2016 and was updated at 8:56 PM on
that same day.
b) Relevance This is related to my topic which is mobile technology. This article
gives me insight on how our mobile phones work and the capabilities they
c) Authority The authors of this article are Steve Almasy and Keith Allen. These
are two notable reporters/ writers for CNN.
d) Accurate This information is accurate because it states statistics and data
that have already been collected from the lunching of the app. For example
stating that the app has been downloaded in sex continents already.

Information Literacy. Asongwe J. McCho-Nji

e) Purpose In my opinion, this article was published for several reasons. First,
to inform readers about the capability of this app and what it can do. Second,
to get readers to buy or download the app. Finally, to persuade readers to get
the app because it states, the goal is to get people all over the world to
download this app

Comparing the articles

a) Ease of access
In my opinion, the DB article 1 was the easiest to find and locate. Once I
typed the key words and searched them, the multiple articles came up. All I
needed to do was read the heading or title of the article and click it. Another
thing about the DB article was that it was arranged by date from latest to
b) Timeliness
It was faster acquiring the information I needed from the articles in the DB. It
helped me locate things like the database faster than using sources from the
internet search. Another good thing that helped save time was doing the
citations. Using the DB the citations were faster because it had a tool that
automatically did the citations for me.
c) Authority
The authority of the articles depends on the source. I think the authority of
both the DB articles and the internet search articles I chose were legit. When
using the internet search, once again I went to very reliable sources which
were CNN and BBC. These are the worlds leading news broadcasters. I trust
the DB because the databases were notable as well like the CINAHL.

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