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Lesson 6
Lesson Title

Russia Out of the War & War at the Pacific

10.5 Students analyze the causes and course of the First World
3. Explain how the Russian Revolution and the entry of the
United States affected the course and outcome of the war.
10.7 Students analyze the rise of totalitarian governments after
World War I.
1. Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian
Revolution, including Lenins use of totalitarian means to seize
and maintain control (e.g., the Gulag).
2. Trace Stalins rise to power in the Soviet Union and the
connection between economic policies, political policies, the
absence of a free press, and systematic violations of human
rights (e.g., the Terror Famine in Ukraine).
Objectives Students will be able to discuss and analyze Russias Revolution
affected the course and outcome of the war. Students will also
learned about different world war scenarios that were taking
place, in The Pacific in particular.
Introduction Provide a background of Russia, what was going on internally at
/ Overview the time. Introduce Lenin and Trotsky into the scene. Ask
students what if they recognize them, if so, who are they?
Vocabulary/ Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, March Revolution, Marxists, Soviets,
Key Terms
Bolsheviks, Red v. Whites, Russia Civil War 1918-1922, Tsar,
Leon Trotsky, Russia out of the War.
Japan Expansion, Socialism. War at the Pacific, Joseph Stalin, 5
Year Plan.
March Revolution of 1917 lead to the establishment of a provisional government.
Soviets: workers councils, labor union, strong in major cities. The October
Revolution of 1917: Vladimir Lenin, returned to Russia to participate to get
soviets into power. He founded an elite corps of revolutionaries known as the
Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks were lead by Lenin who forced a revolution in
Russia even though Russia wasnt ready. Russia was not fully capitalized. The
Bolsheviks were going to force this revolution in Russia, a group pushing it to
that. They overthrow their provisional government. They killed all Tsar family to
prevent rise to power again. The Soviets take over and killing of the Tsar caused
a civil war in Russia. Fought between the reds and the whites. The red were the
soviets and their supporters while the whites were all of those who opposed the
soviets (western powers, those who favored the Tsar). It seems like the soviets
were going to loose but due to a lack of coordination (abandoned by the western
powers because they were tired of fighting) the whites were unable to defeat
them. As a result, the soviets won the civil war. Important figures: Joseph Stalin
and Leon Trotsky. Lion helped organized the red troops and gained victories
against the white, some people thought that he was going to be Lenin successor.


However, its was Joseph Stalin who rose to power. The civil war is important
because it allowed the soviets to take over Russia. Eliminated the external and
internal opposition groups. Lenin is responsible for the civil war and was a
founding figure for the Soviet Union.

Focal Ideas


ext Lecture

The effects that the Russian Revolution had on the World War.
Why did Russia got out of the War. What were the
consequences? The outcome of the War.
Japan expansion, taking German colonies
PowerPoint Presentation and Classroom Clickers
Map of Russia at the time of war.
Primary Sources (Lenis writing)
Group discussion of how thing would have been if Russia
Revolution had not taken place.
50 Minutes Class Meeting
Using a clicker, students will complete pop quizzes (may include
extra credit points) during the lecture. This is aim to be as a poll
to make sure that the students are understanding the content
discuss. Students will talk to a peer next to them explaining
what the lecture was about at the beginning of the next class
Students will be asked to do a 3 minute quick write as a
reflection of what the lecture was about (it could be an outline,
simple sketch, key words, etc.)

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