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A lot of students do not score well in MUET writing because they may be unaware of the Academic
Writing Format. Those who know about it find it hard to verbalise it or get it down on paper, as such,
their intros might not follow the appropriate formal writing style that is preferred for MUET level.

Anyway, here is a short lesson on intro writing from me.

The key, as always, is to keep practising.

What makes a good introduction?

Divided into 3 parts.
1. Current Situation/Commentary
2. Stand
3. Thesis Statement/Outline

What should each part consist of?

1. Current situation/Commentary should include a HOOK,
which is a statement or question that can HOOK OR GRAB your attention.

Examples of HOOKS
a. Facts/Data/Statistics (News articles, data from graphs/surveys etc)
b. Questions (Rhetorical questions related to the issue)
c. An Anecdote (Story that is related to the issue)
d. Examples (Various related examples)
e. Contrast (Describing the opposite of a given situation, eg. topic: Money, opposite: No Money)
f. Projection (Imagining the future)

Basically, you may use any of the hooks above but make sure the tone of your essay is FORMAL.

Example of Hook (f-Projection)

Imagine if there are no people to clean up rubbish, everywhere got rubbish so dirty and many people
would get sick because so many diseases until everyone die.

Imagine a world without a cleanup crew, rubbish would be piling up high everywhere and diseases
would spread like wildfire to threaten the very existence of mankind.

2. Stand
Refer to the question and focus on the key words to develop your stand.
Use these phrases to guide you:
a. In my opinion, I strongly/totally/completely/absolutely believe/feel/agree/disagree that...
b. From my perspective, I ...
c. From my point of view, I ...
d. It is my opinion that...

Your stand can also help you organise your essays in terms of paragraphing.


: use a 5 paragraph format

However, I am inclined to give the 'thinkers' a higher band if they can

compare and contrast ideas using the 6 paragraph format as shown below.



*NOTE that 5 paragraphs are the bare minimum, 6 is suggested,

but those with excellent proficiency should NOT let the number of paragraphs hold you back.
Conversely, the danger of writing too much is it is 'self-penalising'
as you will make too many errors esp if you run out of time and cannot edit your writing.

3. Thesis Statement/Outline

This is by far the MOST IMPORTANT part of the introduction as it foreshadows

what the writer will focus on and gives the examiner
an idea of how well the writer can organise his/her essay.

For low bands, a simple Outline is enough. Use this template to help you.

In this essay, I would like to discuss advantages/disadvantages/reasons/causes/strategies which are

__________, __________ and ___________.


In this essay, I would like to focus on the *________________, ______________ and

*can be replaced with:
a. causes, effects and solutions
b. pros, cons, solutions
c. advantages, disadvantages, suggestions
d. benefits, drawbacks, ways to overcome

e. etc.

For higher bands, omit the 'I' and replace with more formal structures.

In light of this, there are many reasons/causes/effects/advantages/disadvantages to this issue namely

______________, _______________ and ______________.


There are many facets to this issue but let us focus on the ____________, ___________ and
_________ of ______________________(issue).

or etc.


Now that you're learnt the theory, let's put it to practice. To show you how this works, I've used one
question, and written 6 different intros but all with the 3 part format which I've discussed.

There is a question at the end of this section and you may try your hand in writing your own 6 versions
of the introduction... practice makes perfect!!!

Nov 2013 Writing Question

"The most important factor which contributes towards a person's success is himself."
Do you agree with the statement ? Justify your stand, giving relevant examples where
appropriate. You should write at least 350 words.

a. Facts/Data/Statistics (News articles, data from graphs/surveys etc)

According to an article in Forbes magazine on World's 100 Top Successful people, 90% of people
become successful based on their unique individual characters rather than talent alone. This means
that people who have the same great talent - take singing for example - are both capable of becoming
successful but the one who has the characteristics fans like such as friendly, well-groomed with high
self-esteem and creativity are more likely to achieve superstardom compared to an introverted singer
with low self-confidence and charisma. It is my humble opinion that I absolutely agree with the

statement that the most important factor which contributes towards a person's success is himself. We
can analyse this issue in terms of the human factor which are his innate qualities, his drive for success
and his ability to sustain success.

b. Questions (Rhetorical questions related to the issue)

Is talent enough to achieve success? How is it possible for a set of twins who are both equally good in
singing, yet only one becomes a successful singer while the other does not? Can a person's character
determine his or her ability to achieve success in life? From my point of view, the answer lies in the
fact that it is indeed the person himself which contributes towards his own success. In this essay, I
would like to discuss how a person's innate talent, his drive to succeed and his motivation to stay at
the top are the reasons that differentiate every one of us therefore controlling our success metres.

c. An anecdote (Story that is related to the issue)

There was once a farmer who had triplets. He could not decide which son should inherit his property
so he gave each of his three sons the same sum of money and told them to achieve success. The first
son used the money as a dowry and managed to acquire the chief's daughter as a wife. The second son
used the money to bet on horses but lost it all. The third son bought cows with the intent of breeding
them, milking them and making butter and cheese of which he would sell at the market. Finally, the
farmer chose the third son because he was the only son capable of 'growing' his investment. The point
of all this is to show that when the playing field is leveled, and there is equal opportunity, success or
failure is determined by the decisions each individual makes. Therefore, I strongly agree with the
statement that the most important factor which contributes towards a person's success is himself. In
light of this, there are many aspects of the person himself which contributes to his success, namely his
aptitude, attitude and drive to succeed.

d. Examples (Various related examples)

Donald Trump is renowned the world over for his acute business acumen as testified by his Trump
empire. His entrepreneurship skills have been commonly mimicked but rarely replicated as many
aspire to become like him but seldom achieve the level of his success. The secret of his success is his
unique character which is driven by his desire to rise above all, including himself. There are other
examples of extremely successful people who have achieved success not solely based on talent but
their individual characteristics such as Mark Zuckerberg and our own Datuk Tony Fernandez to name

a few. From my perspective, the most important factor which contributes towards a person's success is
indeed himself. This can be proven in terms of his own talent, his character and motivation to remain

e. Contrast (Describing the opposite of a given situation, eg. topic: Money, opposite: No Money)

A person born into an affluent family, when taking over the father's business manages to run the
business down the ground. The question then arises as to why the son failed to follow in the footsteps
of his father when everything was handed to him on a silver platter. Simply put, he might have
inherited the same genes but this does not predetermine his individualistic characteristic which in
turn contributes to his ability to succeed or in this case, fail. Similarly, a person born into a poor
family with not much given to him, can scrape the barrels and claw out of his poverty and make a
success of his life unlike his parents or siblings. The sheer determination to succeed gives him the
necessary elixir to lift him out of his fate and create a new and brighter future for himself. Hence it is
my steadfast opinion that the environment does not play the most crucial factor in determining
success, but it is indeed the person himself what contributes to his rise or fall. To discuss this issue, let
us look at the three aspects of success, namely a person's aptitude, attitude and desire to sustain

f. Projection (Imagining the future)

If every one of us could be successful, would this world not be full of successful people? The very fact
that not everyone in this world today is a success story strongly implies that there are many factors
that contribute to a person's success but it is each individual himself that gives him the cutting edge.
In my opinion, I completely agree that the most important factor which contributes towards a person's
success is himself. There are many facets to this issue but let us focus on a person's own ability,
character and determination that will lead to his or her success.

Right... so what do you think of the 6 different approaches?

Which do you like the best?
Which suits your writing style the best?

As mentioned earlier, below is a sample exam question that you can try writing introductions for.
Write at least 3 different versions of the introductions using any of the 6 hooks taught previously.

"The most important thing in life is health." Do you agree with the statement? Justify
your stand, giving relevant examples where appropriate. You should write at least 350

If you really want to challenge yourself, you could use the first essay topic on success and try to
disagree with it or discuss both for and against it (come up with a 6 paragraph organisation). You will
need to figure out what are the external factors that leads one to success.

As usual, write the sample intros out and post in the comments below.. waiting to hear
from both teachers and students! Happy penning!

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