Seann Lin 9.4: INITIAL BRAINSTORM: ISSUE Anti - Refugee Feeling in Europe And/or The USA

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__Seann Lin 9.4


INITIAL BRAINSTORM: ISSUE= Anti Refugee feeling in Europe and/or the USA.
Possible elements of my issue I could study (you may add more):

1. Possible reasons behind the anti refugee

feeling in European and American countries.

2. Where refugees generally originate from and their

reasons for leaving.

Issue element # 1
What do I already know?
- Difference in religion and beliefs affect the
refugees ability to blend into their new
communities, as there are different ritual
practices, traditions etc.
- The financial power needed to accept
refugees are also a factor behind this anti
refugee feeling. Many European countries
are in an economic crisis of their own, but still
insist on spending more money on refugees
instead of helping their own citizens, angering
them as a result.
- Acts of violence and sexual assault
conducted by refugees are also a factor.

What do I need to find out?
- Further details and statistics on the major
religions and beliefs of refugees.
- The exact statistics behind how much was
spent on refugees financially.
- Reports on other disgraceful acts conducted
by refugees.

What search terms should I use?
- Refugee violence in Europe.
- Ritual practices for Muslims.
- Prejudice against Muslim refugees.
- Cost of accepting refugees.
- Cases of sexual assault conducted by

Issue element # 2
What do I already know?
- Most refugees generally originate from
Middle Eastern and Arab countries such as
Syria and Afghanistan, due to increasing
violence in the area.
- Due to war, countries in that area have been
hit with an economic crisis, making if very
difficult for small businesses.
- Constant air strikes have taken out much of
the infrastructure, including schools, hospitals
and factories.
- Most refugees have chosen to flee to Europe,
as it offers a convenient platform should the
refugees choose to move to other countries.

What do I need to find out?
- Where exactly do refugees originate from.
- The most popular destination for refugees
and the reason behind that.
- Further details about the violent conflict
taking place in the Middle East.

What search terms should I use?
- Violent conflicts in the Middle East.
- Which country accepted the most refugees in
- Where refugees generally originate from.
- Why do refugees like immigrating to
European countries?

ACTION PLAN: (add more rows if needed)

SOURCES of Information: Dont just say Library, Books or Google. For example, Library Database eg
Time Magazine, Biography in Context, Issues: Understanding Controversy & Society etc

Fill this table in BEFORE and DURING your research.
What information do I need to

What SOURCES could I use to

How useful was this source?
get this information? (be specific)

Information on ritual practices for Specific websites dedicated to this

culture, eg., etc.

Cases of sexual assault conducted Reports from acknowledged news

by refugees.
companies such as BBC, CNN etc.
Trustable newspapers such as The
Telegraph, Daily Mail etc. can also
be referred to.
Reasons behind why refugees are Interviews conducted by news
fleeing their home countries.
companies such as CNN and BBC,
blogs written by people from those
areas such as

Where refugees generally

originate from.

I could refer to statistical based

websites such as,, which
would provide me with detailed and
reliable statistics.

Possible reasons behind this

anti-refugee feeling.

Interviews with local citizens

conducted by news companies such
as BBC or CNN would be the ideal
source to refer to when writing
about this topic.

These sources were very useful in

terms of knowing more about the
Muslim culture, their ritual
practices and their diets. It
offered very detailed information
as well as statistics and pictures.
These sources were quite reliable
and useful. Since I was referring
to news reports, the information
inside it should not have been
biased, meaning it would have
given me the exact information
on what happened in each case.
The blogs were particularly
useful, as they were written by
the refugees themselves, which
gave me a detailed insight into
why a refugee would choose to
flee their home country.
The statistical websites were very
useful when researching about
this topic, as the information on it
was hard facts and straight to the
point, meaning I could extract the
information I wanted easily.
These sources were very useful,
since I could see from the
interviews how each local citizen
had different thoughts about
refugees, and their emotion and
personal thoughts was something
that news reports would not have
been able to show.

Methods or tools I will use to COLLECT & RECORD my information are: (give some detail be
clear about HOW you will collect & record)
eg Tools: easybib, diigo, word, evernote, scoopit etc.
eg Methods: Notetaking, summarising, paraphrasing, mindmapping, brainstorming, cutting & pasting relevant
notes etc

Fill in AFTER you finish
Fill in BEFORE you start your research
What TOOLS or METHODS will I
use to collect & record
information? (incl detail)

Why will I use them/do this?

(justify why you chose this/these

What did I actually do?

Annotating text and picking out I will use this method in order to pick In the end, I decided to annotate text
key phrases from a passage,
out all relevant information from a using my computer, as it would be
either by hand or using computer piece of text in a short amount of
more time efficient. First, I copied a
software such as Pages, Word etc. time.

This method would be useful if piece of text I found that I thought

I have a lot of different sources to

analyse, saving me considerable
amount of time while still being able
to extract the important information.

would be useful, then pasted it onto a

Word document, remembering to
reference the source. Then, I
annotated and picked out specific
phrases which I thought were the
most important phrases of the
passage, then coping them and
pasting them onto another separate
document. That way, I could only
refer to the second document, the one
with all the important information,
and not having to find it again in the
original text.
Taking down notes in bullet point Videos can be a very useful source of I picked videos of medium length
form while watching videos. This information, but extracting
(15-20 mins) to analyse. I took down
can be done either with pen and information from them can sometime bullet point notes as the video was
paper or on the computer.
be quite time consuming, as videos playing, and occasionally stopping

can be quite long. Using this strategy the video to test myself and to make
to record information can allow me sure I was taking enough notes. I also
to record the main points of
analysed videos of different varieties,
information the video is trying to
for example I watched cartoon videos
communicate by only watching it
from Brainpop, as well as news
once, and can allow me to always
reports, interviews and
refer to it without having to watch the documentaries. This way, I would
video all over again.
have more information coming from
different perspectives, which
hopefully can broaden the variety of
my data.

Bookmarking important and

This strategy is useful when research This method was relatively simpler
useful websites on the computer time is limited, meaning that I may than the previous ones, but equally
not have enough time to examine and was useful. I used this method when

analyse information from that

website in detail. If I think that the
website would be of good use to me
further on, I can bookmark it on the
computer browser so that I can
always go back and analyse it further
later on when I have time.

there was a lot of sources to analyse,

or when I did not have a lot of time. I
quickly skimmed through each
website, and if I saw something that I
thought would be useful, I would
bookmark that page (command + D)
and return to it later for further
analysis. This method is also related
to the first method, as the websites I
picked to analyse were usually the
ones I bookmarked previously.

Pages needed to complete my website: What information and links will I need
Fill this table in BEFORE and DURING your website creation.
What information do I need to

What Pages could I use to get

this information across to the
audience? (be specific)

Reasons behind the anti refugee Information related to this topic will
feeling in Europe and America.
be listed on a sub-page under the
main page Anti-Refugee Feeling,
and will be titled Why Is It
Happening?. Information included
would be the reasons behind the
anti-refugee feeling.
Basic introduction to the website These pieces of information will all
and the refugee crisis in Europe, be displayed on the home page,
and add some general statistics
which is the first page the viewer
about refugees.
sees when they access the website.
The reason I have chosen to do this
is because the basic information
about the refugee crisis would allow
the viewer to know approximately
what the website is about at one
Basic information about refugees All this information will be listed in
in general, information such as
various sub-pages listed under the
where they originate from, their main page About Refugees, and
reasons for fleeing etc.
will be titled Where Do They
Come From? and What Are Their
Reasons For Fleeing?.
What countries are doing to sooth These pieces of information can be
the refugee crisis.
listed in the main page along with
the introduction to the refugee
crisis, as it is also related to it.

How can I link the pages


I could create a drop-down menu

under the main page AntiRefugee Feeling, and title the
page Why Is It Happening?. I
could also put put a link to the
Why Is It Happening? page on
the About Refugees page.
On the main page, I will put a
link to the references page, which
will list out the sources I used
while creating the main page and
where I found the information
about this topic.

I could link the 2 sub-pages to the

main page via a drop-down menu
under the page About Refuges.
I could also put a link to the
Where Do They Come From?
page on the About Refugees
I will create a section dedicated to
this topic on the What Can You
Do To Help? page, since the
information on that page is quite
similar to this topic.

How each member of the society I will list this information on the
can help contribute towards
What Can You Do To Help?
getting rid of the anti refugee

Information about my made up

charity organization.

There will be a link to the What

Can You Do To Help? page on
the main page. It will also be a
main page on its own and be
easily accessible from the
navigation bar.
All bibliographies will be stored in The references page will be a
a separate main page titled
main page on its own, and it will
references, which will be
be easily accessible from the
accessible from the navigation bar. navigation bar.
The About Us page would be a
On the main page, there will be a
good place to store this information. link to the About Us page, and
It would be a main page that is
it will also be a main page itself,
easily seen and accessible from the meaning it will be accessible
navigation bar on top of the
from the navigation bar.

TIMEFRAME: (add more rows if needed)

Intended Actual

Steps in the Process: Briefly outline (list) the Dates Dates

steps you will work through to complete this

assessment. You should include planning
BEFORE researching, WHEN you will research,
then WHEN you will put together the final
product. Fill in the Actual Dates as you go.

If dates differ briefly explain why.

(If the dates are the same, you do not
need to fill this in)

Break the steps down to be clear and specific.

You need a minimum of SIX steps.

Finish filling out action plan with information

regarding the researching phase.

14/2/16 14/2/16 N/A

Completion of research.

15/2/16 15/2/16 N/A

Finish collecting images and other visual

15/2/16 15/2/16 N/A
elements to insert into website (pictures, graphs,
diagrams etc.)
Finish planning the rough layout of the website 19/2/16 18/2/16 Planning the layout of the website went
(eg. amount of pages, amount of information on
quicker than expected, since I already had
each page, page titles/layout etc.)
a general idea of which pieces of
information to group together during the
researching stage.
Creation of website.
22/2/16 25/2/15 The creation phase of the website took
much longer than expected, as I
previously had not expected the
complexity of Weebly, and I encountered
various technical difficulties during the
creation phase that I had to solve.

Create a complete bibliography in APA format 25/2/16 26/2/16 Following the delay of the creation phase,
using computer software EasyBib, citing all the
the next few steps were also delayed
sources used while researching for the website.
slightly. I did not want to rush the
bibliography, as I had to make sure I cited
all of my sources.
Receiving feedback from peers and teachers, and 26/2/16 27/2/16 This step was also delayed slightly as
conducting final evaluation by referring to the
well, as most people that I interviewed did
not give back their responses immediately.
Publish completed and evaluated website.
27/2/16 28/2/16 As a result of the delayed feedback, I
needed another extra day to interpret the
improvements suggested by my


Things that went well

Things that need


Ways of improving

Creating &
action plan

While creating the action

plan, I was able to
brainstorm different ways of
researching, which helped
me enormously during the
research stage. Also, the
dates that I estimated on the
timeframe were also quite
accurate, except for a few
dates which were delayed
due to unforeseen technical
difficulties. During the
research and creation
phase, I followed my action
plan closely, especially
when it came to deciding the
layout of the website. I
figured out that the layout I
planned fit together quite
nicely and was achievable,
so I interpreted it onto my
final website.
By following the methods I
came up with in my action
plan, the research phase
was very time efficient, and I
still got a large amount of
reliable and detailed
information from it. I also
made sure to reference
each source I used along
the way, and to use a
different variety of sources,
and not just websites but
books and newspapers as
The theme that I picked for
the website matched the
topic quite well, and the
layout of the website that I
decided on was quite

While creating the action plan,

I think that the amount of
research methods needed to
be increased, since I currently
only have 3. More research
methods would enable me to
analyse a larger variety of
sources, since the methods I
came up with did not work with
some sources. I think I that the
initial research on the topic
could be improved as well.

I could brainstormed 1 more

research method, in order to
improve the different types of
sources I could analyse. To
improve on the initial research, I
could have researched on one
more element of my topic, since I
have only 2. More information
about the topic would help me
during the creation phase, as I
would be able to offer more
detailed information on my

I think that during the research

stage, I could have used a
wider variety of sources to
broaden the range of my data.
I could also have analysed
each source with more detail,
as I did not do so since I was
running short of time.

In order to analyse each source

with more detail, the primary
improvement would be to spend
longer on each source and/or to
use different research methods. I
could also have used more
primary resources such as
interviews, instead of only
referring to secondary resources
such as books, videos, websites

I think that the efficiency of

creating the website needs to
be improved. Sometimes
when there was a technical
feature that I did not

Next time, when I get stuck on

something or I encounter
technical difficulties in one
specific area, if I cannot find an
immediate solution, I should

Collecting and


convenient and easy to use.

I was able to convey
information found during the
research phase onto the
website correctly, and all the
pages were connected to
each other via drop down
menus or links according to
the information they
showed, which would allow
the user to have a smoother
experience when visiting my

understand, I dwelled on it for

too long and as a result the
overall creation phase of the
website was delayed.

move on to another part of the

website and complete that part
first, and if there is time, I can
afford to go back and see if I can
fix the problem. This way, I will
not waste time trying to figure
something out and instead I will
be making good use of my time.

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