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1866. THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE, - 1367 seein lysate py an aglang so cloacae a. eihopcedl iene tenet Cherie ea ietietfneenae oaceae det Socata ne rigeeanetar myechipowine Xe Sena te nrusons moved y me Mabe nee pemnthy e ef ‘With instructions to stlke ont of the fst sstion HR ae ae ste fo fo ee out all pats of said II wit Sonleceniley eter eife theiphe tas ‘Ao propose to aks nothing forgeantel by EOWin Gadi he Peel ea aaa ee i eR ee, aga el ng aot acho Fee eee Leta eer Tulng heels for Heaton al endo Tee ae undo Be Sopra Stale Cane Sines ving Sat ie tag, Me, Speake, 1 po- eat ta present tothe corinne Ee'eeaeaph to soutien inti dowel oye tf fglrln wise ethos tt Bone Sri is peta ko igs embodied Hep" ow if had eon elena follintig ctr Suto te Gabe Wp of ie reyes ul ne ac es Woe fo eht Tam antieinesing view of tse ie Conatatton sting going Tecate aed clr ont 9 ie ten lind tig ourenent fh lot of every citizen of the Ropublie srithin very Served powers ofthe States, to bo enforced hy Boel buonle and by Sle ofa ack vated Bass he eam doubt te col sete fate ee eatcd thee Sate iy heparan gor probed by TEaeltieg ane ase Ube Stes tponisas fotke people?" the Con roe tt deo the Une Sto te eae eet oes ce inthe Sats, tet hinm ert Rac proktlaces ea eases le whulgdoe ke nse eonnection, I honor the mover of this bill for sanction ete alain whisk io citaens of the United States, T may eay in Simos every state" of the. Unlony by Sate authority end nlicted, top, the patie gut, redrésg Tam with Un. in an carnest desire to have the bill of rights in your Cou ftition onforee erorywhere. Bat Task that {ube enloreed in secordance with the Const Sop omy cent asthe Consrees of the United States the porrerto pass and onfores the illas comes 0 strom thecommitise? Hasthe Congress of tho United ‘Stars the: power to decley as this Dill dges decage, inthe worda which f propose {o strike out that there zhall be no dserim ation of il rights among elizens of the United State in any Stat ofthe United Staten oxraceonat of race, elo, or previous condion tT tna} bellowed tony Retiree at ee Congres of the Unsted Stes ever hel tre yorereh er fore ocr tet any men omnithntheforgctonstiag Uatet Stas 01 oving afbiignallagingryfovot ead all nor by agian of the Gated Sans Gites Ship is his bce and nether he Com tor tho States cen Sonly ot teeteiy ko fm i. Bot while te sada, can gow Aeclare by congrestonal ensctnnt a Se zens of the United States within the States iat there shall be no ictiniation amon {hem ofc eh ‘hetave al gals? T know tho lasing and by of te Honore charmer oF he Judiciary Committee, [Mr Wrrsox, | Itwasmy oot faftane to be axocated rth Nn ts | Sour that important an resonsble com, sls dt tale pease ta beng wines toils tothe integehy tty god sy ack Thiel he discharged i hs icy regoet Ripe rte ha beat thofiyte tern el sgh at ued ins Hades Sodude ant exaace every right that ‘Fide tue werg vt of he term *iit™ ugto aay gectones on ts plat ti {tas relation to the rights and all Gye rights of |) thecligon” Pony tie the term ee ets inetede oory ght tha portato tec, tinder the Constiation, laws, and Government BFatesunege The Gem cen hes keds datncgmenedizampngpatientgeer see be deyeof AScode ed erprted and rendered that term to signify a person who was @ partner snihepoveresent etic count Unis tas Ganson othe United Sass very nto born staan ofthe Replies iy sone sense, tpuvinerin the Government aibough be met listnoectepar anit A anc akon Seer erat odor Bees ameed Gisland pola! ighte sabi with alle spect lat th orm © poles! rights only Baflaton of he tend sett gutsy ant by overt accepttion signs tat tts of ei Sake nich are moresirely oxeened byte tflsen "iu coungedon wh Uo goreramedt of le coanty IF ks bo toy a8 not political ail gabewced fu the ts ie Ba wnat aot ofnecewsiy Be vo tatepeed? | etn, show Copemeates onthe com sees Teac dtuiion nos het Sunfire tl ibn! and sretea Ebest evergthere a syncnpmacs I hever oceusrod to him that there was a color. thie diaducdon betwoon them Tf Ge cas as is extent what then opened bi the proton of th a wetion? | Reagent ee aa | mort ree Stcho cnstiaion winch males & | Uiserimfnation on acepunt of race or color i | topefliwet sghis ofthe tins Toaght say compel the exorcise in good faith by the Slates SF this rescued poor | ast. 00 ellection Spon the honorable eompitiee of this House, | here, withontthe least fear ofeontradietion, that | there is searcely a. Stavo in this Union which floes not, hy its constitution or by its statute W'seeking to remedy, if posible, the great trongs that have hits been incted upon Inws, make ‘ome diserimination on account of Tate or color batreen. cone of the Wait Sates ia epee ctevitnghin now ttre ae cone Seceptiont, Teams not lop ta metton tow wi ie BIE Inet of tne alomed i of to make cease sia Thavemid, Peay eereme ne ose tions every State ia the Union docs make ebiae mination between citizens of the United Sine ether by ls Sonitaton or ea intro of dsp on get ‘motor slo Gouna to etas atenton ot {he Houe tothe fet thatthe honoree genie pn pho wired eb eS a candor to admit to mo the other day that the Eels oot ceqane a ie ato ‘So, iam cv ats and in ny opnionty ove {aie interpretation of the Conaitation A can hdl be conferred upon not Se shise of ice can be conferred upon any eid. fen of tho United Stes eave pon @ White fitzen of the United Sater What 40" yom propose to da by this Dil? Yon propose-tn Ieate it amisdemenor, punishableapon cow sevon i Bue and impilonment in the pen {eatin forthe Govetmor af Ohio to obey the Fequrements of the conaiaton of the State dich requies that none shal be elected a Uhoreforetone commissioned, to cfice a dat ‘State cavo mite etzons of tho United Staten Trandersland very wel, rom private cone sation that I hare had with my lntued decd, fe ehairmen of the udiiary Comte, that dos not oko hs clas th fesse tion ae an ebltgatory roqivement.T bare no gimeto undertake 0 diseusy thet question, but ati that iti rah cblgnory as an ater clase the sation, ‘ane * crate,” it iain the language of lav roves hat ss “Pers hal be mo ieviniatin in dil eh or ssn erat ae eaten ARRSERSAONG esha aso ie See iatonaa dak “That as obligatory as any other portion the section. IF itis aot obligatory, what ob. foselon haw the gentleman to" sing i ont? TPG bhigatoty it act be lee oat oF tho constitttons of the Staves are tobe abot ied by your at, of whut isthe ate i tier enteament 3 the Slat oles charg with chat duty nade a este foc which theyre Twhe imprisoned. {deny the power of Con. ite to tng an oror of judgcnt fom Stato tice crime tobe punished Uy imprisons Hovoverhonalonever ih howeerbpmane tho purposes of the gentlemen, may be pre ‘éndog dis penal provision of the ill dony the ower of Ganges o nc obedice tog Sista which hus boon poor ands enoree ood faites ene, Thine te farcer Drotiion of the ft section: ae a ery age ao ihe Spahae eata a Seti sce Sa ea patna oe cerwitoot the pay alt Have been daly sone Sieur ake ote eau gee Nold ind soa vey rea aad ital iene Datéval property, nto fall and caval EA ySna aati cig te es of person Sear fee oul Ss ul eek at eaioealet attic pene ee fegulslon, or eos, Ue eonizar okwihatand say, with ally hoor thot that sould be the lw of every Sat, y dh wanna oF very Slate. he lain ery Sate sould be jks ieshoald beng remocter of pornos, Iie ‘theese now, aud fe hss boon sthernice for inns fea fr nany ofthe Stevo tho inion. Tehoild comedy that not by an arbitrary as: farption of power bath vending the Cone 2a" of de Uited Stina expresy yer Ging Gh’ Sates fom any’ sush aboee of ower dn tho flue. Instead of seadins oat Both amentinent tothe peo we ave aed to Tinedy" ie State wrong by eacdng in the dondonetion of thie bill a fellows ‘any poston who, under color of any law, stale ach nds Yopaatfon, or Sustom shal auljoct oF

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