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Our job as your Teacher

We believe that all children are capable learners if given the right
tools. Our Year 3 classroom will strive to be a place where all
children will have the opportunity to show their individual
strengths and build upon their unique differences. We believe
that education should be fun, exciting and challenging. Through
the use of the Curriculum we will do our part to encourage and
motivate each child to achieve at their highest level and develop
into life long learners. Year 3 will be a community of learners who
have expectations and routines in the classroom to uphold. Our
classroom is a respect, information, conversation, structure and
challenge rich environment. We know that education is a
partnership between home, school and community. Through
working together, we can make Year 3 an enjoyable and
challenging experience.
Signed: ___________________
Mrs Cantarella

Mrs OSullivan

My Job as a Student
I will be responsible by:
Being on time, having materials ready, doing my work and
cleaning up after myself.
I will be respectful by:
Listening without interrupting, using appropriate language,
raising my hand to speak and waiting my turn.
I will reach my full potential by:
Living the habits of the heart, keeping my things
organised, being focused in class and having a positive
attitude towards learning!
Signed by:

Elliot, Susannah, Caitlin, Adam, Sarah, Charlotte D, Lachlan D,

William, Daniel, Raphaela, Max, Jaidan, Maggie, Lachlan K, Hugo,
Charlotte M, Anika, Isabella, Miles, Lucas, Helena, Van, Jasper,
Parker, Lily.

In Year 3 RESPECT looks like

Respect the teacher

Dont talk while the teachers talking
Respect animals
Be nice to other people and teachers
Say thank you and sorry
Use nice words and be kind to other people
Dont interrupt other people
Respect the play equipment and clean up after

In Year 3 LEARNING looks like

Always keep trying
Ask for help when you need it
It is good to make mistakes because you learn
from them
Listen to everyone
Try your best at everything
Do not interrupt other peoples learning

In Year 3 SAFETY looks like

Dont let people bully you

Keep your hands and feet to yourself
Dont run on the cement or on slippery floors
Dont be rough playing with other people

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