J Knathan-Gifted With The Journey V2i3

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Gifted With the Journey

1 Timothy 1:5
But the goal of our
instruction is love from a
pure heart and a good
conscience and a sincere

Volume 2, Issue 3 - February 2016

Our Last Months in a Nutshell

We had the chance to go home for Christmas and New Years. This was our
first time back to the states and visiting after being married. It was good to
see everyone at church and spend some quality time with our families.


Prayer - Praises & Requests

* Safe travels over Christmas Break and
good times with family.
* Good start to the 2nd semester.
* Found someone to take care of our car
over our Home Assignment year.
* Successful ICCM (computer
* That we would find someone to sublet
our apartment.
* That we would pass off our
responsibilities well.
* That plans would continue to firm up
well for our Home Assignment year.
* That all of the IT changes would go
* That we would say
good byes well.
* Support needed. Living, therefore, 46%
on 1 time gifts that are decreasing fast.
Currently at: 54%

Spring Calendar
Feb. 24-27 Basketball Championships
Feb. 26-28 MS Production of Beauty
& the Beast
March 3 Faculty Music Recital
March 4-6 HS Retreat
March 10 Last Day of Class
March 11-16 ICEC Conference prep/
attend/clean & Missions Trips

March 30 Classes resume

Prior to break Katie was pretty busy with leading the BFA Pep Band in
cheering on the varsity basketball teams and preparing for the Christmas
Concert with her bands and colleagues.
Prior to Christmas, we had the opportunity to join Maugenhard for their
Thanksgiving Dorm celebration, the dorm where we volunteer one weekend
a month; and we also had a group over to celebrate Thanksgiving as well. It
is a nice thing about being overseas. Everyone wants to celebrate
Thanksgiving - so you often get to celebrate more than once. :)
The Performing Arts Department presented the HS Play A Murder is
Announced right around Thanksgiving time as well. It was quite suspenseful
and a good show!
Josh was away at ICCM-Europe (International Conference on Computing
and Mission) from February 1st-6th. It was a really good time of being able
to connect with others serving in overseas missions through computer work,
and being able to share ideas and knowledge. Overall, it was spiritually
refreshing as we worshipped and prayed together, and professionally
affirming as ideas and thoughts could be bounced around with others that are
both knowledgeable and experienced.

We returned from Christmas Break going right into second semester finals
and then began the third quarter. New classes started and the choir kicked off
their first few weeks doing singing telegrams for Valentines Day!
We are very aware that our time left at BFA is short. We are counting 128
days until we fly back to the states on June 28th. We want to leave here well,
finish well, say goodbyes and hand off responsibilities well. We are feeling
confirmed in our decision to return after our Home Assignment Year, so we
have found a sitter for our car and our home. We are thankful that those BIG
items have been taken care of, but there are many more details that need to be
settled before we leave. Please pray that we would be fully functioning in the
moment while fully preparing for our year in the states. We are thankful for
the opportunity that we will have to see you - and hope to see as many of you
as we can in person! Please let us know if you would like to get together for
coffee, ice cream, a meal, a walk, a talk, etc. We will be mostly in the eastern
US, see the states listed in the lower right corner!
Address: Hauptstrasse 54, 79400 Kandern, GERMANY
Website: www.giftedwiththejourney.com
E-Mails: jknathan14@gmail.com jnathan@teachbeyond.org klnathan88@gmail.com

Local Culture

Featured Pictures Below

1 - Maugenhard Dorm Thanksgiving, etc.
2 - Christmas Banquet
3 - Christmas Concerts
4 - Pep Band and Basketball
5 - Performing Arts Christmas Party
6 - Christmas Trip to the States
7 - ICCM
8 - Breakfast with German

Germans like to eat their meals

later rather than earlier. Where

an American dinner is normally
at 6, they prefer around 8. Where
an American breakfast is
anywhere from 7-10. They prefer
their 9-11. I dont
know why they prefer those
hours, but they do.
We had the joy of joining
some friends for break-
fast yesterday. :)

IT Corner
Right before Christmas Break
began, I was getting pretty worried
about my big IT project because it
was not working as hoped. Despite
asking several experts, and hours
of trial and error, I wasnt able to
make any progress. However,
about 3 days before break started, I
stumbled upon the problem, and
everything instantly started
working exactly as I hoped it
would. So by the time we left for
break, I had made up all of the
lost ground, and was able to
leave my test environment exactly
where I had hoped to leave it.

Katies Highlight
I have been building relationships
with a few women in the Kandern
City Band. One of them, whom I
will call Skippy, I recently got to
share the plan of salvation with
over coffee. She left the
conversation with an, everyone
needs to choose his way, but pray
with me that I would have more
time with her and she might come
to accept that Jesus is the only
I also had the opportunity to go out
to dinner with two of the younger
gals. The conversation was not
about God, but I hope to continue
to talk and have an opportunity.

Circle of Friends
We find ourselves with 137 days
left until we leave Germany for the
366 day required time.
We will miss our community, friends,
life here; but we are also looking forward
to visiting with many of you - our
family, friends, supporters, churches
in the states. We will be in FL, SC,
OH, KY, TN, IN, IL and
WI through the time.

1 - Maugenhard Dorm Thanksgiving, etc.

2 - Christmas

3 - Christmas Concerts

4 - Pep Band and Basketball

5 - Performing Arts Christmas Party


6 - Christmas Trip to the States

7 - ICCM


8 - Breakfast with German Friends

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