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Feb 27, 2002. Can you forget what happened that day?

I forget who it was, but

some RSS leader had said: we will give an answer in Gandhinagar to what
happened in Godhra, referring to the Gujarat elections. Whoever that was, he
clearly didnt know how much bigger Godhra would get. The wave that started in
Godhra swept through Gandhinagar and then swept across the Indian heartland,
translating into an unprecedented 282 seat mandate for Narendra Modi to
become Prime Minister.
In Indias political history, Godhra sticks out like a sore thumb for every secular.
The visible symbol of the burning train went to every corner of Gujarat through
the new electric media. Secular elite of our country had long been used to Hindus
becoming voiceless victims of atrocities. They could not understand what changed
after Godhra. Never before in Indias recent history had Hindu lives been valued
so highly.
Confused and stunned, never forget the lies they tried to peddle. Various lies were
hatched, with Commies trying to justify the massacre as a reaction to some
apocryphal story about a karsevak refusing to pay a secular teashop owner at the
railway station. Even if this story was true, what was the price the Commies put
on 59 lives? Rs 2 for 59 Hindus or a little more than 3 paisa per Hindu! Anyway,
that was probably the highest price quoted by a Commie for the life of a Hindu
When the Queen came to power in 2004, never forget the Justice Banerjee
Commission that was created to specifically peddle lies such as the fire started
inside the train or the fire was an accidentetc etc No, the debate over who
the perpetrators still rages in the pages of the New York Times even after the
killers have been sentenced by the court. But that does not matter, because the
average Hindu knows the truth. More importantly, the average Hindu knows
who deliberately tried to distort the truth and for what purposes.
Note to ABP News: Remember that the average Hindu knows who tried to distort
the truth and why. In this might lie the clue to how your channel dropped from No.
2 to No. 4 in Hindi news TRP ratings.


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