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Regular verbs form the Past Simple by adding ed to the

talk talked
Verbs ending in a consonant + -y and add -ied.
cry cried
Irregular verbs have different forms.
Give gave
do - did

We use the Past Simple to talk about actions which happened at some point
in the past. It occurs with: ago, yesterday, last week / month / year.

Ann and her parents went to France two years ago.
Yesterday he called his girlfriend.
Last week Mark rang his family.
She didnt go to Lisbon.

Did Ann go to France?

1. Write the verbs in the past simple:

Walk __________
Hate __________
Try __________
Love __________
Want __________
Start __________
Study __________
Wash __________
Watch __________
Have __________

2. Complete the sentences.

Dad ____________ ( work) last Sunday.

We ____________ (play) football after school yesterday.
I ____________ (watch) a goof film last night.
My friend and I ____________ (try) skating for the first time yesterday.
Mary ____________ (play) the guitar for an hour this morning.
I ____________ (stay) at my friends house last week.

3. Complete the sentences.

Mary ____________ (go) shopping in Lisbon yesterday.
Ann ____________ (wear) her new jeans on Tuesday.
They ____________ (take) their books to school.
My grandparents ____________ (come) to our house for lunch last Sunday.
Peter ____________ (buy) some souvenirs for his sister.

4. Write the following sentences in the interrogative form using the past simple.
Follow the example:
The tennis match / why / lose / he why did he lose the tennis match?

His / book / friend / buy / where / that

Mary / why / to / yesterday / school / not go
Have / she / what / breakfast / for
At / study / Oxford / they

5. Write the negative form of the following sentences.

Carol wrote a letter to her best friend.

She lost her keys in the supermarket.
They went to the beach with her parents.
Mary bought all her books in the bookshop.
The artists sang beautifully in the concert.
He was very anxious about the results of her exam.
Their parents gave them a dog as a birthday present.

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