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Journal Entries 23rd ‘Today I have spent resting and cleaning. The water has been exceptionally calm and the winds have been good. I cleaned ship all morning: probably the only notable thing that I did yet today. While I was cleaning the cupboard of the galley I found a bunch of chocolate bars. | had forgotten that [had brought them. | also came across my birthday presents from my family that I had put at the bottom of my duffel bag when | had packed for the trip. It took a lot of disciplining myself not to open them. One of them is square and small, ones lumpy and big and ones big and rectangular. ‘This afternoon I covered the last bit of open wall with one of my drawings. I'm going, to have them ten layers thick by the end of this trip at the rate I'm going. Weather: sunny and calm light breeze Bye 2ath I've had dolphins swimming around my boat all day practically! v's just magical when the dolphins leap into the air. One of them even has a scientific tag on the dorsal fin. It looks like it has a gps attached to it I fell asleep on the deck earlier and fell off my boat. The water woke me up really fast though and it was actually really refreshing. Good thing that I've been stringent with the safety rope otherwise | ‘would of lost my boat and stuck in the middle of the Pacific Ocean!!! The waters a little choppier today than it was yesterday. The wind Is also a stronger than yesterday, 13 to 14 knots of wind. I's nice to be moving steadily again. Weather: sunny with cloud patches and moderate breeze Bye 25th ‘Awesome sailing today!! Days like this are the reason I'm on this experience of a lifetime. had all sails out today I had a blast! The winds have been around 25 knots ‘gusting to 30 at times. Really carrying the boat along ata speed of around 5 knots. | don’t think I've had so much fun yet on my whole circumnavigation. It even beats the day I past the Galapagos Islands! Ifall goes well, and I hold out at § knot I will be in sight of Samoa by tomorrow evening, first land that I have seen since I left sight of Jarvis Island on the trst. Weather: sunny with cloud patches and strong breeze to near gale force winds. cya a. B Royal Halifax Harbor Yacht Club The Royal Harbor Race April 20" 2011 (Not required for boats already enrolled in the RHHYC) Owner Address Boat Name Sail Number Class/Type | Hull Color PHRF Rating (A.copy of your valid PHRF rating certificate must be attached to the registration form) Release | agree to be bound by the 2009-2012 racing rules of sailing and by all other rules that govern the race. In acceptance of this entry, | will respect the organizers, officials and staff of the Royal Halifax Harbor Yacht Club. In case of damage/harm being done to any property of the yacht club, and all others who are part of the race in any form because of me, my crew or my boat taking part in the race | am fully responsible. | also certify that the above-named yacht carries third party insurance in an Amount not less than $500,000 Canadian. In witness whereof the Owner has executed this Release on the _day of 2020. Owner / Skipper Poem 'm on the night watch It's the dreadful month of May ‘The month where the water takes the boats as play But today was very different For the heavens did so to ‘And as the sky got lower ‘The fears of dread in my gut grew For if you saw our vessel from afar you might better see her plight, Forall| saw was the dreary fog around me and the captains light ‘As Lwent to find the mate to tell him of our invisible plight | found him in the galley Giving the chef quite a fright When I did get him on deck He looked to the top of the mast ‘And told me ‘We were going to ride the clouds like none had done before ‘And true his words held still Foras we neared the crest ofthe breaker our boat did leave water behind ‘She started floating on the clouds Like nothing did ever happen ‘And as {looked out to the horizon Isawa happy sight The top ofthe castle of the kingdom of Barthay rising out ofthe night And asthe dawn broke new day ‘The sun rose high above us ‘And the wind did die away So we moved no closer tothe kingdom of Barthay that day ‘And all that I could think of was that my horses needed hay

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