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N ewsletter


February/ M arch 2016

South March Public School

1032 Klondike Road
K2K 0H9
Jennifer Shirley, Principal
Jennifer Lisowski, Vice Principal
Heather Nichols, Office Administrator
Phone Number: 613-595-0543
Fax: 613-595-0605

Dear Parents,
It has been a busy month with the Winter Carnival, a presentation from
the Ottawa Humane Society and the students busy revising and editing
their reports on aboriginals or early settlers of Upper Canada!
The grade 3 teachers have also been busy planning our field trips and
special activities for the year. This week , the students will participate in a
special Scientist in the School Workshop about soil, during the last week
in March, the students will explore using maps to navigate in nature at Bill
Mason Centre and we also plan to go to Upper Canada some time in May.
Thank you for your continued support at home and at school. If you have
any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by email or by phone.

Import ant Dat es and Event s

Jennifer Ramsay

Tuesdays: Library
Wednesday, March 2nd,
Scient ist in t he School Soil s
Workshop, 9:15 a.m. t o 12:30
March 14 t o 18: March Break
March 25: Good Friday
March 28: East er Monday
Wednesday, March 30t h, Bil l
Mason Trip


The students have begun a study of what it is like to live and work in Ontario.
Key vocabulary about Ontario will be posted on the class website and a copy
will be sent home to help you facilitate a discussion about Ontario at home. At
the end of our unit of study, the student should be able to answer the following

-Why do people in Ontario live where they live?

-Why are some jobs located there?
-How do the ways that we use our land change it?
-How do we find a balance between taking care of the land and human needs?
The students and I will also be studying persuasive texts so that the students
become familiar with this text form. At the end of our study of these texts and
Ontario, the students will write a letter to persuade someone which is the best
city to live in, in Ontario or something else that they are passionate about. Get
ready for some convincing letters coming home!

In mathematics, we are learning to solve problems that involve measuring the area and
perimeter of various objects and shapes. At the end of our unit of study, student will develop the
following enduring learning:
You can describe objects by using measurements.
How big a measurement is depends on the unit of measurement (centimetre, metre and
We have units of measurement to estimate, calculate and tell people the size of something.
The tool that we use to measure something is important.

In mathematics, the student will also be learning to describe the movement of objects on a grid map to
develop the students' mapping skills.

To get from the restrooms to the soccer field, go:

- 2 units up and 2 units to the right

To get from the soccer field to the swings, go:

- 2 units up and 2 units to the left

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