Immigration Contest 28022016

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February 26th , 2016 American Immigration Council Writing Contest 2016 Jorgelina Araneda Local Coordinator Mrs. Araneda: Itis our pleasure to present the written pieces that have been chosen to represent our school, Carolina Intemational, a charter school _is located in Concord NC. They are all Sth graders, who were really excited about the opportunity being granted by the American Immigration Council and the process of expressing their thoughts and feeling towards this important current event. Please, consider our students’ unpublished manuscripts, “ Why | am Glad America is a Nation of Immigrants”. We are attaching cover letters, evidence of 5th-grade enrollment evidence and release forms for each one of their written works Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Hs & ies Coordinator / Spanish Carolina Interngtional School jadyarri Carolina International School “Why Iam glad America is a Nation of Immigrants” Celebrate America Writing Contest Avery Sth grade 10 years old 980-2588 704-281-4 Concord, NC- February, 2016 “Why Lam glad America is a nation of immigrants” By: Avery ._ .- Why glad America am is a country of immigrants Is that people of different skin tones and intelligence I’m glad that the Chinese and Indians are now able to come Because of the laws the stop them I’m am glad that not everyone can come here. A passport not qualify you to come here. Crime doers and law breakers are not allowed People cannot come in by sneaking underground I'm that John Adams law didn’t passed No one can kick you out because you are bad Or it’s you religion, culture, or background Skin tone, intelligence, or behavior not now The racial quota system was just the beginning To stop immigrant from entering the country Now anyone can come if they passed the test Now were all equal and all are welcome Good and bad happy and sad Came over here and wanted freedom Better life and happiness Love hoe toa country we share Memories of life back in their home country Love and hope Peace and joy The liberty the freedom and the pursuit of happiness Many wanted to leave the danger And come to the freedom of speech Many left the families And came to the bigger opportunity US citizens are lucky When others and not Were spoiled rotten Some can’t ever eat every day Immigrant make America great A country built of immigrants Through Ellis Island to the quota to now America was a great nation Or so they think that We are a nation of immigrants From china to England For Zimbabwe to Australia We are the future of America This is why | am glad America is a nation of immigrants Carolina International School “Why | am glad America is a Nation of Immigrants” Celebrate America Writing Contest Dane m 5th grade 10 years old 980-621- 980-621 Concord, NC- February, 2016 “Why | am glad America is a nation of immigrants” By Dane 2-15-16 Fisher One of the great things about immigrations in the United States is the fact that so many people are different and we get to meet all kind of different people. | go to a school that has many different cultures. If immigration was illegal it would make it harder to meet people from different cultures. If we only could read about different cultures and not experience meeting different people it would not be as much fun. | have three best friends, we are all from different countries or our families are. | was adopted from China, one friend Lia, her parents are from Poland where they immigrated from. My other friend Breanna her parents are from the Philippines. My last friend Ruby, her dad came from South Korea. From all of my friends | get to learn and see all kinds of different food and languages and the way things are done in their countries. My friend Lia while visiting Poland has even brought treats and candy from Poland for us to experience. Also they all speak different languages and we learn from each other. My mom and dad are from the United States but adopted me from China and my sister Mia from Guatemala. My mother said that right after they got back to the United States with Mia, President Bill Clinton passed a law stating that all children immigrating to the United States through international adoption become automatic citizens of the U.S. My mom said that this was a great thing for immigration laws because dealing with the INS was not easy nor fun! Parts of the United States like Boston, New York City and even Pittsburgh where my family is from have many different cultures all from people and their ancestors immigrating to these places. Immigrants and their families have settled here and now call these places home. They call the United States the melting pot, which means people from all over and many countries have immigrated here and have made the United States there home. When my family and | visit Pittsburgh, where my mom and dad are from we visit many parts of the city where there are all kind of different shops and restaurants from many different cultures. Polish sausage and Perogis, Mexican food, Chinese food, Italian pizza and sauces. They also passed down to their children and grandchildren the different cultures and customs from their countries from where they once immigrated from. | think this make the U.S. very interesting and a great place to live. This year in November we will be electing a new president. If you watch the news some of the candidates running for president are against people immigrating and want to change the laws. | think this comes from people being afraid because of the bad things happening around the world. But | don’t think the people immigrating to the United States are bad people. | think bad people can be and come from anywhere even U.S. citizens. | believe people come to the United States to get and have a better life. We are called the land of the free. We live in a democracy where we the people get to vote for things we believe in. some countries do not have this and people are not free to live and do as they please. Immigrating to the United States makes this possible. As long as people follow the rules and become United States citizens and follow the laws, | believe immigration to the United States can be a GREAT thing! Carolina International School “Why Iam glad America is a Nation of Immigrants” Celebrate America Writing Contest Zoe 5th grade 10 years old 704-791- 704-920- __ Concord, NC- February, 2016 WHY I AM GLAD AMERICA IS A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS BY ZOE G. This is a story about a boy from India that tries to become an immigrant in America. “James get the luggage!” his mom said. “yah, sure mom" he said handing his dad his luggage. After he put all the luggage in the car he went to the gas station to get a snack before getting back in the car. “Dad look they have all these candies!” he said licking his lips. “Son you can buy them after you eat dinner.” He said looking at James with a straight look. “You can get a healthy snack, No candy. “ When we got to the airport the lady at the counter said that the Visa was INVALID. “There must be a mistake I just go this Visa!” he said starting to raise his voice. “I’m very sorry sir but you're not allowed to go unless your Visa becomes valid.”. ‘The Next Day... “James can you pass the butter?” said James’ sister Alia. “What's wrong James?” Alia Asked “I just wish we were already in America.” He said with a gloomy look on his face. “It’s okay son I got my visa renewed last night when we got home from the airport. He bathroom door was locked and she couldn’t help herself so she knocked on the bathroom door and heard her brother’s voice. “Are you okay James?” asked Alia still chewing her granola bar from breakfast. James didn't answer so she ran to her parents and told them what happened. When her parents got back from James" room they told Alia that James was sick so they cotéléh’t go to the airport tomorrow. “Aww. But Iwas so excited!” she said with a very disappointed look on her face. “James too sick to go but we can go on Monday if he feels better.” Her Mom said closing the bathroom door. The next day “Can we go to the airport tomorrow, I can’t wait any longer!” said Alia with a distressed look on her face. “Yes, but you can’t get snacks this time okay?” he said as he gathered the rest of the paper work from his desk. “Alia can you go wake up your brother?” her mother said making her bed. Alia ran to get her brother and saw that he felt a little better but not good enough to leave. When James saw Alia riding her bike, he wanted to ride his bike to but his mother said not to go outside so he won't get other people sick. Over the next few weeks he finally felt good enough to go so the next morning they were off and they went to the gas station to gather snacks and drinks. When they got to the airport they had to wait and wait for hours but they finally got to the plane. “Why do we have to go through all that security just to move to another state?" Alia asked with a very confused face. “Because it’s very hard to go through if you are trying to become an immigrant.” Her father explained. “What's an immigrant?” she asked. “Immigrants are people who move to live or work in another state or country.” Her mom said. “yup, so we are going to become immigrants when we get to America. The End Carolina International School “Why | am glad America is a Nation of Immigrants” Celebrate America Writing Contest Jibraan 5th grade 10 years old 704-661 704-661 Concord, NC- February, 2016 Why I am Glad That America is a Nation of ibraan _ J Immigrants 2/22/16 Here are some reasons why I am glad that America is a nation of immigrants. To start off with, these are a few things that popped into my head when I first thought about the subject. First of all, I probably wouldn't exist since my parents were immigrants and met here in America, The people in America would probably mostly be Native Americans and the British people that formed that colonies. The country would almost be like an enormous island that was part of England. Talso thought about it this way. For example, and overcrowded ship was coming into Ellis Island. Ellis Island was the port into America at the time. The travelers would be very tired. If America was a nation of immigrants, the people would get their bags checked and have moved on. If America was not a nation of immigrants, the whole ship could have been sent back to where it came from. Also, the Ellis Island Museum wouldn't have existed because nobody would've come through there. There would also be nobody to come and see it because there would be almost nobody in America. If America wasn't a nation of immigrants, medicines could never have improved in the way that they did in America. The story just wouldn't fit. Some important people that helped with medicine development might never have existed or never have met the other people that helped them to improve medicine since they could end up being born in completely different countries. We could never have some medicines that we need a lot in the world these days. Technology could never have advanced to be like it is now if America was not a nation of immigrants. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs could have ended up never making Apple or Microsoft or end up making them in different countries. If Apple was never invented, we would never have iPhones, and we cannot do without devices like the iPhone these days. If Microsoft was never invented, I think the world would change pretty drastically. So many businesses use Windows operating systems on their computers and so many people use Windows at home. If those companies were never invented, our lives would be completely different. If you think about it, there are a lot of other things that would happen if America wasn't a nation of immigrants. For one thing, I would never be a student as C.I.S since it wouldn't exist. There would never be an American version of a car. America could never have even become acountry! All of the children in America could turn out completely different since they could have completely different parents. The Wright brothers might never exist, and that means that either someone else would invent the plane or it would never exist and we would have no choice but to drive to the other side of the country. If you think about it, cars might never have been invented either. Then we would have to use animals to take us to other places. These are some reasons I am glad that America is a nation of immigrants. What makes you glad that America is a nation of immigrants? medicines could invented if it wasn't. LS wouldn't exist ifit wasn't have never become a country if it wasn't. Why lam Glad that ‘America is a Nation of Immigrants I wouldn’t exist ; if it wasn't ‘America would because my be almost empt e parents are if it wasn't. immigrants from different ‘A lot of the countries, advances in technology wouldn’t have happened. Carolina International School “Why Iam glad America is a Nation of Immigrants” Celebrate America Writing Contest Taylor 5th grade 10 years old 704-905- Concord, NC- February, 2016 Taylor 1 Mrs. Fisher's class 2/10/16 “Why I am Glad America Is a Nation of Immigrants" One day there was a man named Jhonny Thompson and he lived in avery bad place named Eggtreesa and in Eggtreesa there were no voting rights, no honor for the community, no respect for nothing at all, there was an 89% starvation rate, selfish king, bad queen, robbers, no cops, and more, you get what I'm saying right? So anyway, Jhonny Thompson saw on the news that there was a ship sailing out in the ocean to America and Jhonny knew he had to take this opportunity so he called and he was in! So he went to tell his parents and they started to pack their bags. 2 WEEKS LATER..... Thonny walked onto the ship and his parents stopped to use the bathroom before they got on the ship and while Jhonny was on the ship and his parents we not the captain called “ALL ABOARD" and Jhonny screamed "NO MY MOM MY DAD WAIT DON'T SAIL PLEASE!" But it was too loud and the captain couldn't hear and the ship started to sail and it was too late, his mother and father were still behind. Jhonny was devastated and weeks later he made it to America knowing he would never get to see his family again. He called his mother and father and to make matters worse they were at the hospital his father passed out while having a stroke and his last words were “I love you Jhonny." One year later Jhonny was still devastated but, he made the best of life and married a young homeless woman named Kiley and had 2 children name Christianity (the girl) and Christan (the boy) and JoJo Thonny adopted him when he still lived in Eggtreesa and the reason his parents got rid of him was because they lived in the worst parts of Eggtreesa and they didn't think it was safe for JoJo so they sent him to a shelter where there is more guidance but they did love him dearly to this day JoJo is 13 years old. And they were 3 of the most loving, sweet, honest, children, probably on earth. Christianity and Christan were are actually twins and they are both 1 year(s) old. Jhonny is now 31 years old and Kiley is 29 years old. Jhonny was born September 11, 1985. And Kiley was born May 5, 1987. 4 years later...... Tt's the time that Jhonny finally gets to see his parents. Guess what he does continue reading if you want to find OUT... mem The day of March 5" 2006, Jhonny decided to make his mark and prove to America he can successfully make it back to Eggtreesa. So Thonny packs his bag at 3:00 am exact and leaves a note to his wife and kids saying: Dear wife and children I have decided to make my way back to Eggtreesa and I plan to do this by walking and building my own manmade boats I have plenty of food that the earth provides me and I wish yall the best of luck! P.S. wish me luck too! Love you, Dad # How would you feel if you woke up to a note like that? Well lets check up on Jhomy....... Thonny has just finished packing his bags and he is on his way and this trip will probably take 7 months or so. 1 YEAR AND 2 MONTHS LATER... Thonny has successfully made it to Eggtreesa and the first thing he did was call his wife and children and this is what they said first thing: Daddy when will you get home? And Jhonny had to admit that he didn't know so he had no other choice but to say that he has made enough money to take a plane but he will be staying in his mother’s house for another month because that's when the next plane goes out to America. Then Jhonny lost his phone minutes so the couldn't talk anymore. So Thonny made his way to his mother’s house and after about 45 minutes in the dangerous routes of Eggtreesa he made it to his mother's house! He rang the doorbell and his mother was so surprised she nearly passed out! LOL! She said “Oh dear Jhonny how did you ever make it here!” so he told her everything he went through to get to Eggtreesa and Jhonny got a spanken. (his mom hasn't seen him since he was 7 years old) Anyway it has been a month and Jhonny's time with his mother has ended and this time there's a surprise Jhonny’s mom is coming with him and she is going to use the bathroom on the plane this timel AND THEY MADE IT HOME SAFELY! THE END! Thanks for reading! Carolina International School “Why I am glad America is a Nation of Immigrants” Celebrate America Writing Contest Michaella —. 5th grade 10 years old 704-4551 704-701-. Concord, NC- February, 2016 Running head: WHY 1 AM GLAD AMERICA IS A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS. ‘Why I am glad America is a nation of Immigrants Michaeila WHY I AM GLAD AMERICA IS A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS 2 Why Iam glad America is a nation of Immigrants I did not know how to answer this question at first because it is not something I ever thought about before. I asked my mother since she is from Jamaica and she said the fact that I did not fully comprehend the answer is the reason I should be glad that ‘America is a nation of Immigrants. My recognition of America with its diversity shows my acceptance of the world as it should be. ‘When I still did not get it she asked me this; “Do you like our next door neighbors?” I told her yes, and then she asked me what some of the things I liked about them were. I told her that I loved how the women dressed. They are from Jordan and are ‘Muslims. I love their food and how they treat me, they are always very nice. She said that is one reason why I should be glad that America is a nation of Immigrants because I have learned acceptance of a different culture, understanding of its traditions, learn about appreciation of different foods , all without leaving my neighbourhood. ‘America, Land of the Free and home of the brave. America is the Land of opportunities, where each person has the freedom and the right to practice their own, religion and beliefs. I am a direct descendant of an immigrant, my mother, and she has taught me what a wonderful gift she was given in coming to the United States and being a part of a nation of American immigrants. ‘WHY I AM GLAD AMERICA IS A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS 3 In 1984, my Mother Cynthia decided to migrate here to the United States. Jamaica isa very beautiful country, I could not understand why she would have wanted to do that, one-day I asked her, and this is what she said. “Michaeila Jamaica is a lot different now than it used to be. It was more naturally beautiful but was economically poor. When I was a young girl, I was used to seeing young women finishing school getting married and having babies. I did not want that for myself, my dream was to go to University and become a Lawyer. I wanted to own my own law firm and knew that I could not do that in Jamaica. I already had family that had immigrated to many countries across Europe, but I wanted to come to the United States because I heard there were more opportunities for women to be educated and to get into businesses. However, one of the biggest draw was that there were so many different cultures interacting. I love diversity, and being able to socialize with different cultures in one nation was the next best thing to going to each individual country.” My mother did not become the lawyer that she dreamed of as a young girl but she did get her MBA in Business Travel and Tourism, she is a certified Para-legal, she got married and now has four children. She is an entrepreneur, and currently back in school ‘working on her masters in Psychology. She says that her success is a result of being in America and its friendliness to Immigrants. Additionally, she said that although she will WHY I AM GLAD AMERICA IS A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS always love the land of her birth, the day she gave her oath and became a Naturalized “American Citizen was a day that will forever bring joy to her. ‘The Caribbean brought us rice and peas with coconut milk, and Jerk meat and fish. India is famous for its spices such as curry. Mexicans introduced us to tortilla, the Spanish to another type of tortilla which is a breakfast dish made with eggs and potatoes. ‘The Asian people introduced us to Fried Rice and other Cantonese foods. Thave the pleasure of having friends of many cultures and they are all here in the country of my birth, The United States of America. One Nation under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. References: Cynthia Green ‘The pledge of allegiance

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