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ENG 2010


Morgan Nelson
March 2, 2016

Social Justice Issue

PhysicianAssisted Suicide & Euthanasia


Social Justice Issue

Physician AssistedSuicide

Notebook Prompt - 6b. What are some opportunities for change that you
have heard of, or that should be made? Write a poem composed of
questions about why these changes should/shouldnt occur and/or havent

If my will to die is stronger than your will is to keep me alive - for I am not
living but breathing - then what. Who will speak, who is the voice to carry
our plea to the legislators, judge, and jury and to those who do not yet hear
the cries, the lingering agony of bitter sweet goodbyes. Painful tears of
years of debris float past, scraping and scratching the window of a tall
skyscraper with the sign skewed reading live out your life - right - funded by
the government in hopes of looking super superior or of the kind? The
white stark whistle blows: pay please, pay, toot toot, here we are to take
your money as the days grow longer and your body grows weaker meeker
and plaid in color, mixed with emotion somber in crossing and chaos as
days end yet there is no end in sight. Ironic is the idea of gifting pen in hand
in order to represent a free land as I am locked in ethical binds and moral
chains of legal restraints. Family in denial, a decision on trial, who be thy
judge, thy worthy all mighty gavel wilding spite or sake worthy judge. Who
knew dying was such a vile wretched displaced notion of crazy as those
who decide our fate are so called "healthy, sane and wise", sure, sure, as it
were, to imagine this crude impetuous time suck keeping you from the lightso-to-speak - a useless expression to go along with with a useless
injunction dignity in one hand shit in the other no respect no respect. I
repeat - repeat - who will speak for the dying when allowing them the right
to decease? There is an in-justice at hand and we need to take a stand, if
not us than who? I ask if not you or I, than who? Who will help the
terminally ill die. Vote yes for proposition HB 31 death with dignity, the right
to die is a personal choice, not a political one.

If my will to die is stronger
than your will is to keep me alive for I am not living but breathing then what.
What have I?
Who will speak,
who is the voice to carry our plea
to the legislators, judge, and jury
and to those who do not yet hear the cries,
the lingering agony of bitter sweet goodbyes.
Painful tears of years of debris float past,
scraping and scratching the window of a tall skyscraper
with the sign skewed reading live out your life funded by the government
in hopes of looking super superior or of the kind?
The white stark whistle blows:
pay please, pay, toot toot, here we are to take your money
as days grow longer, body grows weaker, meeker, and plaid in color,
mixed with emotion somber in crossing and chaos
as days end yet there is no end in sight.

Ironic is the idea

gifting pen in hand
in order to represent a so-called free land
as I am locked in ethical binds
and moral chains of legal restraints.
Family in denial, a decision on trial,
who be thy judge,
thy worthy, all mighty, gavel wilding,
all mighty,
spite or sake worthy judge.
Who knew dying was such a vile
wretched displaced notion of crazy
as those who decide your fate are so called
"healthy, sane and wise"
sure, sure, as it were it will be.
To imagine this crude impetuous time suck
keeping you from the light-so-to-speak a useless expression
to go along with with a useless injunction
dignity in one hand shit in the other

no respect no respect
I repeat
-repeat who will speak for the dying
when allowing them the right to decease?
There is an in-justice at hand - take a stand.
If not us than who? I ask if not you or I, than who?
Who will help the terminally ill die.
Vote yes for proposition HB 31 death with dignity,
the right to die is a personal choice, not a political one.

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