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BNP Foreign relations to be determined by the protection of British national interest
Lab Push for international action to ensure meeting of the eight Millennium Development Goals
Con Create a National Security Council to integrate, at a high level of government, the work of foreign, defence,
energy, home and international development depts

Foreign Aid & International Development

GP Increase of the overseas aid budget to 1% of the UK's Gross National Investment (GNI). Plus introduce a
Tobin tax on speculative currency exchanges
GP Cancellation of the UK's debt for the 52 poorest countries
Lab Work with international partners to secure billion in aid for trade
Lab Provide 20 million bed nets by 2010 to prevent malaria
Con Committed to achieving the UN target of spending 0.7% of national income as aid by 2013
BNP Foreign aid linked to BNP voluntary resettlement policy. Nations taking significant people back to their
homelands get funds to help absorb those returning.
Con Spend £500 million a year to tackle malaria
Lib Increase aid spending to 0.7% of gross national income (GNI) by 2013
Con Create Independent Aid Watchdog to monitor the performance of the Department for International
Con Give people in poor countries more Control over how aid is spent - and give British people a vote over where
and how some of the aid is spent

Global Institutions
GP Work to reform and democratise both the International Monetery Fund and the World Bank
introduction of decision making by majority vote
Lab Press for reform of global institutions including the UN, the World Bank and the IMF
Con Reform of United Nations and the effective use of new ones such as the G20
GP Work to reform the UN Security Council by abolishing all permanent seats on the Security Coucil and
Con Effective use of the G20

Global Trade
Lab Ensure a trade agreement that benefits developing countries
Con Attempt to achieve a pro-development global trade deal
GP Work for the Incorporation of a General Agreement on Sustainable trade (GAST)
GP Amendment of the World Trade Organisation rules to allow states to discriminate in favour of local production,
ethical and environmentally friendly practices

Climate and Global CO2 emmissions

GP Call for the EU to attempt to gradually reduce the planet's Co² emissions and ensure entitlement to emit is
proportional to population, not affluence
Lab Secure a new World Bank-managed Strategic Climate Fund. Help poor countries with the impacts of climate
change and to pursue low carbon development

Lib Would demand a 'more legitimate government' in Afghanistan, tackling of corruption and involvement
Con Give greater importance to Conflict prevention and resolution
BNP No quarrel with any nation that does not threaten British interests
of other states in the region

Unilateral Relations
Con Commitment to the transatlantic alliance
BNP Maintain an independent British foreign policy
Con Build an effective relationship with China and enhance a 'new special relationship' with India

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