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Long term goals
Lab Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to at least 9.3 million tonnes of CO² per year by 2020
BNP Britain should be a clean, beautiful country, free of pollution
Lib Would aim to reduce carbon emissions in the UK by over 40% of 1990 levels by 2020,
and for the UK to be carbon neutral by 2050

Business and economy

BNP Enforce standards to curb practices which cause environmental damage by business
Con Introduce a voluntary arrangement among producers to cut back on the production of waste
and improve its disposal
Con Would look at regulatory reform to improve environmental standards
GP Reduction of waste by making waste reduction, re-use and recycling easier
Lib Would 'build a green infrastructure' for a sustainable eConomy
UKIP No to green taxes
UKIP Reduction of pollution and encouragement of recycling
BNP Enforce standards to curb practices which cause environmental damage by business

Nuclear and coal power stations

UKIP Use of clean coal
Lib Opposition of the Construction of further nuclear and coal power stations
UKIP Introduction of nuclear power plants on the same existing site facilities

Renewable and low carbon technology

GP Investment to low and zero-carbon sectors of the eConomy
UKIP No to wind farms
GP Support of renewable sources, including wind and micro-solar generation
Lab Step change in low carbon energy supply
Lib Would make energy companies create 'social' tariffs

Generating energy at home

Lib Creation of an 'eco-cashback' scheme where cash is paid to individuals who install
micro-generation technology at home.
Lib Energy can also be sold and fed back in to the National Grid at profit with a 'feed-in tariff'

Energy saving at home and public buildings

GP Retrofit homes, schools and hospitals with energy efficiency measures
Lab All new homes zero-carbon by 2015
Lib Ensure that the UK complies with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive,…
and raise the requirements of Building Regulations to ensure that homes are energy efficient
Lab 5 million households helped with insulation
Lab 100 million low energy light bulbs given out, and other energy saving products will be
provided to 4 million homes
Lab By 2011 old high-energy light bulbs phased out in favour of energy efficient bulbs

GP Reduction of emissions from aviation by ending the subsidy of the aviation industry

GP Improve public transport and rail to cut emissions from vehicles

Con Would 'put a floor under' landfill tax until 2020 to give businesses the chance to invest in
new forms of waste disposal
GP Reduction of waste by making waste reduction, re-use and recycling easier

Recycling at home
UKIP Reduction of pollution and encouragement of recycling
Con Encourage councils to adopt a scheme which gives incentives to families that recycle
GP Reduction of waste by making waste reduction, re-use and recycling easier

Carrier bags
Lab Phase out single-use carrier bags

National Parks and protection

Lib Make national parks democratically accountable, allowing a proportion of Park boards to be elected
Lib Create a new designation – similar to SSSI status – to protect green areas of particular importance

Town and country planning

Lib Scrap the Planning Act, return planning decision making to local people
Lib Would define gardens as greenfield sites in planning law so that they cannot so easily be built over
BNP Work to replace 1960s-style-architecture with a blend of traditional local styles and materials

Conservation and Biodiversity

Con Examine the case for introducing a Conservation credit system in England to provide an incentive to
invest in biodiversity

The Sea
Con Would work for wholesale reform of the Common Fisheries Policy

Con Encourage greater competition in the water industry to help reduce water bills and improve
efficiency and innovation

Extreme weather
Con Committed to increasing Britain's ability to cope with extreme weather Conditions

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