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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 25, 2016

What should education do to us and to our perceptions? Bhagawan lovingly

gives us an important message.
Expansion is the keynote of education. The first
step for this expansion is the home, where you
must revere and please your parents who gave
you this chance to live and learn. If you ill-treat
them or inflict grief on their minds, how can you
ever gladden others by service and
understanding? You know that when a balloon
is blown, it bursts and the air inside it merges
with the vast limitless expanse outside. So too
your love must fill your home and your society,
and finally burst even those bonds and become
worldwide. A drop of water held in the palm
evaporates soon; it is very solitary. But drop it
into the sea - it survives! It assumes the name,
the majesty and the might of a sea! Cultivate
the seeds of love in all hearts!
- Divine Discourse, Jul 25, 1975

Close your eyes to others faults, but keep them open to see your own mistakes. Baba

25 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:is`iKAw nUM swfy leI Aqy swfI bu`D leI kI krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,iek zrUrI sMdyS idMdy hn[
au`qr:ivsqwr krn nUM,is`iKAw ikhw jWdw hY[ivsqwr dw pihlw kdm,Gr hY ij`Qy quhwnUM,Awpxy mW-bwp dw sqkwr
krnw cwhIdw hY Aqy aunHW dI ie`zq krnI cwhIdI hY ikaoN jo aunHW quhwnUM,jIx Aqy is`Kx dw mOkw id`qw hY[jy qusIN
aunHW nwl dur-ivvhwr krdy ho Aqy aunHW dy mnW nUM pRySwn krdy ho qW qusIN,dUjy lokW nUM,aunHW dI syvw kr ky ikvyN
KuS kr skdy ho?qusIN jwxdy ho ik jd iksy gubwry iv`c hvw BrI jWdI hY qW jd auh Ptdw hY qW BrI hoeI hvw dw
ik`ny zor nwl ivsqwr huMdw hY[ausy qrHW ,quhwnUM Awpxy Gr Aqy smwj nUM,ipAwr nwl Br dyxw cwhIdw hY Aqy bwd
iv``c ,ies dw PYlwau,swry sMswr iv`c krnw cwhIdw hY[hQylI au`qy r`iKAw hoieAw pwxI dw qupkw bhuq jldI auV
jWdw hY ikauN jo ieh iek`lw huMdw hY[pr jy iesy qupky nUM,smuMdr iv`c imlw id`qw jwvy qW ies dw jIvn sur`iKXq ho
jWdw hY[ies pwxI dy qupky nUM vI smuMdr dw nW Aqy aus dI SkqI iml jWdI hY[ipAwr dy bIj nUM,swirAw idlW
iv`c bIjo[(25 julweI,1975 dy idvX pRvcn)[

dUijAW dy nuksW bwry,AwpxIAW A`KW bMd kr lau pr Awpxy nuksW nUM jwxx leI,AwpxIAW A`KW Kol ky

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