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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 26, 2016

What is the nature of the happiness we enjoy every day? How can we make it
permanent? Bhagawan lovingly explains us today.
In this vast world, every living being desires happiness that is
eternal. Where can we attain this happiness from? Beauty is
happiness, and happiness is the nectarous essence of life. Which
objects are beautiful in this world? A number of objects attract
people in various ways. You think it is the beauty of the objects that
attracts. But beauty is temporary, whether it is in human beings,
birds, animals, or things. For example, this is a rose. It looks so
beautiful. Its beauty gives happiness. But how long will its beauty
last? It may be there till today or tomorrow. Thereafter all its petals
will fall down and it will lose its shine. When it loses its beauty, it
will no longer give you happiness. Thus in this world, you cannot
find permanent beauty and permanent happiness. Only God is
permanent in this world; the rest is temporary like passing clouds.
Everlasting happiness can be attained only from God.
- Divine Discourse Jul 22, 1996

True devotion really means installing the Divine in the heart and enjoying
the bliss of that experience. Baba
26 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:ijhVI KuSI dw AwnMd,AsIN hr roz lYNdy hW,auh iks qrHW dI KuSI huMdI hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl
smJwauNdy n[
au`qr: ies bhuq v`fy sMswr iv`c, hr koeI aus KuSI dI ie`Cw r`Kdw hY ijhVI AnMq hY[ies qrHW dI KuSI,swnUM ik`QoN
imldI hY?suMdrqw KuSI hY Aqy KuSI,jIvn dy AimRq dw incoV hY[ikhVI vsqU,sMswr iv`c suMdr hY?bhuq swrIAW
cIzW, mnu`K nUM Awpxy vl iK`cdIAW hn[qusIN socdy ho ik vsqU dI suMdrqw quhwnUM Awpxy vl iK`cdI hY[pr ieh
suMdrqw AsQweI hY BwvyN ieh mnu`KI suMdrqw hovy jW pkSIAW dI,pSuAW jW hor cIzW dI hovy[audwhrx dy qOr
qy,ieh myry kol,gulwb dw Pu`l hY[ieh bhuq suMdr ivKweI idMdw hY[ies dI KUbsUrqI ,swnUM KuSI idMdI hY[pr
d`so,ieh KUbsUrqI ik`nI dyr qweIN rhy gI?ieh A`j jW kl qweIN hI rhy gI[jd ieh Pu`l AwpxI KUbsUrqI Ko dvy
gw,ieh quhwnUM KuSI nhIN dvy gw[ies leI quhwnUM ies sMswr iv`c,sQweI suMdrqw Aqy sQweI KuSI nhIN imly
gI[kyvl Bgvwn hI sQweI hn bwkI swrw ku`J,cldy hoey bdlW dI qrHW AsQweI hY[sQweI KuSI kyvl,Bgvwn qoN
hI pRpq kIqI jw skdI hY[(22 julweI,1996 dy idvX pRvcn)[
AslI Aqy s`cI BgqI dw ArQ hY ik Bgvwn nUM ihrdy iv`c sQwn dau Aqy aus qoN imly AwnMd dw AnuBv

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