Yr 8 Geo Lesson Plan 1

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Lesson Plan

Day: M T W T F Date: 16/02/2016 Time: Period 1

Learning Area: Geography

Year: 8

Topic: Geographical processes that produce


Curriculum content description: (from ACARA)

The geographical process that produce landforms, including a case study of one type of
landform, such as mountains, volcanoes, riverine or coastal landforms (ACHGK050)

Students prior knowledge and experience:

Students have a prior knowledge of plate tectonics, the boarders of plate tectonics and the
types of plate margins. They have an understanding of how plate margins create volcanoes.

Learning purpose:
Describing the influence of folding, faulting or volcanism on a chosen landform

Learning objectives:


On completion of this lesson, students will be

able to:

The students will draw and label a diagram of

a volcano

1. Explain how tectonic plate margins

(destructive & divergent) form a
2. Identify and name the landform
features of a volcano. i.e. the magma
chamber, pipe, cone, vent, side vent
and creator.

Preparation and Resources:

Whiteboard and whiteboard marker I will write on the board the weeks outcome and the
lesson outcome.
Students will bring exercise book, textbook and pencils.

Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments considerations for educational/resource adjustments)
There is a student with anxiety issues in the class. I must be aware of this and not risk
heightening their anxiety levels.

Timing: Learning Experiences:

5 mins

10 mins

Ensure that the students are lined up outside the classroom. Once they have
lined up I will let them into the room to stand behind their desks.
Say good morning and allow the students to sit at their desks
Instruct students to open their exercise books to a new page and write down
the week and lessons outcomes that are written on the board

With the class I will recap last weeks topic The geographical process that
produce landforms.

Ask students what plate tectonics are and what are the different types of
plate margins. Specifically, I will test the classes recollection of convergent,
destructive and divergent plate boundaries. I will ask which type of plate
margin is likely to create a volcano and why.

10 mins

As a class read Volcanic Landform Features, page 80 of Pearson Geography

S.B. I will pick students at random to read a chapter each.

15 mins

Ask the class What are the main points of the reading?. I will ask the
students to summarize the main points of the reading in three words or less.
I will create a mind map summary on the board based on the three word
points the students give me.

10 mins

5 mins

Set students the task of copying and labeling Figure 5.10 (page 80 of
textbook) into their exercise books.
As students finish their diagram I will ask them to explain to me the volcanic
features that they have labeled in the diagram and their function.

Ask students to pack up their things and be ready to leave. When students
have packed their things I will ask them to stand behind their desk

When all students have pack up and are standing behind their desk I will
dismiss them to their next class.

Lesson Evaluation:
I believe that I structured the lesson well. It was good to recap the previous weeks topic to
show how students previous learning would inform what they will learn this week. As students
were able to recount and explain plate margins accurately I knew that there was no need to reexplain last weeks topic in any great detail. We could move onto the new topic as students
retained the prior knowledge they needed to understand the lesson.
The class reading and summary went quickly as the class usually does this kind of activity with
their teacher. Students have a habit of reading out whole sentences straight from the textbook
when asked to summarise information so it was good to have them limit their summaries to
three words. That way we cut straight to the point of the text and there is less for me to write
on the board when making the mind map.
In the future when doing a whole class summary, I have to be sure to ask for students to raise
their hands before they respond to my questions. I did not do this after asking the class to
summarise the text which lead to many students calling out responses at the same time. It took
a bit of time to get everyone to calm down and stay quiet after that.
After students completed the diagram they were able to explain to me the features of a
volcano and their function. It was effective to have the students to draw the volcano diagram
as this helped them visualise what was happening. I neglected to write the page and figure
number of the diagram on the board which lead to many students taking a while to start the
activity. It wasnt until I walked around to check on their progress that they admitted that they
hadnt started as they did not remember what page the diagram was on.
When I plan lessons I should have an extra exercise ready in case we finish all activities early.
The class got through all activates faster than I had anticipated and so I allowed the students 8
minutes of free time before packing up. I should have something extra prepared that could be
used to complement the main lesson.

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