Disease Essay

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Death, always inevitable. There is always a disease that comes before it.
There are several different ways to treat them, but the overpowering disease always
comes back to take your life. A disease can be described as a disorder of structure
or function in a human, animal, or plant that produces signs or symptoms or that
affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury. On the
other hand, homeostasis has the tendency of the body to seek and maintain a
condition of balance or equilibrium within its internal environment, even when faced
with external changes. What disease does to the body is takes it takes the body the
farthest it can from homeostasis, to the brink of death. Unless the body can find a
way to defend itself and revert to homeostasis. Many people are being negatively
affected because of their lack of exercise and bad diets.
Obesity, a condition of being grossly fat and overweight, has been
skyrocketing through the nation over these past few years. The eating habits that
have become the norm are not assisting the amount of obese peoples decline. In
the video Weight of the Nation they state that 18+ percent of our children are
obese. 68.8% of adults are obese in America. More of the intake that people are
having these days may not be as nutritional as their body needs, but with their
crazy schedule, thats the closest they have to a home cooked meal, and fastest
thing they can calm their hunger. The number of obese patients keeps rising. The
percentage of Americans who are obese (with a BMI of 30 or higher) has tripled
since 1960, to 34 percent, while the incidence of extreme or "morbid" obesity (BMI
above 40) has risen six fold, to 6 percent.(As Americas Waistline Expands, Costs
Soar) Eating unhealthy processed food will take the body farther from homeostasis.
Because a person is in tacking more sugar and fattening foods that does not benefit
their body, their habits take the body away from homeostasis causing the body to

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store fat quickly to return to homeostasis. Although obesity is preventable, many
will not do what it takes to be healthy. Exercise and diet play a big role in obesity
and if you do it correctly, there is a possibility of becoming a normal weight and not
being as susceptible to other diseases as well.
One of the byproducts from obesity is cardiovascular disease, heart and blood
vessel disease, which has also been greatly affecting the people of the nation as
well. Because of the way people have become accustomed to dieting recently, a
buildup of plaque on the walls of the artery is being seen more common. This
disease has not always been prevalent, but has now been seen through more of the
nation through time. People have become more susceptible to it because of their
diets and the amount of exercise that they put into their daily lives. There are
several causes for the cardiovascular disease, but in the article Diseases and
conditions, the Mayo clinic staff states that Atherosclerosis is also the most
common cause of cardiovascular disease. Many of its causes can be corrected
such as drug problems, smoking, an unhealthy diet, high blood pressure, excessive
alcohol or caffeine consumption, a lack of exercise, and some over the counter
drugs. Most of the diseases today may impact your life in a harmful way, a person
just has to choose between good or bad, exercise and junk food.
With many people becoming obese, diabetes, a metabolic disease in which
the body cant produce enough insulin which creates elevated levels of glucose in
the blood, as well as myself, are widely susceptible to. In the article Living with
diabetes: Treatment and care, they claim that Diabetes is a common disease, yet
every individual needs unique care. Controlling blood sugar, managing insulin,
different medications, proper nutrition and a pancreas transplant are some of the
ways that diabetes may be managed and possibly cured. Because diabetes runs in

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my family, if I want to prevent it, I have to maintain a healthy diet and exercise to
keep my body healthy.
With the lives of many at risk of developing these diseases, for many people,
including myself, it has become more difficult and tedious to prevent it because kids
as well as adults have adapted very unhealthy lives. The norm of this society is to
keep your eyes on a screen all day long and either watch television or work in an
office. we'd collected a mass of research showing links between excessive
screen-time and obesity, sleep disorders, aggression, poor social skills, depression
and academic under-achievement. It's little wonder, then, that the boom in iPads
and smartphones has coincided with further deterioration in the physical and
mental health of children of all ages. This unnatural habit that many have created
for each other is destroying us and giving us more problems in having to deal with.
Through the years, health has been come to be questioned. Several diseases
that have been around for centuries have begun to boom and prevail giving us a
less chance of survival rate and more stress. We each deal with stress in different
ways, some dont eat, and some over eat to try and take the stress away. Whichever
the cause, many people throughout the years have been affected because of their
lack in physical activity and unhealthy diets, therefore being negatively affected by
it and gaining lots of unwanted diseases. Most diseases that can be found today are
usually because of the unhealthy life style choices people make.

Works Cited
Begley, Sharon. "As America's Waistline Expands, Costs Soar." reuters.com.
Ed. Michele Gershberg. Reuters, 30 Apr. 2012. Web. 27 Feb. 2016.

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Palmer, Sue. "Why the IPad Is a Far Bigger Threat to Our Children than
Anyone Realizes." dailymail.com. Daily Mail, 27 Jan. 2016. Web. 27 Feb.
2016. <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3420064/Why-iPadfar-bigger-threat-children-realises-Ten-years-ago-psychologist-SUEPALMER-predicted-toxic-effects-social-media-sees-worrying-newdanger.html>.
Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Diseases and Conditions: Heart Disease." mayoclinic.org.
Mayo Clinic, 29 July 2014. Web. 27 Feb. 2016.
"Treatment and Care." diabetes.org. American Diabetes Association, n.d.
Web. 28 Feb. 2016. <http://www.diabetes.org/living-withdiabetes/treatment-and-care/>.
The Weight of the Nation. theweightofthenation.com. Weight Of The Nation,
n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2016. <http://theweightofthenation.hbo.com/>.

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