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Yela Ma

Professor Kahn
Geography 1
Hazard Lithosphere Maps (Eruptions in Oregon)
Local Scale Map

The map shown is a local map of Oregon. There is a Shield-term volcano in between two
lakes, Paulina and East Lake. There is no pattern in this picture. The difference in colors
represents the different types of volcanoes that have occurred in the state of Oregon. Volcanic

eruptions happen because of the density and pressure. Some volcanic eruptions are not dangerous
but they do explode. Some eruptions can be very dangerous and harmful.

Regional Scale Map

The image above illustrates a regional map of Oregon. In this map, there are many more
volcanoes listed in the region. There are various colors that determine the different types of
volcano eruptions that have occurred. Each color represents a different volcano. The pattern in
this picture is that it is forming along from Portland to Bend, Oregon. By observing the map, it
looks like there are more than five volcanoes in the state of Oregon.

Global Scale Map

The map shown above is all of the known volcanoes in the United States. Volcanoes have
various colors that represent different types of volcano. The pattern seen above in the map is
occurring more than usual is along the coast line. The process of these volcanoes have similar
formation. However, not all volcanoes are the same. When volcano eruptions occur, lava and
molten rocks splurge all over the ground causing violent hazards. A solution to prevent harm in
the human race and other living organisms can be from building indestructible walls of some sort
that is able to compete with extremely hot lava.

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