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Dear readers,

Hope this email finds very well!

Perhaps you may know me already but anyways if you don’t, please give me a little of your
value time to introduce you about myself and my organization. My name’s Vichetr Uon. I
initiated to esablish Sao Sary Foundation in 2006 after gaining over ten [10] years experience
working with many organizations fighting against trafficking on women and children in
Cambodia through rescue, rehabilitation, reintegration and repatriation before I was employed
at Church World Service in Cambodia. CWS is a biggest international organization provided
Integrated Community Development services to poorest of the poor and vulnerable people and
their communities in Cambodia since 1979.

SSF is the results of merging both successful and failed experiences that mostly I acquired and
they were used to create a new innovative solution in helping support poorest and the most
vulnerable people, to lift the burden that often leads to violence, exploitation, abuse and
especially trafficking and prevent it happening again for the families and communities SSF
provides assistances. Our proactive approach leads to positive impacts to the poorest and the
most vulnerable families. So far at least a hundred most vulnerable families and over 60
vulnerable children benefit through this unique approach.

SSF aims to alleviate child poverty in Cambodia’s poorest communities, while preventing all
forms of violence, exploitation and abuse against children, especially commercial sexual
exploitation, trafficking, child labor and child marriage. We do this through a proactive approach
in protecting children from any form of violence, exploitation and abuse. Rather than waiting
until it’s too late, SSF strives to identify at risk children and provide sustainable assistance to
both the children and their families. It is our mission to achieve lasting improvements for
children living in poverty in Cambodia's poorest communities, through a process that unites
people across cultures and adds meaning and value to their lives.

SSF's Child Protection Program assists over 60 vulnerable children in care ranging from room
and board, medical care, education, and vocational skills training. Our program affords them the
opportunity to be children and not have to worry about the burdens of finding work to support
their families. Such desperation makes them vulnerable to being trafficked.

SSF is extremely succeed with our proactive approaches that we provides special care and
opportunities to vulnerable children to develop themselves to be key agents and are able helping
to their families, communities and their country in the future. But however, the economic
downturn made us facing an immediate crisis due to lack of funding. SSF is seeking funds of
US$25,000 to continue operations for our Child Protection Program for a period of 12 months
[ends on 31 August 2010] while we continue efforts to acquire long-term funding.

Any immediate assistance that can be provided to SSF would be greatly appreciated than could
be described. If you or anyone you know are aware of any emergency grants (i.e. one-time grants
that have short/no waiting periods and/or not attached to any partnership agreements), please
email us via Additionally, personal donations can be made
Thank you for your time and consideration of the plight of these children.

PS: SSF is an organization filmed by BBC this year about its innovative solutions to end child
trafficking on the ground. The film will be the subject to deliver its link and CD after releasing.

Sincerely Yours,

Vichetr Uon,
Executive Director & Founder

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