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Transport in Plants
To identify the structure and position of xylem and
Identify the root water takes through the plant
Explain how the plant is adapted for this
Video link
REVISION: What is this and
how is it adapted for its

Pathway of water movement

Root hair cell root cortex cells xylem mesophyll cells

Demo set up

Inside a plant stem

Plants contain two types of cell adapted for transportation.

Which cells transport nutrients?

Xylem cells transport water

and minerals up the stem
from the roots to the shoots
and leaves. This transport
occurs in one direction only.

Phloem cells transport sugars

produced in the leaves up
and down the stem to
growing and storage tissues.
The cells are arranged in plants as vascular bundles.
Both phloem and xylem form continuous systems
connecting roots, stems and leaves.

What are vascular


Cells in the vascular


Task: Cut and paste



Xylem Vessels
carries water and mineral ions to the leaves.

Phloem Vessels
carries sugar (sucrose) to growing parts and storage

no organelles or cytoplasm. Therefore no obstruction

no nucleus or organelles so sugar flow is not impeded.
to the flow of water and mineral ions.
made of dead cells.

made of living cells.

cell walls thickened by spirals of lignin. This prevents

the cells from collapsing inwards.

cell wall made of cellulose

no cytoplasm as they are empty dead cells.

thin cytoplasm- cells must remain alive otherwsie sugar

transport stops.
flow is in two directions, upwards from leaves to
flowers, fruits and buds, also from storage organs to
new stems and leaves. and downwards from leaves to

flow is always upwards.

no end walls.
FUNCTION transports water and mineral ions. Also
provides structural support.
do not have contain companion cells.

pores in end walls (sieve plates) allow substances to

pass from one cell to the next.
FUNCTION transport sugars, amino acids and
tissue also has companion cells. These do not transport
substances but carry out some life processes for the
cells in the trasnport vessel

Kahoot quiz

Complete worksheet
Extension answer summary questions on
page 91

1. A transverse section of a

2. A transverse section of a

3. A transverse section of a

3. Am I a xylem vessel or
phloem vessel????

My function is to
transport sugars and
amino acids.

4. Am I a xylem vessel or
phloem vessel????

I am made of dead cells

with no end cell walls.

5. Am I a xylem vessel or
phloem vessel????

My walls are reinforced

with lignin

6. Am I a xylem vessel or
phloem vessel????

I transport
substances from
roots via stem to

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