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Domestic Violence


Problem Background

Domestic Violence is the willful physical assault, battery, sexual assault,

and/ or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power
and control perpetrated by one intimate partner to another (

Any gender, race, age, sexual orientation can experience dv

Nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate

partner (

1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been victims of some form of

physical violence by an intimate partner (

In 2 out of 3 female homicide cases, females are killed by a family

member or intimate partner. (

Demand for a Domestic Violence


A member from the MoveOn advocacy group created a petition for a

domestic violence offender registry

Having a petition will allow citizens to see that someone has a history
of domestic violence before its too late

If the offenders information is made public that cut down the number of
occurrences. It could make a difference in choosing a significant other.

Support the Petition

The demand for a domestic violence registry is a petition that needs to

be delivered to the house of representatives, senate and president.

There are 800 signatures so far and we need 3000

You can sign the petition at:
Or you can email : or

Email to Representative
Good Afternoon Mr. Graham,
My name is Shanice Taylor, and I am a senior at the University of North Carolina at
Pembroke. I am currently majoring in social work and would like to work with either
children or domestic violence victims. I have volunteered at the local domestic violence
center in Lumberton, and I amcurrentlyinterning at CEED in Fayetteville. Iam emailing
you today in regards to a petition for adomestic violence offender registry for all states.
The petition was founded by I am a strong believer that this registry could
be verybeneficialto everyone. I believe that domesticviolence is a social problem that
society fails to paysufficientattention to. As a result many lives are being lost
daily.Please sign this petition at: Thank you for your time.
Best Regards,
Shanice Taylor

Email to NC U.S. Senator

Senator Burr,

My name is Elizabeth Taylor , I am a student from the University of North

Carolina at Pembroke. I am a senior in the BSW program. I am writing you today
to advocate for domestic violence victims. Every minute, 20 people are physically
abused by their partner. In addition, in 2 out of 3 female homicide cases, females
are killed by a intimate partner or family friend. Domestic violence is a social
problem that society has failed to pay sufficient attention to. As a result many
people are losing their life daily. Please support this petition for a domestic
violence offender registry. With this registry, offenders history and information
will remain open to the public eye. I am a strong believer that if this is passed, it
will cut down on the number of occurrences and help save lives. Please support
this petition at :
source=search. Thank you for your time.


Move On. (2015). Demand for domestic violence offenders registry for
all states just as we have sex offenders registry. Retrieved from

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. (2016). What is domestic

violence? Retrieved from

Safe Horizon. (2016). Domestic violence: statistics & facts. Retrieved


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