1920's Celebrity Guest List Bingo

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1920s Celebrity Guest List Bingo


Directions: Read the hints below and decide which celebrity goes in
each box. Once you meet that celebrity at our party, get their
autograph in the appropriate box. Use the first line to write the name
of the celebrity and the second to write the name of the student
playing that celebrity.
Produced affordable
automobiles using
assembly line mass
He completed the
first trans-Atlantic
flight in 1927
First cabinet
member for Harding
convicted and sent
to prison for taking
bribes for oil lands

Lost Generation
author who wrote
The Great Gatsby
Founder of the UNIA
who encouraged
blacks to return to
Famous Jazz
musician who was
born in extreme
poverty and grew
up in New Orleans

Attorney General
and tenacious
pursuer of
radicals during
the red scare
Governor Of New
York and first
Catholic democratic
candidate in 1928

African American
poet who was very
influential in the
Harlem Renaissance
Italian immigrant
who were convicted
of murder and
executed sparking
world wide protest



Created the
character the
tramp in his silent

Famous Italian actor
nicknamed the
Latin Lover who
stared in The Sheik



Chicago gangster
and bootlegger who
was eventually
convicted of tax

Fought in the courts

to teach evolution
in public schools

Famous baseball
player known as the
Great Bambino

Lost Generation
author who wrote
The Sun Also Rises







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